"filmID","creator","title","date_of_publication","runtime","series_title","summary","format_type","associated_entity","geography","subject_group","genre","image_url","direct_url" "asp3295240-marc","","Marovo carver","","14 minutes","[]","Tasiro is a wood carver who expertly creates traditional sculptures, which represent Solomon Island culture and reflect the natural beauty of the environment that surrounds him. Dedicated to his craft Tasiro uses carving as a means of supporting his family. This visually captivating documentary reveals a mesmerizing contemporary insight into the lives and challenges facing these Solomon Islanders, as they adapt to the existential and ever changing modernizing World. Set in an Island Paradise and narrated exclusively in Marovo Language it is a gentle and uplifting story, told by Tasiro himself, that takes you deep into the World Heritage Listed Marovo Lagoon. It captures an almost surreal moment in time as the past, present and future, come together.","stream","[]","['Solomon Islands']","['Wood-carvers', 'Wood-carving']","['Documentary films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008023xxx/1008023828/1008023828-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3295240" "asp3295236-marc","","Once Upon a time in a Punch Bowl. 2001-2005. 3","","51 minutes","['Once Upon a time in a Punch Bowl']","This is the untold story of how the Lebanese community overcame the odds and found their place in multicultural Australia. This is a community that has been besieged by events beyond their control. But they have emerged stronger than ever with a resilience and strength that will carry them into the future.","stream","[]","['Australia']","['Discrimination', 'Lebanese', 'Terrorism', 'September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1007996xxx/1007996424/1007996424-disc001-file001-frame00225-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3295236" "asp3295234-marc","","Once Upon a time in a Punch Bowl. 1997-2000. 2","","51 minutes","['Once Upon a time in a Punch Bowl']","This is the untold story of how the Lebanese community overcame the odds and found their place in multicultural Australia. This is a community that has been besieged by events beyond their control. But they have emerged stronger than ever with a resilience and strength that will carry them into the future.","stream","[]","['Australia']","['Gangs', 'Drugs', 'Lebanese', 'Crime']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1007996xxx/1007996423/1007996423-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3295234" "asp3294945-marc","","Raíces de sangre","","98 minutes","[]","At a Texas highway, a man cleans his footprints and leaves a truck with the bodies of undocumented Mexicans. At another point on the spectrum, the young lawyer Carlos, although he only wants to make money with his profession, joins some Chicanos who fight for the rights of the undocumented workers who work in the Morris factory, owned by Mr. Flint. In parallel, in the Mexican branch of the Morris, the workers organize themselves to defend their rights and carry out concerted actions between the workers of both factories.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Migrant labor', 'Foreign workers, Mexican', 'Mexican American labor union members']","['Feature films', 'Fiction films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044409/1008044409-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294945" "asp3294943-marc","","Misterio","","83 minutes","[]","A telenovela actor is mixed in a real drama very similar to the one he represents in his work. Reality and fantasy are mixed in their existence.","stream","[]","[]","['Television actors and actresses', 'Television soap operas']","['Feature films', 'Fiction films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044408/1008044408-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294943" "asp3294941-marc","","María Sabina. Mujer espíritu","","81 minutes","[]","This film, directed by Nicolás Echevarría is a documentary of the daily life of Maria Sabina, a famous Mazatec shaman in Mexico.","stream","['María Sabina']","['Mexico']","['Shamanism', 'Mazatec Indians', 'Shamans']","['Feature films', 'Documentary films', 'Biographical films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044407/1008044407-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294941" "asp3294939-marc","","Lola","","95 minutes","[]","This film, directed by Maria Novaro is a story of a single mother who tries to evade her responsibilities as a parent to her daughter.","stream","[]","[]","['Single mothers', 'Mothers and daughters']","['Feature films', 'Fiction films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044406/1008044406-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294939" "asp3294937-marc","","Llovizna","","81 minutes","[]","This film, directed by Sergio Olhovich is a story of a man who went for a business trip and had to face some mishaps.","stream","[]","[]","['Hitchhiking', 'Business travel', 'Paranoia']","['Feature films', 'Thrillers (Motion pictures)', 'Fiction films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044405/1008044405-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294937" "asp3294935-marc","",".. llámenme Mike","","104 minutes","[]","Un grupo de agentes en parranda dejan a una mujer que iba con ellos en plena carretera; la mujer muere. Poco tiempo después los agentes capturan a unos contrabandistas y se quedan con parte de la droga, hecho por el cual son investigados; uno de ellos, Miguel, tiene que echarse la culpa solo y es hecho prisionero. En la cárcel es golpeado por unos malhechores a los que él había torturado. A causa de la golpiza, Miguel asume la personalidad de un detective de novela y de la prisión pasa al manicomio de donde escapa con la ayuda de otro desequilibrado. Se dedica a combatir lo que él imagina una conspiración comunista para acabar con la democracia occidental. Al encontrarse con sus antiguos compañeros no los reconoce; ya no responde al nombre de Miguel, y pide que lo llamen Mike. Así, Mike se enfrenta a varios tipos que cree conjurados.","stream","[]","[]","['Brain damage', 'Private investigators', 'Police corruption']","['Feature films', 'Fiction films', 'Comedy films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044404/1008044404-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294935" "asp3294933-marc","","Fuego en el mar","","105 minutes","[]","Mariano trabaja como jefe de perforadores en una plataforma petrolera de Campeche. Por la naturaleza de sus labores debe permanecer en ella 14 días al mes; el tiempo restante lo pasa al lado de su esposa Gloria y su hija adolescente. Sin embargo, vive obsesionado con la idea de que su mujer, durante sus largas ausencias, lo engaña. Por ello una y otra vez le pide que deje de trabajar y se embarace por segunda vez. Sin embargo, Gloria se niega a depender económicamente de su esposo. Los conflictos de la pareja se agudizan cuando el ingeniero Becker, antiguo amante de Gloria, comienza a trabajar nuevamente en las oficinas donde ésta labora. Así, Mariano imagina que encuentra a Gloria y a Becker en la cama, por lo que los mata a balazos. Los celos deterioran cada vez más la frágil estabilidad del matrimonio. Mariano golpea a su mujer, quien hace intentos infructuosos por salvar su relación de pareja.","stream","[]","['Mexico']","['Man-woman relationships', 'Offshore oil industry', 'Drilling platforms']","['Feature films', 'Thrillers (Motion pictures)', 'Fiction films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044403/1008044403-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294933" "asp3294931-marc","","Estas ruinas que ves","","98 minutes","[]","El maestro de Paco, originario del estado de Cuévano, pero que ha residido varios años en la capital, vuelve a su estado natal a impartir clases en la universidad. Encuentra a sus viejos amigos y conoce a la joven Gloria, hija de uno de los más ricos del estado. Un compañero de Paco, el maestro Malagón, le hace saber discretamente que Gloria está enferma del corazón y que si se casa morirá. Paco se enamora de Gloria, pero al mismo tiempo la evita porque sabe que puede ocasionar su muerte y porque ella está comprometida con un ingeniero presuntuoso y fatuo, Rocafuerte. Pero por más que Paco intente no pensar en Gloria, la sueña, la espía y la ve reunirse sospechosamente con algunos hombres. Conociendo el deseo del profesor, Gloria se le entrega un día, pero él la rechaza con gran esfuerzo. Después Paco tiene relaciones con las mujeres de otros colegas, pero sigue enamorado de Gloria. El día que se anuncia su boda con Rocafuerte, éste discute torpemente con su necio suegro que lo insulta. El compromiso queda en entredicho. Paco habla con Malagón y le comenta que así estuvo mejor para salvar a Gloria. Malagón se asombra y ríe de que Paco haya tomado en serio su broma de que Gloria estaba enferma. Paco busca después a Rocafuerte y le cuenta la misma historia de la enfermedad de Gloria. Rocafuerte le cree y piensa que todos lo estaban engañando. Da las gracias a Paco y huye del estado. Paco busca entonces a Gloria.","stream","['Ibargüengoitia, Jorge']","[]","['Man-woman relationships', 'Triangles (Interpersonal relations)', 'College teachers']","['Feature films', 'Fiction films', 'Comedy films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044402/1008044402-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294931" "asp3294929-marc","","El vuelo de la cigüeña","","86 minutes","[]","La modelo de revistas eróticas Nicolás (una joven de costumbres libres y nombre masculino) se consigue no uno, sino tres padres para su bebé Paco, un budista drogadicto y anarquista; Hugo, un millonario play boy, y un burócrata tímido. Los tres pelean la paternidad del niño, pero Nicolás los convence de partir los cuatro de luna de miel.","stream","[]","[]","['Pregnant women', 'Young women', 'Paternity']","['Feature films', 'Fiction films', 'Comedy films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044401/1008044401-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294929" "asp3294927-marc","","Niño Fidencio. El taumaturgo de Espinazo","","74 minutes","[]","This documentary, directed by Nicolás Echevarría was filmed in Espinazo in October 1980 and March 1981, on the dates that commemorate his death and the feast of his patron saint. Year after year there come to this place many Fidencistas from Mexico and the United States who take part in the collective spiritualistic phenomenon documented in this film.","stream","['Niño Fidencio']","['Mexico', 'Espinazo (Nuevo León, Mexico)']","['Spiritual healing and spiritualism', 'Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages']","['Feature films', 'Documentary films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044400/1008044400-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294927" "asp3294925-marc","","El lugar sin límites","","112 minutes","[]","This film, directed by Arturo Ripstein is an adaptation of José Donoso's novel of the same title. It is a story of a character named, Manuelita who cross-dresses and entertains as a flamenco dancer.","stream","[]","[]","['Brothels', 'Gay men', 'Cross-dressers']","['Feature films', 'Fiction films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044399/1008044399-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294925" "asp3294923-marc","","El infierno de todos tan temido","","102 minutes","[]","This film, directed by Sergio Olhovich is an adaptation of Luis Carrion Beltran's novel of the same title. It is a story of a writer who suffers from several addictions.","stream","[]","['Mexico']","['Psychiatric hospitals', 'Authors', 'Mentally ill', 'Psychiatric hospital patients']","['Feature films', 'Thrillers (Motion pictures)', 'Fiction films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044398/1008044398-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294923" "asp3294921-marc","","El año de la peste","","104 minutes","[]","Una terrible enfermedad es detectada en alguna ciudad de la República mexicana. El doctor Brennan, ampliamente reconocido en su especialidad, diagnostica que se trata de una enfermedad epidémica y da aviso a las autoridades; éstas no oyen sus advertencias. Poco tiempo después la epidemia es un hecho consumado. Ante la evidencia, el gobierno decide controlar la información para evitar el pánico, organiza brigadas represivas disfrazadas de fumigadores y prolonga las vacaciones escolares. Los habitantes, por otro lado, fingen no darse cuenta y tratan de divertirse, mientras la ciudad se llena de cadáveres. Finalmente el virus desaparece dejando un saldo de 300 mil personas muertas y la declaración del gobernante de la ciudad No hubo peste.","stream","['Defoe, Daniel']","['Mexico']","['Corruption', 'Epidemics']","['Feature films', 'Thrillers (Motion pictures)', 'Fiction films', 'Science fiction films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044397/1008044397-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294921" "asp3294919-marc","","Cilantro y perejil","","96 minutes","[]","Luego de poner fin a una relación matrimonial de diez años, Carlos y Susana tratan de enamorarse de otras personas sin conseguirlo. Al paso de los días, Carlos comprende que sin Susana es incapaz de hacer muchas cosas, entre ellas, distinguir el cilantro del perejil.","stream","[]","['Mexico']","['Man-woman relationships', 'Marriage', 'Separation (Law)']","['Feature films', 'Fiction films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044396/1008044396-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294919" "asp3294917-marc","","A paso de cojo","","123 minutes","[]","Durante los tiempos de la Guerra Cristera un pequeño ejército de minusválidos alentados por el cura del pueblo decide incorporarse a la lucha y comete toda clase de atropellos por los poblados que van pasando, como raptar y violar multitudinariamente a una mujer que pasea con su novio, a quien hacen correr a balazos. Finalmente son traicionados y los sobrevivientes regresan derrotados a su pueblo. En su ambientación al medio mexicano, Alcoriza convierte a los inválidos en cristeros.","stream","[]","['Mexico']","['Cristero Rebellion, 1926-1929', 'People with disabilities', 'Catholics']","['Feature films', 'War films', 'Fiction films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044395/1008044395-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3294917" "asp3293485-marc","Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791, composer","Claudio Abbado conducts Beethoven's Music to Egmont and Mozart's Requiem at Lucerne Festival. Requiem in D minor KV 626","","60 minutes","[""Claudio Abbado conducts Beethoven's Music to Egmont and Mozart's Requiem at Lucerne Festival""]","The opening of the Lucerne Festival 2012, Claudio Abbado and the Lucerne Festival Orchestra in the first part present a most powerful composition dedicated to Goethe's hero Egmont, the Incidental Music to 'Egmont' by Beethoven. The second part of the program includes Mozart's last composition, the Requiem in D Minor, which was left unfinished due to the early death of the composer.","stream","[]","[]","['Requiems', 'Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices) with orchestra']","['Requiems', 'Filmed performances']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1007885xxx/1007885735/1007885735-disc001-file001-frame02375-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293485" "asp3293461-marc","","The 3 tenors. The birth of a legend","","75 minutes","[]","Excitement after a spectacular open-air concert. At the 1990 Football World Cup, the three tenors, José Carreras, Plácido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti met the first time together with the conductor Zubin Mehta for an extraordinary musical experience. Six thousand excited live viewers and one billion watching on television. The beginning of a new era of classical music. In the following years, the 3 Tenors held audiences around the world under their spell in over thirty performances. They helped to bring about an unexpected flourishing of classical music. The concert in the Caracalla Baths of Rome was the Birth of a Legend. The programme interweaves performance and background information, including previously unseen material.","stream","['Carreras, José', 'Domingo, Plácido', 'Pavarotti, Luciano']","[]","['Concerts', 'Songs (High voice) with orchestra', 'Operas']","['Documentary films', 'Filmed performances', 'Excerpts', 'Operas', 'Songs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1007885xxx/1007885745/1007885745-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293461" "asp3293458-marc","Ravel, Maurice, 1875-1937, composer","Lucerne Festival. Daphnis & Chloé: suite no. 2","","20 minutes","['Lucerne Festival']","In 2011, the Berliner Philharmoniker under Sir Simon Rattle started their Lucerne series 'Moving to Modern Times'. In 2012 they continued their celebrated and acclaimed start with pieces by Ligeti, Sibelius and Wagner. PROGRAM: György LIGETI 'Atmosphères' for full orchestra; Richard WAGNER: Prelude to 'Lohengrin'; Jean SIBELIUS: Symphony No. 4 in A minor, op. 63; Claude DEBUSSY 'Jeux. Poème dansé pour orchestre'; Maurice RAVEL: 'Daphnis et Chloé'. 2ème Suite.","stream","[]","[]","['Suites (Orchestra)']","['Filmed performances', 'Suites']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1007885xxx/1007885733/1007885733-disc001-file001-frame04955-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293458" "asp3293456-marc","Debussy, Claude, 1862-1918, composer","Lucerne Festival. Jeux: danced poem for orchestra","","20 minutes","['Lucerne Festival']","In 2011, the Berliner Philharmoniker under Sir Simon Rattle started their Lucerne series 'Moving to Modern Times'. In 2012 they continued their celebrated and acclaimed start with pieces by Ligeti, Sibelius and Wagner. PROGRAM: György LIGETI 'Atmosphères' for full orchestra; Richard WAGNER: Prelude to 'Lohengrin'; Jean SIBELIUS: Symphony No. 4 in A minor, op. 63; Claude DEBUSSY 'Jeux. Poème dansé pour orchestre'; Maurice RAVEL: 'Daphnis et Chloé'. 