Save money. Sustainable schools. 1


Headteacher Helen Gill is on a mission to make St Mary's Primary School a sustainable school and wants the children to realise their role in caring for the environment. Bridgid Nzekwu and DCSF procurement expert Claire Dicks visit St. Mary's in Hertfordshire to see if they can help the school save money whilst going green. Can it be done? There are major challenges to address, like the energy-guzzling swimming pool and the old boilers. Bowbridge Primary School is further ahead with its green agenda. The school's new building boasts rainwater harvesting, solar panels, wood pellet boiler, sedum roof and a state-of-the-art energy monitoring system with a display panel in the atrium that shows children how much energy the building is using. And the pupils are all on board the green initiative, with eco-monitors in each class. But green energy-saving devices don't always come cheap. Bridgid and Claire return to St. Mary's to tell Helen the results of their research.


17 min





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Alexander Street

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