Political assassination. The case of Aldo Moro. Death in Rome


Early 1978, the President of the leading Italian Christian Democratic Party, Aldo Moro, was working on an historic compromise that would allow communists in a coalition government. He had even persuaded Communist Party leader Enrico Berlinger to cut ties with Moscow in return for a role in government. It was a new vision of democratic power-sharing which infuriated the Establishment. On May 9, 1978, in the center of Rome, police discover his body in the trunk of a Renault 4. He had been shot in the heart eleven times after being kidnapped by terrorists of the Extreme Left-The Red Brigades. Today many believe that the killing was really the work of an unholy alliance of conspirators- the Italian Secret Service, right wing politicians and the CIA- who had tricked the terrorist group Red Brigades into doing their dirty work.


53 minutes







Alexander Street

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