2ème Suite.","stream","[]","[]","['Dance music', 'Orchestral music']","['Dance music', 'Filmed performances']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1007885xxx/1007885733/1007885733-disc001-file001-frame03750-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293456" "asp3293450-marc","Sibelius, Jean, 1865-1957, composer","Lucerne Festival. Symphony no. 4 in A minor op. 63","","39 minutes","['Lucerne Festival']","In 2011, the Berliner Philharmoniker under Sir Simon Rattle started their Lucerne series 'Moving to Modern Times'. In 2012 they continued their celebrated and acclaimed start with pieces by Ligeti, Sibelius and Wagner. PROGRAM: György LIGETI 'Atmosphères' for full orchestra; Richard WAGNER: Prelude to 'Lohengrin'; Jean SIBELIUS: Symphony No. 4 in A minor, op. 63; Claude DEBUSSY 'Jeux. Poème dansé pour orchestre'; Maurice RAVEL: 'Daphnis et Chloé'. 2ème Suite.","stream","[]","[]","['Symphonies']","['Symphonies', 'Filmed performances']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1007885xxx/1007885733/1007885733-disc001-file001-frame01415-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293450" "asp3293448-marc","","Videofashion specials. The year in fashion 2015","","49 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","As we look back at The Year in Fashion, 2015 is a year of goodbyes and retrospectives, but also a time to look ahead. Jean Paul Gaultier bids adieu to ready-to wear. Peter Copping debuts his first collection for Oscar de la Renta. With the exhibition China: Through the Looking Glass, the Metropolitan Museum of Art stages its biggest costume extravaganza yet. Donna Karan takes her last bite of the Big Apple. Fashion meets art with the retrospective exhibition Ralph Pucci: The Art of the Mannequin. We put the spotlight on model extraordinaire Cara Delevingne. The 2015 CFDA Awards celebrate the year's best. Plus runway shows from Carolina Herrera, Alexander McQueen, Julien MacDonald, Emilio Pucci, Burberry Prorsum, and the opening of the new Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044311/1008044311-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293448" "asp3293446-marc","","Videofashion collections. New York. Volume 6, Episode 26","","24 minutes","['Videofashion collections']","In this issue of Videofashion Collections, in an intimate salon presentation, Zac Posen goes back to his roots for Fall 2014, with the timeless and elegant designs of the American couturier, Charles James, as his muse. Get ready to add some glamour to your life - Marchesa features one exquisite design after another! Designers Georgina Chapman and Keren Craig look to the Highlands and rework tartans and kilts with red-carpet appeal. Peter Som looks to capture the chic nonchalance of the legendary icons Jane Birkin and Françoise Hardy. A blurred floral motif, goat haired animal print and ostrich feathers add a youthful charm to Som's take on American sportswear. Plus, a Coogi knitwear collaboration, cargo pants, and personalized bomber jackets are all in the mix on the covetable Rag & Bone Fall 2014 runway.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044228/1008044228-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293446" "asp3293444-marc","","Videofashion collections. Paris. Volume 6, Episode 25","","25 minutes","['Videofashion collections']","In this issue of Videofashion Collections, it's a final look at Paris Fashion Week Fall 2014! At Issey Miyake, designer Yoshiyuki Miyamae turned his Paris runway into a ""rhythmatic forest,"" with exquisitely crafted pleated creations that stretch the imagination. Designer Sharon Wauchob's Fall 2014 collection is a mix of military and lingerie inspirations--the ultimate blend of feminine and tough! Marcel Marongiu offers the Guy Laroche woman sumptuous materials, rich hues, and streamlined silhouettes for Fall 2014. Plus, at A.F. Vandevorst, Belgian design duo An Vandevorst and Filip Arickx take an architectural approach to fall, with a shoe ""fetish"" to boot!","stream","[]","['Paris (France)']","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044227/1008044227-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293444" "asp3293442-marc","","Videofashion collections. Volume 6, Episode 24","","25 minutes","['Videofashion collections']","In this issue of Videofashion Collections, more runway surprises are in store from the City of Light! Isabel Marant goes ""green"" for Fall 2014, in that French cool-girl way her loyal customers have come to covet! The Chloé girl will be cozy for fall, as designer Clare Waight Keller provides her with an abundant choice of luxurious blanket coats, beautiful print dresses and bags galore! Designer Yiqing Yin looks to the rich Leonard archives and reinterprets sumptuous prints and scarf patterns on the Leonard Paris runway. Plus, Alessandro Dell'Acqua makes his debut at the helm of Rochas.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044226/1008044226-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293442" "asp3293438-marc","","Videofashion collections. Milan. Volume 6, Episode 22","","24 minutes","['Videofashion collections']","In this issue of Videofashion Collections, we're back in Milan for more Italian style! The highly troubled muses of Grey Gardens and Girl, Interrupted take to the runway at Dsquared2. Anna Molinari explores an imperial glamour for her Autumn/Winter 2014-2015 Blumarine collection. Take a look back at the colorful world of Moschino, then see designer Jeremy Scott's delicious debut for the Italian house!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044224/1008044224-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293438" "asp3293434-marc","","Videofashion collections. Volume 6, Episode 20","","24 minutes","['Videofashion collections']","In this issue of Videofashion Collections, Liza Minnelli's role in Cabaret inspires Naeem Khan's luxurious Fall 2014 runway. Upon rediscovering her family's armor collection, Tory Burch expresses a new strength this season. Chains, grommeted leather and antique tapestry details balance femininity and empowerment for the Tory Burch woman. Tadashi Shoji cites Moorish architecture as an influence for his collection. Plus, don't miss our “Fashion Minute” on the Lacoste fall line-up!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044222/1008044222-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293434" "asp3293432-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 6, Episode 2","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, New York Bridal Week makes it easy to be eternally beautiful. It's soft and sexy, as the Kenneth Pool bride re-imagines her bold confidence and love for dramatic flair! Lace is the defining embellishment, creating a sensuous silhouette. With a touch of vintage glamour, the Anne Barge collection will capture a modern bride's heart. Barge's signature of intricate beading and elaborate embroidery give her gowns timeless appeal. Don Neill's Theia White collection is inspired by the legend of the Goddess Danu who lived in a magical sea underworld. The wedding dresses are dripping in opulence and glisten like sparkling water. Plus, Vera Wang takes her brides to the cinema, presenting her bridal gowns in a short romantically brooding film called ""Chasing Alix"".","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows', 'Wedding costume']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044221/1008044221-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293432" "asp3293430-marc","","Videofashion collections. New York. Volume 6, Episode 19","","25 minutes","['Videofashion collections']","In this issue of Videofashion Collections, simplicity is key for Narciso Rodriguez, and for Fall 2014, the designer experimented with relaxed shapes while maintaining a sense of fluidity – perfect for the working woman who covets an ease to her wardrobe. Thom Browne takes an ecclesiastical approach this season with a collection inspired by a scene in a classic Federico Fellini film, ""Roma."" At Anna Sui, the glamorous 1930s actress Anna May Wong infuses romance and drama into the collection. Plus, don't miss our “Fashion Minute” on the Monique Lhuillier fall line-up!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044220/1008044220-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293430" "asp3293428-marc","","Videofashion collections. New York. Volume 6, Episode 18","","25 minutes","['Videofashion collections']","In this issue of Videofashion Collections, we bring you some of New York Fashion Week's hottest runways! The Marc by Marc Jacobs girl gets a tough, street-smart edge for Fall 2014. Joseph Altuzarra impresses the front row with his modern approach to dressing. Take a rapid-fire runway review of the eclectic fall collection at Suno. Plus, Prabal Gurung heads to the Himalayas, and interprets the rich culture of the region on his ultra-luxurious Fall 2014 runway!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044219/1008044219-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293428" "asp3293426-marc","","Videofashion collections. New York. Volume 6, Episode 17","","25 minutes","['Videofashion collections']","In this issue of Videofashion Collections, Francisco Costa looks to the work of artist Mike Kelley for inspiration, resulting in a cozy and chic collection for Calvin Klein Collection. Costa has his artisanal focus on luxurious knits. Staged in an industrial runway setting in Brooklyn's Navy Yard, Alexander Wang portrays the concept of survival in the great outdoors. A memorable show moment is the “heat-activated” finale featuring model comebacks from Jacquetta Wheeler, Caroline Trentini, Bridget Hall, Angela Lindvall, and Anne V.! Tommy Hilfiger takes his guests to the Great American outdoors. Tartan slip dresses, woolly beanies and platform mountain boots are perfect for that ski chalet getaway. Plus, don't miss our Fashion Minute with Reed Krakoff. His collection reflects a sense of quite luxury and ease in dressing.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044218/1008044218-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293426" "asp3293424-marc","","Videofashion collections. Paris. Volume 6, Episode 16","","24 minutes","['Videofashion collections']","In this issue of Videofashion Collections, Paris is heating up for Fall 2014! The design duo at Viktor & Rolf elevate knitwear to a new, luxe level. Take a look back in the Videofashion Vault, then see what new designer, Fausto Puglisi, has in store at Emanuel Ungaro! We catch up with German runway star, Kati Nescher, plus, it's an ultra-glamorous, red-carpet worthy runway at Elie Saab!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044217/1008044217-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293424" "asp3293422-marc","","Videofashion collections. Paris. Volume 6, Episode 15","","25 minutes","['Videofashion collections']","In this issue of Videofashion Collections, it's more superior style from Paris Fashion Week! See what designer Peter Copping has in store for his sophisticated Nina Ricci customer. With a retrospective exhibition opening at the musée des Arts décoratifs in Paris, designer Dries Van Noten was reflecting on his career and honing his craft for his Fall 2014 collection. Plus, even when the temperatures drop, it's an everlasting spring on the Vionnet runway!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044216/1008044216-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293422" "asp3293420-marc","","Videofashion collections. Paris. Volume 6, Episode 14","","24 minutes","['Videofashion collections']","In this issue of Videofashion Collections, we're back in the City of Light! Jean Paul Gaultier takes his collection on a punky, intergalactic adventure for Fall 2014! Meet model-of-the-moment and Paris catwalk star, Josephine Skriver! For his Fall 2014 collection, designer Roland Mouret scraps the idea of “trends” and collages a new vision on his Paris runway. Plus, for his fourth collection for the house of Saint Laurent, the '60s mod movement influenced creative director, Hedi Slimane.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Models (Persons)', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044215/1008044215-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293420" "asp3293418-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 6, Episode 13","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, fashion celebrates monumental moments in the industry. Roberto Cavalli turns up the fun with a 40th anniversary fete in Paris. The one and only Karl Lagerfeld is honored with the Couture Council's Fashion Visionary Award from the Museum of FIT. The iconic Pierre Cardin launches his new book capturing his impact on fashion for the past 60 years. Tommy Hilfiger turns 25 with a star studded party in New York. Plus, Women's Wear Daily reaches a milestone of being in publication for over a century!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044214/1008044214-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293418" "asp3293416-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 6, Episode 12","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","This issue of Videofashion Specials was inspired by the iconic Metropolitan Museum Costume Institute's exhibition, “The Model As Muse: Embodying Fashion.” We took 45 different model looks from the latest offerings from the honorary chair of the museum's famed annual gala event, Marc Jacobs. And we take a look-back at the iconic career of his co-chair, Kate Moss. We get to know another model-muse, runway veteran Karen Elson who also made a guest catwalk appearance in Riccardo Tisci's hard-edged glamour for Givenchy. Plus, New York designers celebrate one of the biggest fashion icons of all time at the 50th Anniversary runway spectacular for Barbie.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Models (Persons)', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044213/1008044213-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293416" "asp3293414-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 6, Episode 11","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials we visit the ateliers of the Haute Couture. On the eve of his final show we drop in on Valentino during fittings at his Place Vendome studio. Just days before his show Christian Lacroix invites us into his inner sanctum on the rue du Faubourg Saint Honore as he makes final decisions on his couture collection. We go backstage at Christian Dior, where John Galliano presents a spectacular collection inspired by artists Gustav Klimt and John Singer Sargent. At Chanel Karl Lagerfeld creates a 70-foot high concrete cardigan jacket from which his models spilled onto a rotating runway. Hairstylist Odile Gilbert shows us around the studio where she creates extraordinary hair sculptures for Jean Paul Gaultier, Lacroix and Chanel.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044212/1008044212-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293414" "asp3293412-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 6, Episode 10","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, we spotlight the ultimate in Italian super style: luxury brands with real staying power. Dolce & Gabbana explores an S&M theme with metallic corsets and latex dresses, and model Daria Werbowy makes her only Milan appearance on the Versace runway. At Just Cavalli, it's a show worthy of the world's most elite fashion darlings and the boys who love them. When it comes to pretty party frocks, no one designs for a splashier entrance than Jenny Packham. D&G channels seventies style with visions of Studio 54, and Giorgio Armani shifts the target of his Emporio Armani line to Hollywood's younger elites. Plus, tour the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum and Palazzo.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044211/1008044211-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293412" "asp3293410-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 6, Episode 1","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, enchanting wedding dresses steal the spotlight during New York Bridal Week! For Spring 2015, the Amsale bride dreams of understated glamour. Always classic, designer Amsale Aberra crafts a collection with a delicate edge and color tones of pale pink and vanilla-crème to imply a chic romance. Wondering how precious memories were saved in the days before cameras led Rita Vinieris to photograms, which inspired her Rivini bridal line. She closes the show with models grabbing editors from the front row in order to take “selfies” and tag the photos, #RiviniSelfie. Plus, Jenny Lee's gowns allow the traditionally elegant bride to flaunt her sexy and dramatic side.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows', 'Wedding costume']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044210/1008044210-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293410" "asp3293408-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 5, Episode 9","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","Music and fashion merge in this issue of Videofashion Specials! Gwen Stefani hits the “Big Apple” with her latest for her line, L.A.M.B. With the debut of Justsweet, Jennifer Lopez gives her Hollywood glam style a ‘70s touch. Anna Sui combines influences from Busby Berkeley musicals of the 1930s with 70's-era Ziggy Stardust. Pop sensation Rihanna takes to the DSquared runway with auto shop as back drop. At New York's Radio City Music Hall, fashion and music collide when Fashion Rocks takes center stage. Luella returns to London with a collection dedicated to “geek chic”! Designer Alexis Phifer presents a whole new sexy for Ghita, while her proud boyfriend Kanye West looked on!