APP writing


For three years the English department at Downlands Community School in Hassocks has been applying the new QCA assessment model Assessing Pupils Progress. Here we see it in action in a Year 9 English lesson, focusing on a specific Assessment Focus to target students learning needs around writing. As Head of English, Paul Barber brought APP to his school three years ago. He discusses the challenges and successes they have had using this approach. We also see his Year 9 class looking at ways to improve their use of effective punctuation, and a moderation session with colleagues. For Paul, APP helps his planning and teaching. He can spot students weakness, plan specific lessons to tackle these, and see progression over time. For the students, APP is a very personalised approach, putting them in the driving seat of their own learning and enabling them to understand how to improve their writing.


18 min





Date of Publication



Alexander Street

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