Cardiac Conduction System. Intermediate


Specialized cardiac muscle cells, collectively known as the Cardiac Conducting System, coordinate heart contractions. The main components of this system are the SA node, AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches, and Purkinje fibers. The contraction process starts with a signal from the SA node (also called the anatomical pacemaker), causing the artrial muscles to contract. The signal then travels to the AV node, through the bundle of His, down the bundle branches, and through the Purkinje fibers, causing the ventricles to contract. The signal creates an electrical current that can be detected by an electrocardiograph. The printout of the electrocardiograph is an electrocardiogram, or EKG. Doctors look for changes in EKG patterns when diagnosing heart problems.


1 min



Date of Publication

[2013], c2010


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