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044209/1008044209-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293408" "asp3293406-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 5, Episode 8","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, Wildfox Swimwear takes us back to the 90s for Summer 2015, with high-cut bottoms, cheeky slogans, and supermodel style. Sauvage takes a luxe approach to beachwear, with Swarovski crystals and sophisticated cuts. Liliana Montoya presents her ""Mermaids"" collection, and celebrates the spirit of ocean goddesses, with a touch of romance! Plus, it's an urban safari at Dolores Cortes, and Keva J gets seriously strappy for Summer 2015!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows', 'Bathing suits']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044208/1008044208-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293406" "asp3293404-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 5, Episode 7","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, go island hopping in the South Pacific with the swimwear designing sister act at Mikoh! Poko Pano brings Brazilian flavor to the pool—and models march through the water! Minimale Animale designer, Cassandra Kellogg, crosses motorcycle style with the sexiest swimwear you've ever seen—it's a wild ride on the runway at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim 2015! Plus, San Lorenzo Bikinis make a splash at Soho Beach House!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows', 'Bathing suits']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044207/1008044207-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293404" "asp3293402-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 5, Episode 6","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, top designers help brides-to-be find their bliss. Carolina Herrera looks to famous female artists for one-of-a-kind inspirations. It's dream dresses at Reem Acra. Oscar de la Renta offers a breathtaking array of choices. Gowns range from clean line to over the top at Angel Sanchez. The Douglas Hannant bride is more chic than Cinderella. Plus, expert baker Ron Ben-Israel lets them eat awe-inspiring cake and at Florisity, bouquets reflect the bride's budding personality.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows', 'Wedding costume']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044206/1008044206-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293402" "asp3293400-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 5, Episode 5","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, it wouldn't be Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim without the sizzling swimwear on the CM Cia.Maritima runway! Lila Nikole's digital prints steal the show at Soho Beach House. A.Z Araujo brings 70s disco to the Miami catwalk with his ready-to-party Summer 2015 collection! Plus, Mia Marcelle Swimwear is ready for the ultimate summer vacation, and Cote D'Or Swimwear channels birds of paradise!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows', 'Bathing suits']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044205/1008044205-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293400" "asp3293398-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 5, Episode 4","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, we're seaside in Miami for the Summer 2015 collections at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim! ""Electric Barbarella"" hits South Beach when Beach Bunny Swimwear collaborates with outrageously talented design duo, The Blonds! At just 19 years-old, Frankie's Bikinis designer, Francesca Aiello, is already making an impression at Swim Week! At Caffe Swimwear, it's all about the well-traveled woman who demands effortlessly chic beach style—all handmade in Colombia! Plus, Gottex goes psychedelic for Summer 2015!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows', 'Bathing suits']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044204/1008044204-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293398" "asp3293396-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 5, Episode 3","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, premier designers give wedding day tradition new meaning! Oscar de la Renta adds a youthful spirit to classic wedding dresses. De la Renta's exquisite craftsmanship will leave his bride eternally elegant. The design duo behind the glamorous Marchesa label, Georgina Chapman and Keren Craig, create a fairy-tale of a bridal collection, full of delicate face-framing embroideries, beautiful ball gowns and a feeling of soft romance. The Christos bride embraces an updated take on modern vintage. Delicate lace, tulle and point d'esprit breathe fluidity and dimension into designer Amsale Aberra's collection for Christos.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows', 'Wedding costume']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044203/1008044203-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293396" "asp3293394-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 5, Episode 2","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, beautiful brides steal our hearts during New York Bridal Week! Celebrating the label's 25th anniversary, Jenny Packham's bridal collection reflects the designer's signatures of delicate beading and understated embellishment while giving a romantic nod to the Edwardian era. With her Fall 2014 collection entitled “Elegant Drama,” Jenny Lee draws on a floral motif to express her vision of a bride who is both feminine and dramatic. Inspired by celestial bliss, the Kelly Faetanini bride looks heavenly. Plus, Sarah Jassir takes us on “Sentimental Journey,” and makes the glamour of 1950s haute couture an alluring choice for brides today.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows', 'Wedding costume']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044202/1008044202-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293394" "asp3293392-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 5, Episode 13","","24 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, the razzle dazzle of New York Bridal Week will leave you breathless! Reem Acra embraces a bride's sexy side with her Spring 2015 collection. The sumptuous wedding gown silhouettes are extra alluring with Acra's signature lace work, beading details and intricate stitching. Designer Naeem Khan injects a sense of red carpet romance into his collection. Incredible embroideries and appliqués adorn the dream-like gowns, any of which will leave a lasting impression on a bride's big day! Ines Di Santo captures the lush beauty of the world's most stunning gardens in her Spring 2015 bridal collection. Highly embellished and shimmering with glamour, each wedding gown has the splendor of a flawless flower!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows', 'Wedding costume']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044201/1008044201-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293392" "asp3293390-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 5, Episode 12","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, get ready to be swept off your feet by New York Bridal Week! At Carolina Herrera, brides will find a flawless blend of the classic and the luxurious for Spring 2015. Softness and grace are the focal points of Herrera's breathtakingly perfect wedding dresses. Titling her bridal collection “My Ethereal Daydream,” the Monique Lhuillier bride is as pretty as a picture in stunning gowns inspired by the works of portrait master, John Singer Sargent. Lhuillier offers brides magnificent dresses in an exquisite watercolor palette that includes hydrangea, pistachio and wistful blue. Angel Sanchez crafts his most romantic bridal collection to date. Normally a modernist, Angel looks to vintage bridal magazine covers from the ‘50s and ‘60s. Floral lace and intricate embroidery along with bold architectural silhouettes result in wedding gowns that are both dreamy and contemporary.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows', 'Wedding costume']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044200/1008044200-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293390" "asp3293388-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 5, Episode 11","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, we examine the history of American style. The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute launched its 2010 exhibition, an homage to the “American Woman.” We asked some famous faces, ‘What defines an American woman?' The Brooklyn Museum celebrated their holdings with the “American High Style” exhibition. We flashback to 1982 to the American couturier Charles James tribute at the Brooklyn Museum hosted by Halston. We take a look the history of Donna Karan, the quintessential American designing woman. Plus, we're on the red carpet at the premiere of the fashion documentary, ""Ultrasuede: In Search of Halston"".","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044199/1008044199-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293388" "asp3293386-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 5, Episode 10","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials these top designers celebrate the many years they've dedicated to fashion. Versace celebrates 30 years of keeping it's customers on the cutting edge of sexy! Celebrating her 40th anniversary with the party of the season was Sonia Rykiel. It's pirates to Peter Pan at Betsey Johnson -- a collection that taps into the child in all of us. Winona Ryder, Christina Ricci, and other celebrities pack the house to help Donna Karan celebrate DKNY's 20th anniversary this summer.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044198/1008044198-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293386" "asp3293384-marc","","Videofashion specials. Volume 5, Episode 1","","25 minutes","['Videofashion specials']","In this issue of Videofashion Specials, an aura of affection is evident during New York Bridal Week! Designers Mark Badgley and James Mischka whisk the Badgley Mischka bride to the 1930s French Riviera. Their signature of old Hollywood glamour adds breathtaking drama to a woman's white carpet moment. For Fall 2014, inspired by the eternal elegance of Grace Kelly, Legends by Romona Keveza is the perfect choice for brides who embrace the beauty of tradition. For her signature bridal collection, Romona Keveza crafts a splendid journey of lace through the ages. Plus, at Amsale, the bride is an ethereal picture of femininity - gowns are luxuriously soft, exquisitely delicate and light as air.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows', 'Wedding costume']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044197/1008044197-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293384" "asp3293382-marc","","Videofashion news. French dressing. Volume 31, Episode 9","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, Parisian style takes centerstage. Karl Lagerfeld pulls together all the elements for another standout show. With her proud papa looking on, Stella McCartney shows us sporty collection that plays to her strength. Sonia Rykiel sends out some of the happiest girls on this season's runway. Plus, meet a young new model who is simply born for fashion ... Chanel Iman. In Sorbonne, Yohji Yamamoto shows us his somber take on Edwardian tailoring, and more!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044040/1008044040-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293382" "asp3293380-marc","","Videofashion news. A touch of craft. Volume 31, Episode 8","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, craftsmanship takes center stage. It features collections by Gucci, Antonio Berardi, Matthew Williamson, Tuleh, Salvatore Ferragamo, Susan Cianciolo, and Jovovich-Hawk.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044039/1008044039-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293380" "asp3293378-marc","","Videofashion news. Art class. Volume 31, Episode 7","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, fashion flirts with fine arts. It features fashion collections by Giambattista Valli, Burberry Prorsum, Belstaff, John Galliano, and Versace. It also features art works by Ralph Rucci and Jean- Michel Basquiat.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044038/1008044038-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293378" "asp3293376-marc","","Videofashion news. Dress for excess. Volume 31, Episode 6","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, catch disco fever as we explore collections that capture the mood and colors of the fall of Disco at the right of vivid 80s club culture. The extravagance of the 80s is back in fashion, it's time to dress for excess. Among the designers were Proenza Schouler, Christopher Kane, Vivienne Westwood, Emilio Pucci, and Malandrino and more.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044037/1008044037-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293376" "asp3293374-marc","","Videofashion news. French twist. Volume 31, Episode 52","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, it's French fashion with a surprising twist! Quintessential Parisian designer Sonia Rykiel stays true with another fabulous collection for the femme fatale. At Yves Saint Laurent, Stefano Pilati provides perfectly cut jackets in a season of few. Yohji Yamamoto played with prints, panniers, and shots of molten silver. Karl Lagerfeld keeps it sharp and graphic on a rainbow colored runway. Valentino's final ready-to-wear collection is a stunning au revoir. Then, we meet the young woman who will take over the legendary house, Alessandra Fachinetti, when she presents her final collection for Moncler Gamme Rouge. Plus, model Natalia Vodianova makes a fashionable comeback three weeks after becoming a mom for the third time!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044036/1008044036-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293374" "asp3293372-marc","","Videofashion news. La Boheme. Volume 31, Episode 51","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In the issue of Videofashion, the glamorous life of the young bohemian is explored. At D&G the designers put on a boho show of soft prints and flowing silhouettes. Stella McCartney creates a picturesque take on the season's floral movement. Veronica Etro shows a kaleidoscopic mix mined from a multitude of sources. Boho-mania swept through Matthew Williamson's 10th Anniversary collection and his return to the London runway! Angela Missoni introduces high-impact glitz to her signature knits and prints. The free-spirited style of the flower power era is revived at Binetti. British lingerie label Fred & Ginger launch their latest for men and women. Plus meet Irish model, Laragh McCann!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044035/1008044035-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293372" "asp3293370-marc","","Videofashion news. Evening stars. Volume 31, Episode 50","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue, luxury jewelers, Van Cleef & Arpels, bring the elegance of Paris to New York City with a French-themed extravaganza! The British Raj was the catalyst for designers Georgia Chapman and Keren Craig's summer Marchesa collection. Emerging designer, Chris Benz adds a little ‘30s Hollywood glamour to the New York fashion scene. Nicky Hilton takes on New York Fashion Week with the launch of her new line – Nicholai! Collette Dinnigan takes her signature elegance a step further this season. The celebrity factor is high at Julien Macdonald's sporty show! Old Hollywood glamour is an influence at Vena Cava. Plus, meet new face, Georgia Frost!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044034/1008044034-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293370" "asp3293368-marc","","Videofashion news. Just Beachy! Volume 31, Episode 5","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, sizzling hot collections get a stinking of Summer days at a seaside. Among the designers were Rosa Cha, Cia.Maritima, Sari Gueron, Stephen Burrows, Proenza Schouler, Gottex, and Trovata.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044033/1008044033-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293368" "asp3293366-marc","","Videofashion news. On the waterfront. Volume 31, Episode 49","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, Jean Paul Gaultier loads up a ship full of pretty pirates for a stylish voyage. With a collection titled “Under the Volcano”, Diane Von Furstenberg offers a perfect island wardrobe – even if it's just a fantasy island for most. Inspiration is ensconced in a seashell for designer Erin Featherston. Chloe, partly inspired by a love of sailing, is a breezy exercise in lightness. Emilio Pucci celebrates 60 years with an installation at Art Basel in Miami. For Band of Outsiders, Scott Sternberg collaborates with Sperry Topsiders and presents his collection on deck at Chelsea Piers. Plus, is she really “the richest girl in Estonia”? We ask supermodel Carmen Kass.