1905. Year of light: Einstein's important discovery


E=MC2. Who really understands what lies behind Albert Einstein s famous formula? This fascinating documentary follows the development of his scientific ideas with great cinematic style. Special effects and beautifully rendered dramatizations illustrate the important discoveries and events in Einstein s early years. Einstein s early fascination with electromagnetism started when he was bedridden with an illness and his father gave him a compass to while away the hours. The magnetic needle stimulated his curiosity about the hidden order that lies behind the surface of various phenomena. By high school he had read the works of the leading physicists of his time. It was not an easy period, however. He excelled at the subjects in which he was interested. In the others, he couldn t be bothered. He dropped out of school for a while, to his parent s dismay, already proving he was going to take his own path. The Polytechnicum in Zurich accepted him despite the lack of a high school degree.Here the doors of the scientific world opened to him and he was finally in his right milieu. It was in 1905, at the age of twenty six, that his doctoral dissertation on the nature of light revolutionized scientific thought. In the film, Dr. Claude Cohen Tannoudji, Nobel Prize for Physics 1997, explains how Einstein developed a unique intellectual approach to problem solving in science. He was able to use his imagination to conduct experiments in his mind that couldn't be conducted in the physical world because they went beyond the technical capacities of the time.This intellectual process helped him to formulate The Special Theory of Relativity about the relationship of time and space. Trying to find the link between energy and light, he overturned the prevailing theories of the most eminent scientists of his time. The documentary deftly combines an appreciation of Einstein s scientific accomplishments, his trials and tribulations in gaining recognition,and his relationships both personal and professional. A rich portrait of a 20th century giant.


52 min


Tournancheau, Philippe




Date of Publication



Alexander Street

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