Econdary special needs. Working to learn. 2


"I weren't even bothered, I used to think school was boring, a waste of time, there's no point in being here, can always get a job, but at the end of it you can't, cos you haven't got nowt, now I can get a job, I can go to uni and do exactly what I want" Sara-Jane, 16. Find out how did a programme of work-based learning helped bring about this sort of change in attitude, contributing to their LEA's success in cutting exclusions across across the whole County to zero. "Working to Learn" focuses on the Work Based Learning Unit at Baysgarth School, Barton upon Humber, in Lincolnshire. The programme follows a group of children as they spend time in mainstream lessons, work placements, and take life skills lessons within the unit, investigating what is it about this approach that is effective and how exactly it manages to helps re-engage failling children with education.


14 min





Date of Publication



Alexander Street

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