Legal e-mail & text messaging at work


E-mail and text messaging have become the primary form of communication for many employees. Both, are easy, convenient and efficient to use. However, they have become so casual and commonplace that people tend to forget about the dangers of these electronic forms of communication and these dangers are very real! The illegal and inappropriate use of e-mail could have serious repercussions for both management and employees. E-mail is permanent ... it is virtually impossible to erase an e-mail or text message. Any communication sent via either method is part of an organization's permanent record and can be subpoenaed in a legal action against an employee or employer. In addition, e-mail and text messaging are NOT private. Any e-mail sent from an employer's devices, or from an employer's servers is the property of that employer. This means that employees should have no expectation of privacy with electronic communication. This production covers every legal aspect of e-mail and texting in the workplace from the permanence and privacy of e-mail to an explanation of each major type of content that should never be sent via e-mail. Make sure your organization is protected from liability and train all of your employees on the legal use of e-mail and text messaging in the workplace today. This program covers: Why e-mail is permanent; Why e-mail is NOT private; The dangers of texting at work; Harassment & Bullying; Confidential Information; Insider Trading; Trade Secrets; Viruses; Copyrighted Materials; Defamation; The consequences of sending inappropriate e-mail.


9 minutes





Alexander Street

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