Stormaggedon and Orangutans


Orangutans are highly intelligent animals and keeping them mentally engaged and challenged is paramount for Melbourne zoo keepers and researchers. One project being trialed, is using Xbox technology to enrich their experience and to encourage positive human-animal interactions. It's also hoped the technology could be adapted to give orangutans more control over their own environment, such as the temperature and lighting. Don't miss reporter, Graham Phillips gaming with orangutans. In the first week of June, four states were battered by a ferocious East Coast Low unusual in its size, damaging storm surge and intense rainfalls. Tasmania was under a deluge as an unprecedented 7 rivers broke their banks in torrential downpours. Huge seas and an unusual wave direction carved out huge sections of waterfront properties and flooded low lying areas. Did warmer temperatures play a role? How are storm patterns changing across Australia and will we see more like this? Catalyst investigates the so-called "Stormageddon.


28 min 17 sec




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