

A pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, usually divided into three parts called trimesters. During the first trimester, hormonal changes in the body can affect the pregnant woman's emotions, the breasts became enlarged and tender, and morning sickness may occur. At the end of the first trimester, the fetus is about pinky-finger size, and nearly all its internal organs start to develop. During the second trimester, nausea eases up and may be replaced by heartburn and indigestion. The stomach bulge becomes noticeable and stretch marks appear as the abdominal skin expands. The baby grows rapidly, and facial features, arms, and legs develop. The pregnant woman begins to feel the baby move. During the third trimester, the pregnant woman feels bulky and clumsy and can be uncomfortable either awake or asleep. Her navel might protrude. Close to delivery, the baby's growing body pushes the mother's abdominal organs up under the diaphragm. Eventually the baby drops down into the pelvic cavity.


2 min



Date of Publication

[2013], c2010


Films on Demand

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