Algebra 2 tutor. Solving systems of equations in three variables


This lesson teaches students how to solve a system of equations that contain three independent variables. Students are shown how to simplify the equations and substitute them in such a way to cancel one or more variables which then leads to the solution. Numerous examples are presented to illustrate this technique. The Algebra 2 Tutor is a complete 15 lesson series covering all of the core topics in detail. What sets this series apart from other teaching tools is that the concepts are taught entirely through step-by-step example problems of increasing difficulty. It works by introducing each new concept in an easy to understand way and using example problems that are worked out step-by-step and line-by-line to completion. If a student has a problem with coursework or homework, simply find a similar problem fully worked on in the series and review for the steps needed to solve the problem. Students will be able to work problems with ease, improve their problem-solving skills and understand the underlying concepts of Algebra 2.


23 min




Date of Publication



Alexander Street

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