Student Opinion Survey

UW Oshkosh uses a university-wide Student Opinion Survey (SOS) instrument for all sections of all courses that consists of a common set of question prompts. Qualtrics Classroom is the university’s course evaluation solution. It is a web-based course evaluation process for university faculty and students.

Course evaluations are open two weeks before the last day of term for 14-week classes and one week before the last day of term for 7-week and shorter classes.

View a sample Student Opinion Survey here.

To log into your Qualtrics Classroom account, please go to and use your University NetId to log in.  For more specific instructions, please click go to Dashboard Guide for Instructors

Click here to view a 2022 video from the Improvement of Instruction (IOI) committee with information on what the committee has been working on this year. 

A process for implementing department level questions is being developed by the Improvement of Instruction Committee. A list of approved lab instruction questions is below. In addition, departments with lab identifiers in PeopleSoft have the opportunity to select additional questions that will be included in the course evaluation. Instructors should contact their department chair to find out which questions their department has selected.

Click here to view Lab Instruction Questions
  1. The lab materials (e.g., handouts, readings, videos, etc.) helped me learn.
  2. The laboratory activities (e.g., measurements, data collection and analysis, simulation exercises, discussions, peer interactions, etc.) helped me learn.
  3. The instructor clearly explained and/or demonstrated procedures related to the laboratory experience.
  4. The instructor clearly explained how laboratory experiences support my ability to meet course expectations.
  5. The introductory instructions to laboratory activities were helpful.
  6. The instructor clearly communicated laboratory safety regulations (e.g., material/equipment handling, wearing protective gear, no food/drink).
  7. The instructor consistently enforced laboratory safety regulations (e.g., material/equipment handling, wearing protective gear, no food/drink).
  8. The instructor’s clinical demonstrations were clear.
  9. The instructor’s experimental demonstrations were clear.
  10. The range of clinical situations, settings, and/or experiences helped me learn.
  11. The range of laboratory/experimental situations, settings, and/or experiences helped me learn.
  12. The instructor helped me develop and be able to demonstrate effective laboratory technique.
  13. The writing components of the laboratory activities (e.g., lab reports, debriefs) helped me learn.
  14. Laboratory activities, experiences, and/or materials provides opportunities to develop teamwork skills.
  15. Laboratory provides opportunities to explore and discover on my own.
  16. Laboratory provides opportunities to explore and discover with assistance from the instructor.
  17. Laboratory lesson/activity concepts and procedures are clearly communicated.

Testing Services

Polk Library, Lower Level - Room 3 for STN center, Room 6 for Business Testing
801 Elmwood Avenue, Oshkosh, WI 54901

North Clow 2o1 for Accommodated Testing: 805 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI  54901


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Phone: (920) 424-1432