Primary Assessment for Learning. A whole school approach


Whitchurch First School is still in the process of embedding Assessment for Learning across the whole school. Central to their approach is a child centred curriculum alongside a thorough knowledge and understanding of each individual child as they move through the early years. The curriculum is an evolving one which provides each child with their next steps arising from effective AfL. Emlyn Lumley leads an Inset session on AfL focusing on effective questioning. In a maths lesson on symmetry a Year 3 teacher is piloting not writing up the Learning Objectives on the board at the start of this lesson, monitoring this different approach carefully. Assessment Co-ordinator Christine Maguire has devised a template which can be accessed by all teachers across the year groups to track pupils levels. One to one pupil conferencing, effective monitoring and tracking alongside assessment for learning assures that children are progressing with their learning.


14 min





Date of Publication



Alexander Street

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