A six-step process for teaching vocabulary


Educational Consultant: Robert J. Marzano Here's the best tool to show that effective vocabulary instruction is way more than just giving students a list of words. Use the DVD with teacher groups and workshops to explain why it's easier for students to understand academic content when they've been taught the academic terms in your content standards. Then use classroom scenes to introduce teachers to the most effective way for teaching academic vocabulary.Demonstrations from elementary and secondary classrooms show examples of a research-based, six-step vocabulary teaching process. Your workshop audience sees actual classroom teachers walk through the vocabulary teaching process and use the ASCD student and teacher materials to build students' academic vocabulary. These classroom examples and lots of teacher tips ensure that teachers grasp the instructional process right away and find it easier to implement. When all the teachers in your school focus on the same academic vocabulary and teach it in the same way, your school has a powerful comprehensive approach.


49 minutes





Alexander Street

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