Sexual harassment prevention made simple for California managers


Train your California managers and supervisors on California specific sexual harassment law. This program tailored for management and supervisory employees covers every aspect of California mandates in a simple, concise, no-nonsense manner. In California, sexual harassment is defined by both the Fair Employment and Housing Act and Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Fair Employment and Housing Act has unique harassment training requirements and it's vital that organizations in California train their employees on the specifics of the law. After completing this course, your employees will have a firm grasp of the law and understand their rights as well as the repercussions they will face if they break the law. This program covers: The rights employees have under California law; Best practices for managers; Quid Pro Quo harassment; Hostile environment harassment; Specific conduct that could result in a harassment claim; Specific guidance under California law for managers and supervisors; Complaint Procedures and the Manager or Supervisor's Role in Complaint Procedures; Supervisor Liability in California law; The consequences of perpetrating harassment; and much more.


16 minutes





Alexander Street

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