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044032/1008044032-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293366" "asp3293362-marc","","Videofashion news. South African finesse. Volume 31, Episode 47","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, we travel to Johannesburg for South Africa Fashion Week, where we’ll introduce you to a group of designers who, while rooted in their native Africa, are poised to bring their modern fashions to the rest of the world! We visit the studio of the “godfather of South African fashion”, Clive Rundle, before he shows a vibrant, sexy new collection. Perfectly poised between city and nature, the chic designs from Lunar are all crafted from natural and/or organic fabrics. Colleen Eitzen, Terrence Bray, and Abigail Betz present their latest beautifully crafted collections in a group show. After their fairy-tale presentation, the designers behind the cool, experimental label Black Coffee, take us to some of their favorite boutiques in the hip neighborhood of Melville. We round up a promising group of Emerging Designers and check out the elegant goddess-inspired gowns from local favorite Marion & Lindie. Plus, we tour the factory of Via la Moda, where exotic crocodile and ostrich skins are finessed into elegant handbags and accessories.","stream","[]","['South Africa']","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044030/1008044030-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293362" "asp3293360-marc","","Videofashion news. Femmes fatales. Volume 31, Episode 46","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","Designers reference tough-girl chic in this issue of Videofashion! For Givenchy, Riccardo Tisci pays homage to the modern warrior woman. Rodarte weaves a dark fairy tale of wispy gowns and aggressively punky accessories. For Andreas Melbostad of PHI, summer is a bit of Clash with a sophisticated urban edge. At Burberry Prorsum, Christopher Bailey presents an edgy, urbane warrior woman. Gareth Pugh ratchets up the drama in London with another daring fashion odyssey! Find out what snakeskin prints, stonewashed denim, and ruffles galore have in common with the films Carrie and Crocodile Dundee – at Christopher Kane. Fashion week newcomer Louise Goldin serves up a colorful collection for Summer – to rave reviews! Plus, Kristen McMenamy, one of fashion's fiercest faces is back on the runway this season!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044029/1008044029-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293360" "asp3293354-marc","","Videofashion news. Sheer factor. Volume 31, Episode 43","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, designers face the “sheer factor” as they explore transparency. Marc Jacobs leads the trend with a controversial deconstruction of sex and seduction. At Celine, Ivana Omazic offers a 21st century spin on the corset. Alessandro dell’Acqua took artful inspiration from Japanese erotic photographs. There's a modern evolution of elegance at Doo.Ri in New York while Richard Nicoll aims for a sense of sophistication by way of manipulating naïve concepts. Supporting sustainable businesses has never looked as sexy as it does at Noir! Plus, meet Scandinavian stunner Suvi!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044026/1008044026-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293354" "asp3293352-marc","","Videofashion news. Art major. Volume 31, Episode 42","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion we explore the designers influenced by art. Carolina Herrera found inspiration in the watercolors of artist, Jeremiah Goodman. The art of David Hockney influences Sir Paul Smith for Summer! At Luca Luca, designer Luca Orlandi looks to the beauty of hand paint glass and mosaics for inspiration. For Marni Consuelo Castiglioni develops her distinctive palette and gentle volumes. Levi's present their Warhol Factory X collection designed by artist Damien Hirst! The Shaker culture and the wheat fields of the Great Plains are where Zac Posen found his inspiration. Then we travel to the Ratti Museum on Lake Como for the opening of a new exhibition of the work of textile designer Carla Badiali.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044025/1008044025-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293352" "asp3293350-marc","","Videofashion news. American beauty. Volume 31, Episode 41","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, we celebrate American beauty! In honor of great American designer Ralph Lauren's 40th anniversary, we take a look back at his remarkable career and at his latest tour-de-force collection. All-American Tommy Hilfiger celebrates summer with his take on iconic classics. Donna Karan pays tribute to American sportswear by celebrating the multiculturalism of New York in her summer collection. At Emilio Pucci, Matthew Williamson takes a road trip through the South West. At Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld hit on all the trends, starting with a nod to Americana! Plus, we head to an exhibit and gala honoring the fairy tale life of America's favorite beauty: Grace Kelly!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044024/1008044024-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293350" "asp3293348-marc","","Videofashion news. Tribal rites. Volume 31, Episode 40","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","Style goes on safari in this issue of Videofashion, as tribal influences permeate the summer collections. It's a grand slam at Oscar de la Renta as he adds a touch of ethnic chic to the classics. Proenza Schouler win rave reviews for their modern study in contrasts. At Just Cavalli in Milan - Roberto explores the vibrancy of Africa, while simultaneously opening a new boutique in New York! At Hermes, Jean Paul Gaultier explores the exotic stylings of India. At Pollini, Rifat Ozbek takes a tribal-techno route with clear ethnic themes. The CFDA winning duo of Rag & Bone, David Neville, and Marcus Wainwright, look to James Bond to add that nonchalant sex appeal to their collection. Donatella Versace delivers a rainbow array of gorgeous goddess-like gowns.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044023/1008044023-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293348" "asp3293346-marc","","Videofashion! Designs of the times. Volume 31, Episode 4","","25 minutes","['Videofashion!']","This issue of Videofashion features designs of the times by Alexander McQueen, Prada, Biba, and Hussein Chalayan.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044022/1008044022-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293346" "asp3293342-marc","","Videofashion news. Cirque de Paris. Volume 31, Episode 38","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, we enjoy the spectacle that is Paris fashion. Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton lights up the Paris night with an homage to artist Richard Prince. John Galliano explores the iconic style of the ladies of “Grey Gardens”. For Lanvin Alber Elbaz creates a sublime sequence of exquisitely draped gowns. Viktor & Rolf pay a beautiful tribute to Pierrot and the late Marcel Marceau. Christian Lacroix mixes the style of the forties, with the charm of the sixties and then we explore the new French National Museum of Theater Costume and the recent Christian Lacroix exhibition.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044020/1008044020-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293342" "asp3293340-marc","","Videofashion news. Miami international. Volume 31, Episode 37","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion – jet down to Miami for a little bit of sun and a whole lot of swimwear! The legendary rock band, the Beach Boys make a splash at Bella Mar Swim! Visit with Rene Ruiz at his Coral Gabels atelier. Badgley Mischka launch their first swimwear line. Plus, meet model Cheyenne Tozzi – and more! Rebecca Virtue turned up the heat with her Summer 2008 Becca collection! The Zimmermann sisters bring their Aussie style to the U.S. for the first time! Elements of a Brazilian fisherman's village inspired the ANK by Mirla Sabino collection. Be prepared to get noticed when wearing something from Italy's Miss Bikini line to the beach.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044019/1008044019-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293340" "asp3293336-marc","","Videofashion! Altered states. Volume 31, Episode 35","","25 minutes","['Videofashion!']","In this issue of Videofashion, Michael Vollbracht of Bill Blass hits a home run with his Fall/Winter collection, looking to the great American designers – Norman Norell, Halston and, of course, Bill Blass – for inspiration. Using NASA technology at Undercover Jun Takahashi presents his most commercial collections to date: a fresh take on sportswear with no assembly required. New York opened its arms to Milan's Alberta Ferretti – she showed her Philosophy di Alberta Ferretti line here. Militaristic references prevail at English label Aquascutum as the design duo look to toy soldiers for inspiration. Influenced by her predominately gray palette, the Costello Tagliapietra winter collection captures a moody edginess, and is referenced by the 1920s portrait artist Romaine Brooks. At Basso & Brooke, the design duo always expertly blends historical silhouettes with technologically advanced fabric and prints. Erdem blends an airy idea of romance with a dash of punk rock chic. Plus, there's a hint of the '60s at Jill Stuart!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044017/1008044017-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293336" "asp3293334-marc","","Videofashion! Gilty party. Volume 31, Episode 34","","25 minutes","['Videofashion!']","In this issue of Videofashion, we get ready for the red carpet with a dose of Hollywood glamour! Silver screen visions clad in luxurious minks and glamorous dresses flood the runway at J. Mendel. At Zac Posen, winter starts out with a proposition of combining tailoring and fluidity, the idea of futurism and coldness. Tapping into the brooding feel of Wuthering Heights, Badgley Mischka sends out a winter collection that has everything from old Hollywood glam to super luxe jeans. Signature skinny pants and party dresses rendered in shiny gold ensure that the Sass & Bide girl stands out in a crowd. Sleek mid-century modern design shapes the silver-screen glamour at Carmen Marc Valvo. Douglas Hannant commemorates his tenth anniversary with a slew of decadent cocktail dresses and evening gowns ready for a night of celebration. Plus, we take a look at what some of Hollywood's favorite stars were up to before they hit it big!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044016/1008044016-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293334" "asp3293332-marc","","Videofashion! Get smart. Volume 31, Episode 33","","25 minutes","['Videofashion!']","In this issue of Videofashion, the graphic sensibility of the mod 60s is back in fashion! The prismatic colors of the Aurora Borealis give a playful edge to the sleek silhouettes at Cynthia Rowley. Layered textures, Courreges influences and intricate origami detailing add up to an offbeat elegance at Richard Chai. British favori"" model Ekaterina. We visit the downtown NYC studio of newcomer Monica Byrne, where luxurious fabrics and feminine silhouettes take center stage. Teddy boy style influences the ultra-cool streetwear at Berardi. Celebrate the release of Iconic America at the Museum of Modern Art.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044015/1008044015-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293332" "asp3293330-marc","","Videofashion! Modern manners. Volume 31, Episode 2","","25 minutes","['Videofashion!']","This issue of Videofashion takes a look at the wave of menswear-inspired looks taking over the runway. A spare palette highlights the precise tailoring for both men and women at Neil Barrett. The concept of ""Men Only"" continues at Paul Smith in London, providing women with men's style suiting for feminine bodies. Designer Yigal Azrouel introduces a capsule menswear collection while menswear influences give a cool edge to his sophisticated womenswear. This season Anna Molinari takes her touch for feminine embellishment and detailing in a masculine direction at Blumarine. Described as ""Pedigree Minus Prudence"", New York's 3.1 Phillip Lim collection found its mix and match inspiration in the documentary film, Grey Gardens. And in a small art gallery on Paris' Left Bank Stuart Vevers presents modern accessories and ready-to-wear for British stalwart Mulberry. Plus, go behind the scenes of a sexy new ad campaign for Women's Wear Daily.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044014/1008044014-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293330" "asp3293328-marc","","Videofashion news. Milanese edge. Volume 31, Episode 31","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, Marni - Consuelo Castiglioni takes it increasingly techno without losing her artsy-crafty edge. This Alessandro dell’Acqua changes things up and offers a high tech take on his signature silhouette. With silhouette-changing cape-like coats, Karl Lagerfeld proves again why Fendi is the pre-imminent house when it comes to luxury winter wear. Alessandra Faccinetti conjures up overlapping worlds, decadent in nature with country spirit for Moncler Gamme Rouge. There's no better place for cashmere than Pringle of Scotland – and designer Clare Waight Keller takes the house in a bold direction for Fall. Milan's master, Giorgio Armani, hit another home run with the stunning sparkler he sent down the runway this season. Thoroughly modern and expertly cut, Raf Simons delivers another standout collection for Jil Sander. Plus, the must-have accessory of the season!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044013/1008044013-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293328" "asp3293326-marc","","Videofashion news. That eighties twist. Volume 31, Episode 30","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, the retro glamour of the ‘80s is still all the rage! Matthew Williamson at Emilio Pucci opens his show with a Charlie's Angels-like tableau of top models in popsicle colored brights to highlight the house's prints. Young Belgian designer Bruno Pieters draws from ‘80s style icon Tina Chow to create a collection that's polished to perfection, while the design team of Proenza Schouler put an ‘80s spin on the ‘20s. Jose Ramon Reyes discovered the inspiration for his Reyes collection while looking at photos of supermodels Elle Macpherson and Cindy Crawford from the glamorous decade. Chic urban black is spiked with big volume and bold color at Malandrino. Drawing inspiration from ‘70s Paris and ‘80s street culture, young designer Alexander Wang delivers thoroughly modern clothes coveted by cool girls everywhere. Plus, at Emanuel Ungaro, Peter Dundas gives a good argument for sequins, shoulder pads, and star-bursts, in homage to the era's disco days.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044012/1008044012-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293326" "asp3293324-marc","","Videofashion news. Some kind of romance. Volume 31, Episode 3","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, fall in love with Spring's romantic new look by designers, Louis Vuitton, Emanuel Ungaro, Thakoon, and Phillip Lim.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044011/1008044011-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293324" "asp3293322-marc","","Videofashion news. Art direction. Volume 31, Episode 29","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion: now in his 10th year at Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs gives a nod to his “poster girl” Scarlett Johansson, with a collection somewhat inspired by “Girl with A Pearl Earring” as well as the painting of Dutch artist Vermeer. This season at Chado Ralph Rucci, Rucci continues to develop the intricate couture techniques that define his elegant garments. Art deco details and assorted textures create optical illusions of the glamorous variety at Carolina Herrera. Giambattista Valli has a strong affinity for art and architects – this season he looks to Rembrandt and Le Corbusier to influence his collection of elegant pantsuits and sumptuous cocktails dresses. In her off-handed way, Anna Sui blends a bit of pre-pop Andy Warhol with a little interiors decorating for a winter collection that is as comfy as it is chic. With a collection based on an origami crane, the symbol of peace & hope, Malcolm Harris, the designer behind the Mal Sirrah label, shows his design process by first sending out 14 muslin looks and ending with his completed winter collection. Plus, meet model Iekeliene Stange!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044010/1008044010-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293322" "asp3293320-marc","","Videofashion news. Cause celebre. Volume 31, Episode 28","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","This issue of Videofashion looks at the causes that members of the fashion elite support. With the encouragement of designer Malcolm Harris and model Lydia Hearst and with the sponsorship from shoe mogul, Steve Madden, the American fashion industry comes together for a runway charity event called Designers for Darfur. Luxury has never been so wholesome - pamper yourself with the natural beauty products from Norma Kamali Wellness. Life is a cabaret this season at Edun – where members of The Citizens Band perform for New York's favorite fashionistas while wearing the label's socially-conscious creations. Moved by the threat of global warming and the beauty of the polar color of the Antarctic, Marc Bouwer sends out a collection perfect for an ingénue in an ice storm. Stars such as Lauren Hutton, Angela Bassett, and Betsey Johnson walk the Heart Truth runway to commemorate the powerful partnership with the American fashion industry and to raise awareness about women and heart disease. Long legs and loose tops have become a trademark for Stella McCartney, and this season she didn’t miss the mark with her chunky knits and voluminous jackets and this season, the famously anti-fur designer also launches her first organic beauty line. And we do a little “green” shopping in Manhattan's Lower East Side with model/actress Shalom Harlow!