Medical radiation. Controversy and dose reduction tips


Contemporary imaging technologies provide remarkable views and diagnostic/treatment guidance in numerous regions of the human body. But how safe are these technologies to the patient in terms of radiation exposure? In recent years, several reports on the evening news, some based on study results in respected peer-reviewed journals, have created significant alarm and concern. In this presentation, excerpted from the Penn Radiology Review: An Update in Thoracic, Cardiovascular, Breast, and Body Imaging (available on-demand at, Dr. Gotway reviews the basics of radiation exposure with the use of medical imaging and systematically examines studies that have measured safety. While acknowledging that radiation is a carcinogen, he balances the exposure risk with clinical benefit, and compares medical imaging radiation exposure with common environmental radiation. Recommendations for medical radiation dose reduction are also covered in this balanced presentation separating the fears from the facts.


52 minutes




Alexander Street

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