Say Brother. Violence On Women


Program focuses on the sexual victimization, harassment, and abuse of women. Program stems from a series of brutal rapes and murders perpetrated against women in Boston that generated a storm of public protest and the women's rally that followed. Host Barbara Barrow-Murray speaks with guests Evelyn Lee, Consuelo Gonzalez-Thornell, Renee Harriston, Ledith Lugo, Renae Scott (who works in the Say Brother office), and Barbara Bullette, about how women are changing their attitudes about themselves, and how that attitude change can be a determining factor when they ever become victims of violence. Topics include rape, verbal and physical abuse (including spousal), reactions to abuse from the police, and self protection. Includes viewer calls, footage of the 'Take Back the Night March' in Boston, August 1979, and a short segment titled 'Something Personal' by Nancy Porter of WGBH TV (in which a rape victim is interviewed by a counselor).


58 minutes





Alexander Street

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