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044009/1008044009-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293320" "asp3293318-marc","","Videofashion news. Glamour girls. Volume 31, Episode 27","","24 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, the glamour of the ‘40s is reinterpreted in these contemporary collections. The 2006 Fashion Fringe award winner Gavin Douglas take us to this era with his first runway presentation and then brings us to explore some of London's best vintage shops. This season at Gucci, Frida Giannini cites war-time photographer Lee Miller as an influence on her forties-style glamour. Angela Missoni takes the season's trend for ‘40s elegance and makes it her own with a signature seventies palette. Valentino celebrates 45 years as a leading light on the fashion calendar this year, with a stellar collection rooted in the ‘40s, while Naomi Campbell knocks ‘em dead on the runway once again at Julien MacDonald! After she sends out a bounty of beautiful oversized knits and louche-looking suits, Sonia Rykiel wraps up the season with a joyful rainbow of Mongolian lamb coats. Plus, we dig into our archives to take a look back at the era in some vintage fashion videos!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044008/1008044008-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293318" "asp3293316-marc","","Videofashion news. C'est magnifique. Volume 31, Episode 26","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, Riccardo Tisci, at the helm of Givenchy, takes a nautical tack for day, but for evening offers Fortuny-pleated grecian-styled gowns. Viktor & Rolf decide that each person is their own fashion show, sending models out with individual sound and lighting. We get a sneak peak at a fitting the day before. Discovering that his family heritage traced back to a victim of the Salem witch hunts leads Alexander McQueen to create a macabre collection. In his winter wonderland at Chanel, Karl Lagerfeld sends his models onto a make-believe ice-rink in boucle plaids, graphic prints and, of course, little black dresses to keep out the cold. At Balenciaga, Nicolas Ghesquiere takes it back to the street with a collection that draws on multi-cultural themes mixed with preppy motifs. Dries Van Noten gives his audience a treat this season when he lifts the curtain on the backstage action, using it as a counterpoint to his urban-ethic collection.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044007/1008044007-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293316" "asp3293314-marc","","Videofashion news. World view. Volume 31, Episode 25","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, we examine the far-reaching realms in which designers find their inspiration. The theme may be early-twentieth-century Russia and the military influence is obvious, but for Vera Wang, the focus is tailoring and cutting without being frilly. Leave it to Kimora Lee Simmons to take on the Eastern Bloc single handedly - her “From Russia with Love” collection for Baby Phat is a definite passport to winter excess! We go behind the scenes with Brit, Giles Deacon, as he explains his worldly collection. A sporty mélange of ethnic, monastic, and dandy influences from the SportMax. To celebrate 15 years in the fashion industry, Luca Luca hit the slopes at St. Mortiz with an ultra-luxe winter collection. With a winter collection entitled “La Movida”, Diane Von Furstenberg uses her Spanish references lightly. A bit of Gaudi goes a long way in the predominately black looks. At his first runway show, Duro Olowu presented a plethora of patterns, for his collection inspired by Bamako, Mali. Plus, meet newbie catwalker, Ali Michael!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044006/1008044006-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293314" "asp3293312-marc","","Videofashion news. New York pretty. Volume 31, Episode 24","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, in spite of all its urban edge, sometimes New York can be downright pretty! With a New York City backdrop, sophistication and color take center stage for Donna Karan at DKNY. The coolest sexagenarian in fashion, Betsey Johnson, becomes head mistress with a winter collection entitled ""School of Charm"". For Doo.Ri, this winter is about the idea of a dress over a dress and the notion of embellishment. In a cozy boudoir setting, Jovovich-Hawk presents a sophisticated collection of retro glamour dresses. At Twinkle, designer Wenlan Chia continues creating everyone's favorite chunky knits, but this time with a romantic twist. Alexandre Herchcovitch sends out a winter collection that has a pieced together feel, going so far as to transform a garbage bag into a wearable dress in a commentary on the poor working class of his native Brazil. Plus, meet striking young model Darla Baker!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044005/1008044005-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293312" "asp3293310-marc","","Videofashion news. Great expectations. Volume 31, Episode 23","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, we have great expectations for these fashionable first-timers! Olivier Theyskens makes his debut at Nina Ricci, showing a collection of featherweight gowns mixed with tough denim looks in the fresh air landscape of the Jardin Tuileries. Then, in Paolo Melim Andersson's first collection for Chloé, the ex-Marni designer sweeps the house free of its girly frills and opens the door to an edgier look. Turning to the house's archives for direction, Isabel Toledo delivers her first collection for Anne Klein with inspiration from ""Couture Haberdashery”. Known for their high-end jewels, British luxury house Asprey delves into ready-to-wear for the first time. New York cheers as hometown favorite, Isaac Mizrahi returns with a runway show while across the Atlantic the big news in the UK is that Marc by Marc Jacobs is showing in London this season!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044004/1008044004-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293310" "asp3293308-marc","","Videofashion news. Italian promenade. Volume 31, Episode 22","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, with Gisele Bundchen making a rare appearance, Dolce & Gabbana explore an S&M theme with metallic corsets and latex-looking dresses. Daria Werbowy makes her only Milan appearance on the Versace runway, but still doesn’t draw too much attention away from the take-charge women that Donatella presents. At Just Cavalli, it was a collection worthy of the world's prettiest party girls, and the boys who love them. When it comes to pretty party frocks, no one can help you make a splashy entrance better than Jenny Packham! Visions of Studio 54 and seventies-style rocked the D&G runway in Milan this season. Designer Giorgio Armani moved his Emporio Armani line in a younger direction appealing to Hollywood's elite. Plus, we tour the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum and Palazzo!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044003/1008044003-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293308" "asp3293306-marc","","Videofashion news. The inside story. Volume 31, Episode 21","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, get the inside story on the biggest news of the Winter season! Find out the new the Trends that will be filling fashionista wardrobes, plus get up to speed on the designers who took home top honors at the CFDA awards! Christian Dior celebrates 60 years with a landmark collection, plus there's even more Dior to adore with the exotic Christian Dior Cruise Collection. Meet “model of the season” Lara Stone as well as the most powerful woman in fashion – Anna Wintour!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044002/1008044002-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293306" "asp3293304-marc","","Videofashion news. Color corrected. Volume 31, Episode 20","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, these monochromatic collections may have restrained palettes, but are still off-the-charts chic! With a nod to Elizabeth Taylor in “Butterfield 8”, Francisco Costa adds a modern dimension to the sexy secretary concept in his winter collection for Calvin Klein. Michael Kors offers a complete and luxurious winter wardrobe, blending high-low American sportswear for every aspect of one's life. Inspired by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí, Yeohlee sculpts sumptuous fabrics into elegant, high-impact fashions. In his atelier the day before his show, Karl Lagerfeld gives us a preview of his Fall collection. With a wink to the logos of Louis Vuitton, and motorized twirling dresses, Yohji Yamamoto lets his sense of humor shine through. Plus, as he celebrates 20 years since his first haute couture collection, Christian Lacroix cleanses his usually colorful palette with a large does of black on black.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044001/1008044001-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293304" "asp3293302-marc","","Videofashion news. Oh! Natural. Volume 31, Episode 2","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, features Summer fashion collections by Diane von Furstenberg, Pollini - Rifat Ozbek, Marc Jacobs, Vena Cava, and Alessandro Dell'Aqua. It also features Canadian model, Julia Dunstall.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008044xxx/1008044000/1008044000-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293302" "asp3293300-marc","","Videofashion news. 20th century foxes. Volume 31, Episode 19","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, with a decadently staged show full of colorful extras, John Galliano explores early 20th century French images by famed photographer Brassai. With a nod to Jeanne Lanvin's archive, Alber Elbaz explores the limitless possibilities of the sleeve structure, then presents his findings on an over-sized runway spread over three levels. Inspired by Paul Poiret, Thakoon's Fall collection was ripe with luxe fabrication, and a sophisticated silhouette. At Etro, an Art Deco period was referenced, resulting in a refined collection with feminine touches. At Barneys New York, designer Sophia Kokosalaki is fêted for her work on the newly re-launched Vionnet collection. It's “Beauty in Exile” – Alice Temperley found inspiration in the Russian immigration to Paris during the early 20th Century. And the Metropolitan Museum's landmark Paul Poiret exhibition.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043999/1008043999-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293300" "asp3293298-marc","","Videofashion news. Knight watch. Volume 31, Episode 18","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","This issue of Videofashion explores how the world's top designers were influenced by the Middle Ages. Inspired by the medieval knight on the label's logo, designer Christopher Bailey brought Burberry Prorsum in a new direction, making this season tougher, sexier and a little bit more rock-n-roll! Renaissance portraiture inspires the elaborate confections from Rodarte. A mix of influences, including Scarlett O’Hara, Rambo and Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, all blended together for newcomer Christopher Kane's Fall/Winter collection. Modern medieval was the direction Behnaz Sarafpour took her collection in this season, and it was ripe with luxury and embellishment. Subtly embellished takes on armor stole the show at Alberta Ferretti! Anne Valerie Hash gives us intimate tour of her Fall collection and her new studio space housed in an historic building in the Marais. Japanese samurai are the inspiration behind Sinha-Stanic in London. And more!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043998/1008043998-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293298" "asp3293296-marc","","Videofashion news. Metrocentric. Volume 31, Episode 17","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, chicly urban collections are making us feel proudly metrocentric. This season Antonio Berardi brings a sleeker, sexier edge to his strong silhouettes. Frank Gehry’s inspiring building in New York City lends an architectural sensibility to Derek Lam this winter. Native New Yorker Donna Karan’s winter collection looks to the flicker of the city’s neon – as well as, updating the iconic Donna Karan bodysuit. It’s always an escape from excess at Narciso Rodriguez. Go behind the scenes with emerging designer Josh Goot as he prepares for his sleek collection in an urban black palette. Plus, we check in on Hussein Chalayan at a fitting the day before he presents his collection that melded concepts of Japanese Samurai with the earth’s changing weather patterns.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043997/1008043997-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293296" "asp3293294-marc","","Videofashion news. Urban savage. Volume 31, Episode 16","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, there's wild feeling sweeping the Fall/Winter season. At a fitting the day before her show, Vivienne Westwood explains the Cave Girl concept behind her collection. Rick Owens uses his signature muted color palette to highlight the primitive textures shapes inspired, he says, by Paul Poiret. For fall, the DSquared2 duo takes a MadMax approach with bare chested swinging from harnesses and woman dressed as road warriors! A little bit more rough and tough than usual, Rifat Ozbek cited the military as inspiration for his collection for Pollini. At MaxMara, Laura Lusuardi highlights her luxury basics with military touches and primitive textures. Always in search of breaking new boundaries, the latest Prada collection explored technological innovations in textiles with a focus on volume and menswear techniques. The fur flies in London, as current wild child Gareth Pugh delivers one show stopping number after another, and more!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043996/1008043996-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293294" "asp3293292-marc","","Videofashion news. The sophisticates. Volume 31, Episode 15","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, Marc Jacobs presents a winter collection of precise American sportswear that has an undeniable European sensibility. For all the edge and angst of past seasons, designer Bryan Bradley, says the Tuleh girl this winter is in love and ready to settle down – resulting in a collection that is chic and sophisticated. Oscar de la Renta continues to be the master of modern femininity. Simple to extravagant, Mr. de la Renta envisions the multi-generational society-set having an elegantly polished winter. Breaking! Roberto Cavalli switches gears this season and eschews “sexy” for a decidedly more sophisticated and “sensual” collection. At Salvatore Ferragamo, Graeme Black takes his subtle elegance into a new realm this season with a glamorous take on men's suiting for his luxury-loving client, plus we tour the factory where some of the world's most elegant shoes are created. Ivana Omazic brings a more rigorous silhouette to Celine this season with an emphasis on sharp lines, new textures, and a sexy waist.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043995/1008043995-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293292" "asp3293290-marc","","Videofashion news. Mixed message. Volume 31, Episode 14","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, designers offer a mixed message with this collection that have something for both the guys and the gal.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043994/1008043994-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293290" "asp3293288-marc","","Videofashion news. Just for fun. Volume 31, Episode 13","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion News, forget about seriousness and practicality, these clothes by Baby Phat, Zac Posen, Betsey Johnson, Antonio Berardi, and Coco Rocha are all about having fun.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043993/1008043993-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293288" "asp3293286-marc","","Videofashion news. The perfect wardrobe. Volume 31, Episode 12","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion News, we seek fashion holy grail, the perfect wardrobe from designers, Oscar de la Renta, Hubert de Givenchy, Chado Ralph Rucci, Yves Saint Laurent, Lanvin, and Bill Blass.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043992/1008043992-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293286" "asp3293284-marc","","Videofashion news. The Italian story. Volume 31, Episode 11","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion news, get a taste of Milanese styles from Etro, Giorgio Armani, Jil Sander, Missoni, and Sportmax. It also features Brazilian model, Flávia de Oliveira.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043991/1008043991-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293284" "asp3293282-marc","","Videofashion news. London times. Volume 31, Episode 10","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion News, features collections by British designers such as Jonathan Saunders, Erdem, and Paul Smith. Also covered in this video is the Face of Fashion exhibition by creative fashion photographers. It also features Belarusian model, Tanya D.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043990/1008043990-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293282" "asp3293280-marc","","Videofashion news. Sports stars. Volume 31, Episode 1","","25 minutes","['Videofashion news']","In this issue of Videofashion, features sports collections by Jean Paul Gaultier, Lacoste, Dries Van Noten, Marni, Just Cavalli and DKNY. It also features Brazilian model, David Jinsin.