Global English. Episode 1


Global English helps English speakers and learners improve the clarity of their phonics, enhance the grammar of their spoken English, master the parts of speech, and boost their writing skills. The grammar of spoken English is VERY important, because good grammar enables us to clearly express our meaning. Still, if we are asked to talk about grammar, most of us feel rather fearful, because we either did not learn grammar in school, or we simply forgot the grammar rules we've learned. Throughout the program, we describe in brief subject rules entries that are integrated with parts of the grammar of spoken English. When we've set out brief rules, we did not mean to explain each individual grammatical term. We draw on general terms that are used in grammars of other languages, as well as in English. We looked at what we use the parts of speech for, when do we use them, and why. Our concept will make it easier for learners to get a better insight into the structure of the English language, which is very simple in essence.


34 minutes





Alexander Street

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