Meet the parents


Parents Evenings can fill both parent and teacher with horror. This programme examines how to avoid the headaches and make a Parents Consultation Evening run like clockwork. The staff at Tanbridge House School in Horsham are keen to ensure that their Parents Evenings run without a hitch. With an army of prefects and a strict appointment system, Head Teacher Maureen Johnson feels their system is pretty efficient. Discover how they stick to the 5 minutes allotted, and how they deal with the parents that don't show up. Mrs Johnson is now piloting a new system, the whole of Year 10 is taken off timetable and return to school for a 15 minute appointment with their tutors and their parents. The parents like the extra time to talk, the students are happy with a day off school and the teachers are pleased that they don't have to stay late.


14 min





Date of Publication



Alexander Street

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