SOS Faculty Experience

Course Evaluations Available

Student Opinion Surveys are available two weeks before a 14-week term ends and one week before a 7-week term or shorter term ends based on the last day of courses as listed in Titan Web (PeopleSoft.) When the survey period begins, students receive an email from containing instructions on how to access their individualized portal and complete the Student Opinion Survey. The portal will contain a list of their courses and available surveys. Students will receive two reminder emails before survey expiration. All surveys expire at 11:59 p.m. on the last day of the term as listed in Titan Web (PeopleSoft.)


  • Instructors are no longer notified through email regarding when the SOS will go out, as it is the same every semester (see above) .
  • Faculty & Instructors will be able to check the return rate in their classes & create/adapt their own messaging to their students as needed, but the Instruction and Course Response page is closed to prevent skewed data during this heavy response time.
  • The above timeline is adjusted for courses that do not end on the traditional UW Oshkosh end dates.


General Overview of the SOS Process for Instructors 

Students will receive an email notification that the survey period is open. We have developed email templates instructors can send to students to remind them course evaluations are opened.
Your SOS Results:  Instructor Dashboard 

Instructors can check to see if their data is available to view in their Instructor Dashboard  30 days or less  after the current semester’s deadline for submitting final course grades has elapsed.  Please remember, if less than 5 students filled out the survey (or less than 5 students were enrolled in the class) there will be no data, per Faculty Senate Policy.

You will be able to view, retrieve, and analyze your data in a variety of ways.  THE SOS OFFICE DOES NOT DOWNLOAD AND SEND RESULTS TO YOU.  Per Faculty Senate policy, faculty own their own data and therefore, only faculty can view, retrieve, analyze, reformat and report their own data.  Results will be updated after every session in which the instructor teaches a course.  Instructions and tutorials are available on the Dashboard Guide for Instructors. PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND SAVE YOUR RESULTS EVERY SEMESTER.

PLEASE NOTE: Dashboard Access Changes During Survey Collection

During survey collection, your SOS Instruction and Course Response page will no longer be accessible until the completion of the term.

Any questions regarding SOS procedures should be directed to the SOS Administrator ().

More resources:

Survey Administration Best Practices

Emails Instructors Can Send Students

How to Review Response Rate Report

Dashboard Guide for Instructors

2022 Improvement of Instruction (IOI) committee update


Testing Services

Polk Library, Lower Level - Room 3 for STN center, Room 6 for Business Testing
801 Elmwood Avenue, Oshkosh, WI 54901

North Clow 201 for Accommodated Testing: 805 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI  54901


Contact Us

Phone: (920) 424-1432