Teachers' pets


Inspiring stories about school projects that make a difference. Ralph Rayner, the charismatic and enthusiastic head of agriculture at Redborne School in Bedfordshire describes the growth and development of the school's farm. All the pupils at the school get introduced to the farm and its residents a taster lesson in Year 9. Getting involved and being part of the running of the farm is very important to the pupils at the school and those studying for GCSEs or NVQs in agriculture and horticulture explain how their work experience on the farm has made a real difference to their performance on their course work. One student, who found his GCSEs particularly challenging, describes how his farm job has boosted his confidence and given him a much-needed sense of purpose. The school farm is also popular with the art, maths and science departments.Ralph and Shane Durham, the farm technicians, have no doubt the school farm offers pupils a truly magical and enriching experience.


14 min





Date of Publication



Alexander Street

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