Proven to work. Posters. 1


A straightforward technique to aid learning: get groups of pupils to put all their working out on a poster and display it in class - it may not be a pretty picture but it's an effective aide-memoire backed by education research. The poster technique is demonstrated by groups of pupils at Heather Primary School, Leicestershire. The groups are asked to solve a maths problem and put all their working out on a poster that's then displayed on the wall. The posters don't have to be pretty so long as they're clear reminders of how the problem was tackled. Although primary children and maths feature in this programme, the idea can also help secondary pupils and be used in other problem solving subjects. Like all ideas in this series, it's backed by research, outlined by Philippa Cordingley, director of the Centre for the Use of Research and Evidence in Education. As she explains, creating the posters reinforces the learning and makes it more meaningful while promoting positive group work.


5 min





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Alexander Street

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