Power of formative assessment to advance learning. Student motivation and achievement. 1


For any school or district considering or already using formative assessment, here is the ultimate tool to support teachers and help them visualize how they can succeed. Use the DVDs and User Guide in workshops, teams, and study groups to quickly and effectively explain what formative assessment is, why it's important for teachers to use this approach in the classroom, and how to use formative assessments to gather evidence about student learning and use this evidence to adjust teaching. Experts and practitioners on the DVDs explain the main functions of formative assessment and the basic process teachers use to implement formative assessment in the classroom. Throughout all three DVDs, scenes from elementary and secondary classrooms show formative assessment strategies that teachers use to diagnose and address student learning problems. All three DVDs with the activities from the User Guide help you move your school closer to integrating the teaching-learning-assessment process to improve student achievement in all grades and subjects.


24 minutes





Alexander Street

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