A community curriculum


This programme analyses how one school has reacted to the specific and challenging circumstances around it locally to design a curriculum which can respond better to those needs than a nationally imposed system. Blackpool has well-documented problems - lack of investment has caused big pockets of deprivation which in turn have caused some pupils at Collegiate High School to suffer from low aspirations and poor motivation. To make the pupils more independent and successful learners was the goal of a special project at the school, which is now being studied by those masterminding the wholesale reform of the Key Stage 3 curriculum. The Ulysses project concentrates on identifying vulnerable pupils and supporting them as they begin their secondary education. Pupils have a base room with a smaller team of teachers than normal. Individual needs are analysed and met by the staff, using a combination of tutor groups and cross-curricular teaching.


16 min





Date of Publication



Alexander Street

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