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043989/1008043989-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293280" "asp3293278-marc","","Videofashion style. Miami heat. Volume 2, Episode 9","","25 minutes","['Videofashion style']","In this issue of Videofashion Style, Miami brings the heat. The city's unique style is on display in its architecture, nightlife, shopping, and fashion. Take a tour of the former Versace mansion, The Villa by Barton G. Miami native Red Carter brings South Beach style to the runway. Be there as legendary hairstylist Oribe makes the move to Miami. The Luli Fama swimsuit line showcases hometown style. Relax Miami-style at MySpa at the luxurious Intercontinental Hotel. Plus, a tour of Miami hot spots and the Art Deco architecture the city is known for.","stream","[]","['Miami (Fla.)']","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043929/1008043929-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293278" "asp3293276-marc","","Videofashion style. Emerging talent. Volume 2, Episode 8","","25 minutes","['Videofashion style']","In this issue of Videofashion Style, emerging talent gets a leg up from industry insiders. From the top design schools to sponsored competitions, young designers get a chance to show their stuff. In New York, the CFDA Incubator launches a now-familiar face. London's rising talent gets some help from the Fashion Fringe Competition. Today's design stars lend a hand to tomorrow's rising stars at New York's Fashion Institute of Technology. Flash back to London's Central St. Martin's 1988 student show, where a young John Galliano showed his final project on the runway. Plus more recent graduation shows from Central St. Martins, FIT, and Parsons.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043928/1008043928-disc001-file001-frame00290-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293276" "asp3293274-marc","","Videofashion style. Bridal bouquet. Volume 2, Episode 7","","25 minutes","['Videofashion style']","In this issue of Videofashion Style, top fashion designers offer a beautiful bouquet of wedding dress options. It's petals of perfection when it comes to Marchesa's bridal collection. Naeem Khan's wedding gowns flourish with flowers. The floral motif at Monique L'Huillier will steal your heart. Ines Di Santo Bridal stuns with a garden of bridal delights. The delicate splendor of peonies inspire Jenny Lee's wedding collection. Flower girls rule the runway at Oscar de la Renta. Plus, stunning bridal bouquets too gorgeous to toss at Florisity.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows', 'Wedding costume']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043927/1008043927-disc001-file001-frame01295-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293274" "asp3293270-marc","","Videofashion style. Accessories. Volume 2, Episode 5","","25 minutes","['Videofashion style']","In this issue of Videofashion Style, you’ve got an “All-Accessorize Pass.” Step inside famed jeweler Bulgari's first luxury hotel. Get a whiff of designer Christian Siriano's new fragrance. New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning lends a hand - and wrist - to Citizen Watches. Go behind the scenes at the Freywille jewelry studio in Vienna. The Whitney Museum opens its new location in New York City, with a signature handbag by Max Mara. Plus quintessentially Italian handbags by Furla.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043925/1008043925-disc001-file001-frame00140-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293270" "asp3293268-marc","","Videofashion daily. Notable debuts. Volume 2, Episode 4","","25 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","In this issue of Videofashion Style, be in the front row for some off the fashion world's most notable debuts. In New York, Phillip Lim, now a multiple-CFDA Award-winner, stages his first show at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week. After a fall from grace, John Galliano makes a comeback with his debut collection for the House of Margiela. In London, Sarah Burton's coming out party for Alexander McQueen makes her a household name. Jeremy Scott's debut collection for Moschino maintains the label's trademark wit. Prabal Gurung's first show is a triumph. Menswear superstar Thom Browne wows with his first womenswear show. Flash back to 1985 for the debut show that put Donna Karan on the map. Hedi Slimane takes the helm at Yves Saint Laurent to tremendous fanfare and applause. Plus, Nicolas Ghesquiere's first show for Louis Vuitton.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043924/1008043924-disc001-file001-frame00660-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293268" "asp3293266-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 34","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","London, Milan and Paris offer many fashion options. We summarize the most interesting collections here to top off the exciting Spring Summer 2010 season featuring: Marios Schwab, Burberry Prorsum, Bottega Veneta, Jil Sander, Missoni, Versace, Gabriele Colangelo, Lanvin, Stella McCartney, Celine, John Galliano, and Chanel.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043923/1008043923-disc001-file001-frame00275-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293266" "asp3293264-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 33","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Highlights of the most innovative collections from New York including Marc Jacobs, Jason Wu, Donna Karan, Ralph Lauren, Oscar de la Renta, Calvin Klein, Alexander Wang, Diane von Furstenberg, Sophie Theallet, Carolina Herrera, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Carolina Herrera, plus a beauty backstage roundup from Glamour magazine's Suze Yalof Schwartz.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043922/1008043922-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293264" "asp3293262-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 32","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Our crews spent extra time in London to bring you the newest names in men's fashion from the fashion capital of individualists: Carolyn Massey, James Long, Lou Dalton, Man, Wintle, and A Child of the Jago.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043921/1008043921-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293262" "asp3293258-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 30","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion Daily continues to bring you the crème de la crème from Paris Fashion Week! In this issue, Alexander McQueen faces the future with his spring 2010 collection. Vivienne Westwood sends an environmental message with her punk styles, while Karl Lagerfeld gives his eponymous label a touch of rock ‘n’ roll for spring. Plus, hidden corsetry at Rue du Mail, and revisit the rich history of Lanvin before viewing another exquisite collection from Alber Elbaz.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043919/1008043919-disc001-file001-frame00485-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293258" "asp3293256-marc","","Videofashion style. Celebrity designers. Volume 2, Episode 3","","25 minutes","['Videofashion style']","In this issue of Videofashion Style, fashion worships the cult of celebrity. They’ve been in the audience and sometimes even on the runway, but these superstars have stepped into the atelier with their own lines. Sienna Miller launched Twenty8Twelve with her sister in 2006. Justin Timberlake's William Rast line quickly won him more fans. Swimsuit supermodel Chrissy Tiegen designed her own collection for Dineila Brazil. Gwen Stefani brings her personal style to L.A.M.B. Tennis superstar Venus Williams staged a unique presentation for her activewear line, EleVen. Lindsay Lohan spent a season as artistic advisor for French house Ungaro. Plus Kardashians by Bebe.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Celebrities', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043918/1008043918-disc001-file001-frame00750-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293256" "asp3293254-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 29","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Viktor & Rolf's credit card-chic collection kicks off this issue of Videofashion Daily! Brancusi, Picasso, and Man Ray are the artist inspirations for Giambattista Valli, while Gareth Pugh takes a softer edge this season. Plus, youthful, gauzy looks at Anne Valerie Hash, and review the rich history of Christian Dior before checking out John Galliano's film noir-influenced spring collection.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043917/1008043917-disc001-file001-frame00150-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293254" "asp3293252-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 28","","48 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Karl Lagerfeld's country-chic collection for Chanel opens this issue of Videofashion Daily from Paris Fashion Week! Other highlights include immaculately tailored, ruffled confections at Stella McCartney, masterful minimalism at Yves Saint Laurent, body-conscious offerings inspired by screen star Catherine Deneuve at Tim Hamilton, and biker styles at Yohji Yamamoto. Plus, take an in-depth look at Louis Vuitton, then check out the house's jet-setter styles for spring 2010.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043916/1008043916-disc001-file001-frame00360-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293252" "asp3293250-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 27","","48 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","In this issue of Videofashion Daily, Jean Paul Gaultier mixes denim and lingerie for his spring collection titled “G Spot.” Dries van Noten takes us on a trip to Southeast Asia, military motifs at Balmain, and Rick Owens plays with geometry on the runway. Plus, take an in-depth look at Celine, then check out Phoebe Philo's latest offerings for the in-demand label.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043915/1008043915-disc001-file001-frame00255-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293250" "asp3293248-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 26","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","We’re off to the City of Lights as Videofashion Daily takes your from front row to backstage at Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2010! In this issue, John Galliano injects old Hollywood glamour with even more drama, while the runway is a rainbow of ‘60s-inspired styles at Giles. Hannah MacGibbon presents streamlined sophistication at Chloe, and Sophia Kokosalaki looks to her Greek roots for runway inspiration. Plus, Arabian and Roman influences go hand in hand for Riccardo Tisci at Givenchy.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043914/1008043914-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293248" "asp3293246-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 25","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion Daily wraps up a week in Milan with another showcase of fantastic Italian fashion! In this issue, designer Peter Dundas presents a sizzling summer collection for Emilio Pucci, while visions of African sunsets color the Salvatore Ferragamo summer collection. Then, pack your rucksack–the design duo at DSquared2 go “Glam-ping” this season! Plus, urban chic at Emporio Armani, metallic moves at Mila Schon, and Donatella Versace and Christopher Kane propose sexy dresses for the social “It” girl in everyone at Versus.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043913/1008043913-disc001-file001-frame00195-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293246" "asp3293244-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 24","","52 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","In this issue of Videofashion Daily, Rosella Jardini wears rose-colored glasses at Moschino Cheap & Chic, exuberant color and playful prints steal the show at Blumarine, and feminine frocks take center stage at Alberta Ferretti! Plus, luxe knitwear at Anteprima, Roberto Cavalli blends floral chiffons with rocker sensibility, and strong lines make a modern daywear statement at Max Mara.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043912/1008043912-disc001-file001-frame00250-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293244" "asp3293242-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 23","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion Daily keeps on rolling with even more excitement from Milan Fashion Week! Donatella Versace channels the sex appeal that made her late brother famous at Versace; fluid architecture is behind the lines at Gianfranco Ferre, eclectic charm at Marni, and Giorgio Armani adds a youthful flare to his elegantly tailored collection. Plus, military meets lingerie at Sportmax, and meet newcomer to the Milan fashion scene, Gabriele Colangelo.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043911/1008043911-disc001-file001-frame01750-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293242" "asp3293240-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 22","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","In this issue of Videofashion Daily, Anna Molinari injects a sense of optimism into her collection for Blugirl; early '90s grunge is the influence at Just Cavalli, Moschino stays playful yet classic, and Miss Bikini Luxe makes a bold African statement. Plus, Staged at the Piazza Duomo for all of Milan, C’N’C Costume National really creates a rock ‘n’ roll spectacle at their spring/summer show!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043910/1008043910-disc001-file001-frame00240-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293240" "asp3293238-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 21","","48 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion Daily heads to Italy for la dolce vita and more breathtaking fashion from Milan Fashion Week! Karl Lagerfeld brings the boudoir to the boulevard at Fendi, while sharp tailoring, paired with jewel tones and gold lamé makes for an exquisite summer at Aquilano.Rimondi. It's a seductive season of lingerie-inspired looks at Dolce & Gabbana, and Tomas Maier believes in an elegant but sporty summer for Bottega Veneta. Plus, Raf Simons is inspired by the Antonini film, Zabriskie Point, at Jil Sander, and lightweight layers are the look at Missoni.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043909/1008043909-disc001-file001-frame01000-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293238" "asp3293236-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 20","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","We wrap up the 25th anniversary of London Fashion Week in this special episode of Videofashion Daily. Highlights include a Swedish-vampire tinged collection from Jonathan Saunders, ‘70s style at Danielle Scutt, and mod motifs at Luella. Plus, African influences at Roksanda Ilincic, gothic abstraction from Charles Anastase, and take an in-depth look at London's incomparable queen of punk, then watch as she delivers an eco-chic message at Vivienne Westwood Red Label.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043908/1008043908-disc001-file001-frame01425-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293236" "asp3293234-marc","","Videofashion style. Lingerie fashion. Volume 2, Episode 2","","25 minutes","['Videofashion style']","In this issue of Videofashion Style, lingerie is uncovered. Take an in-depth look at lingerie through the years at FIT Exposed: History of Lingerie Exhibition. Britain's Agent Provocateur shows how they’ve earned that moniker. The Lake and the Stars seduces with humor. Fred & Ginger brings 1950s Hollywood style to the bedroom. Intimates raise awareness along with blood pressure at the Seven Bar Foundation lingerie show. Meet Victoria's Secret's Angels. Plus, an inside look at lingerie legend Fernando Sanchez (and a flashback to the launch of CK Underwear with Kate Moss and Mark Wahlberg!).","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows', 'Lingerie']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043907/1008043907-disc001-file001-frame00905-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293234" "asp3293230-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 18","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion Daily continues its international coverage of spring/summer 2010 with more must-see shows from London Fashion Week! In this issue, Julien Macdonald heads under the sea for his scuba-inspired collection. We review in-demand British designer Matthew Williamson's rise to fashion fame, then preview his refined collection for spring 2010. Check out the latest looks from London favorites Marios Schwab and Nicole Farhi, then rewind the fashion dial to British styles straight out of 1963! Plus, esteemed actress and London native Tilda Swinton is Pringle of Scotland's new muse, and Nathan Jenden showcases his vibrant spring collection on a runway of exquisitely beautiful ethnic models.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043905/1008043905-disc001-file001-frame01105-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293230" "asp3293228-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 17","","57 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","In this issue of Videofashion Daily, we head across the pond for London Fashion Week's 25th anniversary! Highlights include African influences at Paul Smith, ’80s inspiration at House of Holland, divine watercolor prints at Peter Pilotto, structured styles at Louise Goldin, and a cartoon-inspired runway at Jeremy Scott that's straight out of the Stone Age! Plus, a beautifully body-conscious collection from Antonio Berardi, and we hit the vault for retro English hats that really turned heads!