How Hollywood Does It - Film History & Techniques of Lighting


How Hollywood Does It is a look at the history, techniques, movements and people who create the magic of motion pictures. This program focus's on lighting and how a cinematographer and lighting engineer work together to showcase what is put before the camera. Lighting is a crucial component to filmmaking because it enables the director to say, "Look here, not there," or to light up an entire scene so we can peruse what's in the film's frame. Without light we are left with this - LIGHTS OFF - nothing. We need light to see the film and we need lighting engineers to handle and control the lighting so the director can attain the look they want. Quite often what makes an average production exceptional is the lighting. This program discusses what tools are used to create different lighting set-ups and uses a number of examples to illustrate how this important element is decided.


26 min 25 sec




Films on Demand

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