The wind game


The Wind Game is about love, death and a spiritual quest for a homeland. A young man is searching for his father, and encounters a man who relates a story to him. The young man then has a visionary dream that he writes down in a letter to his old friend, an elderly Poet in Austria. While reading the letter, the Poet is inspired to continue his unfinished work, and his creative process begins. The dream sequence begins in the citadel of Bam, which was the oldest clay brick city in the world, Bam was all but destroyed in an earthquake in Dec. 2003. The dialogue combines the poetry of Persian poets Rumi, Hafez, and Omar Khayyam with lines from well-known Austrian poet and writer H.C. Artmann. Artmann plays the lead role, and was a major collaborator on the film. One of the major metaphors in the film is the clay brick, which is not only used by Omar Khayyam in his poetry, but is seen in many culturally significant locations of Iran. The clay brick in this film is a metaphor for the human soul. Awards: Jury Prize and Best Director at OMID Film Festival Iran on 2002.


75 min


Ghanie, Alireza. drt





Date of Publication



Alexander Street

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