A research-based couples treatment for domestic violence


Drs. John and Julie Gottman will present a state-of-the-art review of how to conceptualize and treat the highly intractable problem of domestic violence toward intimate partners. They will review the research literature and present a conceptualization of the issues in treating this population. They will describe a highly successful randomized clinical trial study and the results that demonstrate long-term follow up effectiveness. Educational Objectives: List the differences between situational and characterological domestic violence, and understand why this distinction is important and necessary. Identify the three criteria for screening out characterological domestic violence. List the three focal issues in treating situational domestic violence, and understand why a couples' approach is necessary. Describe the immediate and long-term longitudinal results of the CTAV couples' group intervention in self-report, archival, physiological, and observational data.


102 minutes




Alexander Street

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