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043904/1008043904-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293228" "asp3293226-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 16","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","New York Fashion Week comes to a close, and we send it out in fabulous style with guest host Kimora Lee Simmons! Take a closer look at the ever-expanding career of our fashion mogul host, then see her latest collection strut down the Baby Phat runway. 3.1 Phillip Lim takes Picasso for a modern spin, polished evening wear is in-focus at Prabal Gurung, and a nostalgic trip to the Orient inspires Erin Fetherston's feminine line. Plus, we crack open the vault and take a peek at New York designer Cynthia Rowley's ‘90s styles, then preview her sparkling creations for spring 2010!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043903/1008043903-disc001-file001-frame00550-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293226" "asp3293224-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 15","","48 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Elle magazine's Creative Director and go-to style guru Joe Zee hosts this issue of Videofashion Daily! Highlights include sweet styles at Rebecca Tailor, girlish details and sophisticated shapes at Tuleh, and modern menswear from Richard Chai. Plus, get to know Brooklyn designer and favorite of First Lady Michelle Obama, Sophie Theallet, flashback to Asian-influenced ‘50s fashion and vintage beach styles, and check out ornate accents and rich jewel tones at luxe swimwear label, Gottex.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043902/1008043902-disc001-file001-frame00530-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293224" "asp3293222-marc","","Videofashion daily. Volume 2, Episode 14","","48 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Multi-talented model-turned-editor Kelly Killoren Bensimon hosts this episode of Videofashion Daily! Milly by Michelle Smith opens this issue with a 60s-inspired spring catwalk full of fresh, fun attitude. Human anatomy is the backbone of Victoria Bartlett's runway at VPL, and urban girls pack their bags for Kenya at ADAM. Rock ‘n’ roll rules the runway at Elise Overland, and Thom Browne's notorious shrunken suits hit a quirky high with polka-dots and nautical details. Plus, see mod model Twiggy's first trip to the States.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043901/1008043901-disc001-file001-frame00725-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293222" "asp3293220-marc","","Videofashion style. Taste of Brazil. Volume 2, Episode 13","","25 minutes","['Videofashion style']","In this issue of Videofashion Style, Brazilian designers and models bring the flavor of their home country to the runways of the world. Carlos Miele is inspired by his rainforest garden and the music of Brazil. Osklen makes its New York debut with a Rio-inspired show. Model Shirley Mallman curates the perfect Brazilian meal. The hottest looks from Brazil's beaches make a splash with top swimwear lines Rosa Cha, Cia.Maritima, and Poko Pano. Plus designer Alexandre Herchkovitz and a look back at the rise of the Brazilian models and Gisele Bunchen's early days on the catwalk.","stream","[]","['Brazil']","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043900/1008043900-disc001-file001-frame00710-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293220" "asp3293216-marc","","Videofashion style. Making the grade. Volume 2, Episode 11","","25 minutes","['Videofashion style']","In this issue of Videofashion Style, take an in-depth look into New York's prestigious Fashion Institute of Technology and meet some of it's most notable alumni. Francisco Costa, creative director at Calvin Klein womenswear, expresses his gratitude towards his alma mater. Assail Aberra has grown herself a bridal empire since her time at FIT. Former student, Michael Kors is at the top of his game. American couturier Ralph Rucci is one of the schools most famous graduates. Plus, FIT's graduating class shows off their talent.","stream","['Fashion Institute of Technology (New York, N.Y.)']","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043898/1008043898-disc001-file001-frame00280-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293216" "asp3293214-marc","","Videofashion style. Take a bow. Volume 2, Episode 10","","25 minutes","['Videofashion style']","In this issue of Videofashion Style, the industries most iconic designers take a bow. After 45 years, Valentino retires with a gala final show in Paris. Take an in-depth look at Oscar de la Renta's exquisite final collection. For his crowning collection at Gucci, Tom Ford looks back at his historic collections for the house. Jean Paul Gaultier bids adieu to ready-to-wear with a pageant. John Galliano's final show for Christian Dior has fashion insiders and fans talking. And Donna Karan says goodbye to the quintessentially New York house that bears her name.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043897/1008043897-disc001-file001-frame00275-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293214" "asp3293208-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 8","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","In this issue of Videofashion daily, Marc Jacobs celebrates New York in the 1980’s, and Glamour’s Suze Yalof Schwartz gets a behind-the-scenes look at make-up and hair. Indulge your nostalgic impulses with Betsey Johnson, who transforms her showroom into a classic Americana malt shop. Plus new collections from Thakoon, William Rast, Z Zegna, and a model profile of the young superstar Coco Rocha.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043751/1008043751-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293208" "asp3293206-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 7","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","In this issue of Videofashion daily you won’t want to miss some of the best collections of the new Fall 2009 season, including the streamlined modern dressing of Donna Karan and Carolina Herrera’s usual elegance set to classical music as well as a 25 year overview of her career from the Videofashion Vault. Plus Jill Stuart, Miss Sixty, Zero + Maria Cornejo and a model profile of Karlie Kloss.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043750/1008043750-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293206" "asp3293204-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 6","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Jonathan Saunders’ futuristic collection kicks off this issue of Videofashion daily. The coverage of New York Fashion Week Fall 2009 continues with a look at Yohji Yamamoto’s Y-3 collection for Adidas, Bryan Bradley’s touch of decadent romance at Tuleh, and Erin Fetherston’s whimsical “Tinderbox” Collection. Round out your fashion hour with a an in-depth look at Diane Von Furstenberg, with Glamour’s Suze Yalof Schwartz covering beauty from backstage, and a retrospective of the designer’s iconic career from the Videofashion Vault.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043749/1008043749-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293204" "asp3293202-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 5","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Calvin Klein Men opens this hour of Videofashion daily’s coverage of the New York Fall 2009 collections. Other highlights include the DKNY show accompanied by a video-biography of Donna Karan’s 30 year career and a quick flashback to New York fashion in 1967 with Rudi Gernreich. Plus Herve Leger by Max Azria, Preen , Monarchy and model Jourdan Dunn.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043748/1008043748-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293202" "asp3293200-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 4","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion daily takes you to the biggest extravaganza in town – the 50th Anniversary runway spectacular for Barbie featuring gowns designed by New York’s best designers. Plus more New York Fall 2009 previews from Verrier, Ohne Titel, Alexander Wang, ADAM, and a model profile of Indian beauty Lakshmi Menon, plus, VPL by Victoria Bartlett.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043747/1008043747-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293200" "asp3293198-marc","","Videofashion daily. [Fall, winter 2009-2010]. Volume 1, Episode 32","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion daily rounds out your preview of Fall/Winter 2009-2010 with the highlights from Europe. In Paris, Alber Elbaz for Lanvin, Stella McCartney and Alexander McQueen showed stand-out collections, while Olivier Theyskens took a dramatic last turn at Nina Ricci. In London, both Christoper Kane and Richard Nicoll gave us something to look forward to for Fall. And in Milan Jil Sander, Marni and Versace had everyone buzzing.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043746/1008043746-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293198" "asp3293196-marc","","Videofashion daily. Paris. Volume 1, Episode 31","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Check out the latest for Fall with Videofashion daily. At Chloe Hannah McGibbon opened with a masculine take on the traditionally softer house, but ultimately offered what loyal customers look for – pretty, romantic pieces. For Louis Vuitton Marc Jacobs was inspired by French fashion darlings of the eighties like Marie Seznec, Loulou de la Falaise and Victoire de Castellane. Christophe Decarnin at Balmain continued to offer his version of 80s glitz, and Estaban Cortazar at Emanuel Ungaro offered a collection of cocktail-ready clothes perfect for a party princess. For their first outing at the house of Valentino, Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pier Paolo Piccioli played it safe with beautifully elegant and luxurious pieces, and Videofashion takes a look back at the history of the house. Plus a model profile of cover girl, Carmen Kass.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043745/1008043745-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293196" "asp3293194-marc","","Videofashion daily. Paris. Volume 1, Episode 30","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","In this issue of Videofashion daily, Riccardo Tisci’s hard-edged glamour for Givenchy takes on a sophisticated side. Karl Lagerfeld plays like a dandy with a “Belle Brummel” look at Chanel, while Jean Paul Gaultier revisits a favorite theme, choosing a provocative combination of fishnets, a bordello, mud wrestling, and a cat fight for an X-rated show. Offering the epitome of French chic, Stefano Pilati for Yves Saint Laurent creates looks in leather that will give women a sensual strength for Fall, and go inside the Vault for a retrospective of the legendary house. Nicolas Ghesquiere for Balenciaga shows 80’s drapery to its finest. Plus, get to know model muse, Karen Elson!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043744/1008043744-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293194" "asp3293192-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 3","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","In this issue of Videofashion daily NYCTV’s Trevor Scotland gives you the inside scoop on the inspired menswear collections for Fall 2009 including colorful sportswear at Lacoste, Richard Chai Men and Robert Geller. Plus women’s wear from Costello Tagliapietra, Lorick New York, Nicole Miller, and a model profile of runway favorite Lara Stone.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043743/1008043743-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293192" "asp3293190-marc","","Videofashion daily. Paris. Volume 1, Episode 29","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion daily brings you the hottest looks from Paris Fashion Week! For Fall, Jeremy Scott puts his playful spin on Minnie Mouse, and Anne Valerie Hash works once again with her own brand of masculine and feminine. Giambattista Valli looked towards the “interior” life of Yves Saint Laurent during the seventies, and the images of his Opium fragrance. Antonio Berardi offers sharp suiting with luxurious furs and glam gowns. And John Galliano playd with the idea of eastern European virgin brides, presenting them in an artic-style laser tunnel! Plus Videofashion takes you inside the vault for a look-back at Galliano’s careers, and a model profile of Polish beauty, Magdalena!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043742/1008043742-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293190" "asp3293188-marc","","Videofashion daily. Paris. Volume 1, Episode 27","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion daily takes you front-row at Paris Fashion Week! For Fall/Winter 2009-2010 Karl Lagerfeld took shoulder emphasis to the edge with his new “bridge” shoulder, making it even more beautiful for evening. Sonia Rykiel showed in the intimate setting of her Saint-Germain boutique and sat front row while her models sauntered through the rooms reciting witty phrases, plus take a look back at the designer’s career from the Videofashion Vault. With models made to look like marble, Viktor & Rolf reinvented drapery, using the serenity of Greek statues as inspiration. And, in his last collection for Nina Ricci, Olivier Theyskens made an elaborate high-drama statement for fall, not least of which included heel-less sequined platforms.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043740/1008043740-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293188" "asp3293186-marc","","Videofashion daily. Paris. Volume 1, Episode 26","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","See what’s in store for Fall/Winter 2009-2010 with Videofashion daily’s in-depth coverage of Paris Fashion Week! For Lanvin, Alber Elbaz introduces a new tough-chic edge to his elegant woman. John Galliano rediscovers Orientalism at Christian Dior and brings a new look to the classic “New Look.” At Rue du Mail, Martine Sitbon invites guests into her left bank headquarters for a rock-chic collection that plays to the designer’s dark side. Videofashion go inside the Vault for a retrospective of Stella McCartney’s career, and then takes a look at her latest offerings, which include the perfect vegan alternative to fur and leather, and a collection that merges the masculine and feminine. Plus a model profile of the beauty from Belarus, Maryna Linchuk.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043739/1008043739-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293186" "asp3293184-marc","","Videofashion daily. Milan. Volume 1, Episode 25","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion daily continues it’s coverage of Milan Fashion Week! A youthful sensibility prevails at Blugirl, while sumptuous fabrics add to a subtle luxury at MaxMara. Inspired by old-time movie stars, the duo behind the Aquilano. Rimondi label cut an elegant collection for fall. Both Alessandro Dell’Acqua and the design duo at Gianfranco Ferre take their cues from 80’s power dressing, designing for the strong woman of today. Plus, Videofashion goes inside the Vault to bring you a retrospective on Gianfranco Ferre. And, get to know runway veteran Maria Carla Boscono!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043738/1008043738-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293184" "asp3293182-marc","","Videofashion daily. Milan. Volume 1, Episode 24","","48 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion daily takes you front-row at Milan Fashion Week! There’s high glamour spiked with an undercurrent of eroticism at Bottega Veneta. And Marni continues to be the fashion insider’s go-to label. Karl Lagerfeld dreams of a winter forest at night for Fendi, and we take a look inside the Vault to bring you a retrospective of the house’s history. Roberto Cavalli taps into the essence of strength for today’s woman. Plus, a model profile of Dutch beauty, Kim Noorda. And find out why the fashion flock named Versace the highlight of Milan this season!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043737/1008043737-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293182" "asp3293180-marc","","Videofashion daily. Milan. Volume 1, Episode 23","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Check out the latest looks from Milan for Autumn/Winter 2009-2010 with Videofashion daily! New designer, Peter Dundas, envisions a rock-n-roll edge at Emilio Pucci, and Jil Sander’s collection is a sculptural sensation! Pringle of Scotland’s Clare Waight Keller continues the house’s long tradition of knitwear, with a modern twist. The intellectuals of the Bloomsbury group are an influence at Burberry Prorsum, and travel inside the Vault for a look-back at the house’s history. A nomadic streetwise sensibility blends together at Missoni. Plus, a model profile of the artistic Sasha Pivovarova!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043736/1008043736-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293180" "asp3293178-marc","","Videofashion daily. Milan. Volume 1, Episode 22","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion daily brings you in-depth coverage of the hottest looks from Milan Fashion Week. For Autumn/Winter 2009-2010, the DSquared2 girl is a little “messed up”. Giorgio Armani brings a modern twist to the strength of the 1980s woman. There’s a sexy androgyny at Gucci this season, while elegant tailoring takes center stage at Salvatore Ferragamo. Plus, D&G presents an operatic elegance, inspired by Maria Callas, and get to know Australian beauty Catherine McNeil!