What's holding you back?


This inspirational video profiles 7 of the most successful people in history and the immense obstacles they had to overcome. Amelia Earhart had to overcome the intense sexism of her day. Franklin Delano Roosevelt endured Polio which left him paralyzed and in excruciating pain. Henry Ford was born penniless and suffered 2 bankruptcies. Abraham Lincoln failed 7 times in bids for public office and faced the death of countless loved ones. Thomas Edison was almost entirely deaf and spent time broke and homeless. Nelson Mandela endured institutionalized racism and decades in prison. Helen Keller was completely blind and deaf by the age of 2. We all face obstacles but amazingly some of the most successful people in history have overcome some of the most difficult obstacles. A great way to start or close any business meeting or training, What's Holding You Back? will inspire your staff to reach for greatness.


3 minutes




Alexander Street

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