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Senior Projects

Extended project to demonstrate proficiency in an area of theatre; acting, directing, design, history and criticism. Student will demonstrate proficiency in achievement of program goals and objectives as set down in the Theatre Assessment Plan. Prerequisite: Senior status and consent of instructor.

Theatre 402: Senior Project — Acting

  • This project is to serve as a culmination of all the training the student has received in their performance education at UW Oshkosh.
  • The student shall select, rehearse and perform four monologues:
    • Two of the monologues will be chosen from the classical period (with at least one being Shakespeare)
    • Two of the monologues will be chosen from the contemporary period, 1920 to present

The student will meet with the instructor on an as need basis to review the status of assignments. The student will rehearse monologues at the minimum, four times. The instructor needs to have worked with the student on each of the four monologues at least once well in advance of the final performance date. These monologues should be prepared as if for a regional theatre audition.

At the time of the performance:
  • The student will present an 8 x 10 color headshot and a resume.
  • The student will conduct him/herself with proper decorum of a professional audition.
  • The student will be appropriately dressed for a professional audition.
  • The student will also turn in a 5-10 page character analysis of one of the characters chosen for audition.
  • Before the student leaves the final, she/he needs to complete an outgoing student theatre department assessment sheet in order to receive the final grade for the project.

The acting students will receive a criteria sheet that includes all the acting skills that are expected to be addressed in this final performance/audition.

Sample Acting Resume

Theatre 402: Senior Project — Directing

The student may elect to direct a one act or full length play. A facility supervisor will be appointed who will act as the student director’s adviser and will assign the final grade. The student will prepare the following documentation to be reviewed by the faculty adviser at the time indicated.

I – Before Rehearsals Begin

A. Research background on tile play to include the following:

1. Production history of the play with discussion of reviews of significant productions

2. Biographical material on the playwright

3. Discussion of the other works by the playwright

4. Historical background on the period and place in which the play is set

5. Bibliography of works consulted

B. Analysis of the play which includes:

1. Thematic analysis

2. Analysis of the plot structure

3. Character descriptions

4. Statement of production concept

II – During Rehearsal Process

A. Prompt Book which contains

1. Rehearsal Schedule

2. Floor Plan

3. Costume Plot

4. Prop Plot

5. Publicity Copy

6. Text of the play with blocking

III – After the Production Closes

A. Self-assessment of the production process

The student will present an oral review of the directing process to a committee of the theatre facility. The faculty adviser, in consultation with other members of the committee, will write an evaluation of the project for inclusion in the student’s report.

Sample Directing Resume 

Theatre 402: Senior Project — Design/Tech

Senior Project Portfolios (design and technology)

Portfolios should be representative of the interests of the student in the area of tech and design.

Each portfolio should include:
  • a resume with three references and contact information
  • representative material from realized productions and class work from at least three project — these projects should be connected to work that was done in class or for the department/studio productions during their time at UWO

Note: Students should consult with an adviser regarding the choice of material to be included.

Representative Material

A. Design Portfolios may include work from one or more areas (examples: a set design for one production, costume design for another and lighting for another). See the area of design for specific requirements for the projects.

Scenic Design

a. script analysis and concept statement

b. sketches

c. complete set of drafted plans for at least one show (minimum ground-plan, elevation and section)

d. choose ONE of the following:

-white model with painter elevations (include basic furniture and figure to scale)

-painted model (include basic furniture and figure to scale)

-perspective rendering of each set

e. production of shots if applicable

Costume Design

a. script analysis and concept statement

b. sketches

c. costume plot

d. color boards for multi scene/costume production with 6″ figures

e. renderings (10-12″) with fabric swatches for at least eight characters

d. appropriate paperwork for realized productions (ex. budgets, detail drawings)

e. production shots if applicable

Lighting Design

a. script analysis and concept statement

b. storyboards of major lighting cues

c. light plot

d. hookup sheets

e. samples of gel colors used

f. production shots if applicable

Sound Design

a. scrip analysis and concept statement

b. sound plots

c. cue sheets

d. equipment lists

e. sample cuts (CD format preferred)

B. Technology Portfolios may include work from one or more areas (ex. costumes and props) but should include a minimum of three projects.

Specific requirements:

Costume Technology

a. research of costume for specific time period (patterns and construction)

b. drafts of patterns used

c. muslin mock ups of patterns

d. finished garments

e. photographs detailing process of construction

Furniture/Prop Technology

a. research of furniture/prop for specific time period (patterns and construction)

b. drafts of patterns used

c. mock ups

d. finished prop

e. photographs detailing process of construction

C. Management Portfolios

Stage Management portfolios should include material on three shows:

a. at least one show organized into a production package

b. script showing all blocking and technical notations

c. rehearsal and performance notes

d. paperwork relating to show: cast-lists, schedules, phone-lists, pre-show, post-show, duties

e. copies of technical paperwork such as: ground-plans, light and sound plans, wardrobe breakdown, prop shift, scenic shift, etc.

D. History

Costume history/curation*

a. research paper on the time period(s)

b. visual examples of garments, accessories of time period

c. patterns of garments and accessories of the time period

d. if garments are being dated, as in costume curation, summary should include an approximate date of garment based on evidence in paper and examples submitted

*Range of project must be approved by adviser.

Sample Design/Tech Resume

Information needed to fill out the application for the senior project:

  • Name
  • Phone #
  • Area of Emphasis
  • Graduation Date
  • Brief Description of Senior Project
  • Course Schedule
  • Presentation Date
  • Adviser’s Signature


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Buy Tickets at box office

(920) 424-4417

Theatre Office (920) 424-7042
Costume Shop (920) 424-0286

Jane Purse-Wiedenhoeft, Chair
(920) 424-4425
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