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043735/1008043735-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293178" "asp3293176-marc","","Videofashion daily. London. Volume 1, Episode 21","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion daily’s coverage of London Fashion Week concludes with an overview of the top trends for Autumn/Winter 2009-2010. Plus, Julien Macdonald’s glamour girl is unabashedly sexy and dangerous in motorcycle leathers and gowns embellished with shards of mirrored glass, and go inside the Vault for a look-back at the designer's career. Inspired by Pantone color swatches, designer Henry Holland delivers a playful collection for House of Holland. Issa shows easy luxury with slinky jersey dresses and a sensual color palette, and Nicole Farhi offers a wearable collection focused on rich textures, pops of color and strong, but feminine, shoulders. Young powerhouse Christopher Kane delivers a graphic collection marked by a new sense of austerity. And, get to know Polish beauty, Anja!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043734/1008043734-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293176" "asp3293174-marc","","Videofashion daily. London. Volume 1, Episode 20","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion daily continues its coverage of London’s hottest looks for Autumn/Winter 2009-2010. Take a look in the Vault for a retrospective of Paul Smith’s career before viewing his latest charming collection, full of traditional English fabrics, muted prints and military detailing. “Power print” maestros Basso & Brooke look to the beauty of the Baroque and Rococo periods for a modern opulence. Peter Pilotto presents a collection of lush, intense prints, all inspired by the Big Bang, while Mary Katrantzou abstracts classic perfume bottles into graphics echoing the female form. And, working with artist Linder Sterling, Richard Nicoll presents a standout collection of lean, cropped silhouettes. Plus a model profile of Canadian stunner, Alana Zimmer!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043733/1008043733-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293174" "asp3293172-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 2","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion daily is your front row seat to the glamour and glitz that will set the fashion trends for Fall 2009 from New York Fashion Week. In this second hour watch Urban samurai at Rag & Bone, sparkling hosiery at BCBG Max Azria, 18th century French incroyables at Abaete, a model profile of Dominican beauty Arlenis Sosa, body-conscious cutouts at Cushnie et Ochs, a fashion flashback to New York milliners in 1956, and a darker, edgier Charlotte Ronson.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043732/1008043732-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293172" "asp3293170-marc","","Videofashion daily. London. Volume 1, Episode 19","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion daily takes you front-row at London Fashion Week! For her Red Label collection, Vivienne Westwood looks to the different style gangs of the girls at St. Trinian’s school, and Videofashion goes inside the Vault for a look-back at the designer’s career. Sisters Sienna and Savannah Miller present the first runway collection for their cool, youthful label Twenty8Twelve. Charles Anastase delivers a brilliantly mixed and matched collection inspired by growing up in the ‘90s. Young knitwear star Mark Fast looks to the power of thunderstorms for inspiration, while military and punk influences add up to a quirky utilitarianism at London favorite Luella. Plus, a model profile of rising star Kinée!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion design', 'Punk rock music', 'Fashion', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043731/1008043731-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293170" "asp3293168-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 18","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Wrap up New York Fashion Week with Videofashion daily! Fashion editors and experts comment on the trends of Fall 2009, and Glamour’s Suze Yalof Schwartz takes you through the week’s beauty highlights. Take a second look at New York’s top collections including Derek Lam, Isaac Mizrahi, Michael Kors, Ralph Lauren, Carolina Herrera, Narciso Rodriguez, and Donna Karan.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043730/1008043730-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293168" "asp3293166-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 17","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","In this issue of Videofashion daily’s coverage of New York Fashion Week Fall 2009, Stephen Burrows’ collection features chic separates and powerful silhouettes. Bright colors and texture were the focus at Nanette Lepore, while the cultural exchange between Paris and New York served as the inspiration for the design duo behind Ruffian. Prabal Gurung debuted his label with a polished sophistication. Halston, in lieu of a traditional runway, offers a video starring model, Dree Hemingway, and Videofashion takes you inside the vault for a look at the history behind the label. In menswear, Oeltjenbruns plays with the traditional military uniform. Plus, a fashion flashback to 1956, a model profile of Sessilee Lopez and NYC TV’s Trevor Scotland asks fashion insiders what effect the economy has had on the industry.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043729/1008043729-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293166" "asp3293164-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 16","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion daily’s in-depth coverage of New York Fashion Week Fall 2009 continues. Chado Ralph Rucci delivers the craftsmanship and elegance we have all come to expect. Brian Reyes looked to stone quarries as inspiration for Fall 2009, and Diesel Black Gold borrowed elements from Jazz’s heyday. India’s legendary Mughal Dynasty guided Tia Cibani’s latest collection for Ports 1961. Videofashion takes you inside the Vault for a retrospective of Ralph Lauren, before presenting his latest collection, which proves to be one of the highlights of the week. Plus, a model profile of British beauty, Tanya D, and NYC TV’s Trevor Scotland asks industry insiders for their thoughts on America’s 44th President, Barack Obama!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043728/1008043728-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293164" "asp3293162-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 15","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Zac Posen opens this issue of Videofashion daily with a sculptural look, inspired by both Victorian fashion and the exaggerated feminine silhouettes of the 1940’s. Carlos Miele let his love of architecture shine through his collection’s geometric patterns and sculptural shapes. Marking their second collaboration, Erin Wasson + RVCA take inspiration from musician Stevie Ray Vaughn to create a sassy, rock-n-roll edge, and we go into the Videofashion vault for some background on the model-turned-designer. Isaac Mizrahi’s signature bright colors and volume took center stage in his aptly-named “Smile” collection, and we go back into the vault for a retrospective of Mizrahi’s career. Plus a fall preview from United Bamboo, and NYC TV’s Trevor Scotland asks the industry’s top designers and editors “What is American Style?”.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043727/1008043727-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293162" "asp3293160-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 14","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","In this issue of Videofashion daily Tommy Hilfiger presents his “Quintessentially Fifth Avenue” Fall 2009 collection, balancing a sense of luxury with realism and attainability. Rebecca Taylor shows a strong collection, staying true to the girly edge that’s made her so popular. Inspired by Audrey Hepburn’s Holly Golightly, Douglas Hannant opts for clean lines and simple elegance. NYC TV’s Trevor Scotland scopes out the season’s hottest style tips for men, and Videofashion goes inside the vault to take a look at the history behind Calvin Klein, before showing you the house’s latest offerings from Francisco Costa. Plus, a Fall Preview from rising star, Christian Siriano!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043726/1008043726-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293160" "asp3293158-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 13","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","3.1 Phillip Lim opens this issue of Videofashion daily with a fun, fresh collection for Fall 2009, inspired by the “youthquake” of London in the 1960’s. Malandrino channels 1930’s surrealism with her showing at the Rainbow Room. Anna Sui also takes her cues from the past, inspired by the bohemian spirit of the Belle Epoque in France, and Videofashion goes into the Vault to give you an overview of the designer’s career, while Glamour’s Suze Yalof Schwartz covers hair and makeup from backstage. Michelle Smith keeps the New York “gallerista” in mind for her Milly collection. Plus, check out a model profile of Danish beauty Freja Beha Erichsen and a fashion flashback to New York City in the 1950’s.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043725/1008043725-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293158" "asp3293156-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 12","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","In this issue of Videofashion daily, the design duo behind Proenza Schouler maintain their rein over hip, downtown fashion for their Fall 2009 collection, while Richard Chai builds on his past collections to further develop a tough-luxe look. Take a trip into the Videofashion Vault for a look back at Oscar de la Renta’s career, and get a front-row seat to his latest collection. Plus, fall previews from Doo.Ri and Walter.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043724/1008043724-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293156" "asp3293154-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 11","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Videofashion daily’s 11th hour kicks off with NYC TV’s Trevor Scotland, taking you behind the scenes at Baby Phat/KLS and Trovata’s Fall 2009 collections. And at Michael Kors, where sleek and wearable were among the buzzwords, Glamour’s Suze Yalof Schwartz gives you the inside scoop on how their powerful, contemporary look was achieved. Plus, two Fashion Flashbacks, and a model profile of superstar Agyness Deyn!","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043723/1008043723-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293154" "asp3293152-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 10","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","This issue of Videofashion daily features an in-depth look at Marc Jacobs’ evolving career, as well as his Marc by Marc Jacobs Fall 2009 collection. Go even further into the Videofashion Vault, with a fashion flashback of New York’s 1965 Spring snowstorm. Plus Fall Previews from Derek Lam and Behnaz Sarafpour. Round-out your hour with Narciso Rodriguez’ return to Bryant Park: check out the beauty secrets backstage with Glamour’s Suze Yalof Schwartz, and see an overview of the designer’s career.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043722/1008043722-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293152" "asp3293150-marc","","Videofashion daily. New York. Volume 1, Episode 1","","49 minutes","['Videofashion daily']","Welcome to New York Fashion Week Fall 2009 ! The excitement is in full swing and Videofashion daily takes you front row, backstage, and everywhere you want to be. The highlights in this issue include Heartwarming fashion at Heart Truth Red Dress, rock’n’roll women at Yigal Azrouel, Mitford Sisters-inspired Alvin Valley, a model profile of the aptly-named Chanel Iman, snowboard couture at Duckie Brown, Jackie O & Oleg Cassini fashion flashback, and the hottest ticket in town, inaugural gown designer, Jason Wu.","stream","[]","[]","['Fashion', 'Fashion design', 'Fashion designers', 'Fashion shows']","['Documentary television programs']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008043xxx/1008043721/1008043721-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3293150" "asp3292617-marc","","Below the knee residual self-wrapping technique","","3 minutes","[]","This instructional video, produced by the Mayo Clinic, is about below the knee self-wrapping techniques for bandaging residual limbs.","stream","[]","[]","['Leg', 'Residual limbs', 'Bandages and bandaging', 'Postoperative care']","['Instructional films', 'Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1004528xxx/1004528564/1004528564-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292617" "asp3292559-marc","","A guide to your transplant journey at the Mayo Clinic Transplant Center. Heart transplant at Mayo Clinic","","8 minutes","['A guide to your transplant journey at the Mayo Clinic Transplant Center']","This instructional video, produced by the Mayo Clinic, is about heart transplantation surgery at the Mayo Clinic.","stream","['Mayo Clinic']","[]","['Heart']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1004527xxx/1004527393/1004527393-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292559" "asp3292557-marc","","A guide to your transplant journey at the Mayo Clinic Transplant Center. Liver transplant at Mayo Clinic","","6 minutes","['A guide to your transplant journey at the Mayo Clinic Transplant Center']","This video, produced by the Mayo Clinic, is about undergoing liver transplant surgery at the Mayo Clinic Transplant Center.","stream","['Mayo Clinic']","[]","['Liver']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1004527xxx/1004527392/1004527392-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292557" "asp3292555-marc","","A guide to your transplant journey at the Mayo Clinic Transplant Center. Pancreas transplant at Mayo Clinic","","6 minutes","['A guide to your transplant journey at the Mayo Clinic Transplant Center']","This instructional film, produced by the Mayo Clinic, is about pancreatic transplantation at the Mayo Clinic Transplant Center.","stream","['Mayo Clinic']","[]","['Pancreas', 'Diabetes']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1004527xxx/1004527391/1004527391-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292555" "asp3292549-marc","","Inside a factory. How they make the Jaguar. VIII","","30 minutes","['Inside a factory']","This program explores the construction of the Jaguar XJ automobile at the Castle Bromwich factory in the U.K. It looks at such stages in making the XJ as pressing various body panels out of aluminum blanks, assembling the parts to create a completed shell, and painting the shell, putting on the final trim, and conducting final checks. The DVD explains that though Jaguars are made in the U.K., the company is owned by the Indian car maker Tata and its biggest market is in China.","stream","[]","['Great Britain']","['Jaguar automobile', 'Automobile industry and trade', 'Automobiles']","['Documentary films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1006624xxx/1006624169/1006624169-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292549" "asp3292095-marc","Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883, composer","Lucerne Festival. Prelude to Lohengrin","","10 minutes","['Lucerne Festival']","In 2011, the Berliner Philharmoniker under Sir Simon Rattle started their Lucerne series 'Moving to Modern Times'. In 2012 they continued their celebrated and acclaimed start with pieces by Ligeti, Sibelius and Wagner. PROGRAM: György LIGETI 'Atmosphères' for full orchestra; Richard WAGNER: Prelude to 'Lohengrin'; Jean SIBELIUS: Symphony No. 4 in A minor, op. 63; Claude DEBUSSY 'Jeux. Poème dansé pour orchestre'; Maurice RAVEL: 'Daphnis et Chloé'. 2ème Suite.","stream","[]","[]","['Operas', 'Orchestral music']","['Operas', 'Excerpts', 'Filmed performances', 'Overtures']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1007885xxx/1007885733/1007885733-disc001-file001-frame00780-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292095" "asp3292092-marc","Ligeti, György, 1923-2006, composer","Lucerne Festival. Atmosphères: for orchestra","","10 minutes","['Lucerne Festival']","In 2011, the Berliner Philharmoniker under Sir Simon Rattle started their Lucerne series 'Moving to Modern Times'. In 2012 they continued their celebrated and acclaimed start with pieces by Ligeti, Sibelius and Wagner. PROGRAM: György LIGETI 'Atmosphères' for full orchestra; Richard WAGNER: Prelude to 'Lohengrin'; Jean SIBELIUS: Symphony No. 4 in A minor, op. 63; Claude DEBUSSY 'Jeux. Poème dansé pour orchestre'; Maurice RAVEL: 'Daphnis et Chloé'. 2ème Suite.","stream","[]","[]","['Orchestral music']","['Art music', 'Filmed performances']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1007885xxx/1007885733/1007885733-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292092" "asp3292032-marc","","The reflective educator","","57 minutes","[]","The Reflective Educator: A Collaborative Approach DVD profiles teachers working with administrators and coaches to take charge of their professional growth and move along the path to excellence by becoming reflective practitioners. Capacity building is the focus of Pete Hall and Alisa Simeral's work, and their strategies are becoming the model for instructional coaching in schools across the country. This video takes an in-depth look at a school where three teachers are taking steps to grow as reflective practitioners with the help of Hall and Simeral's strategies. We see them working in partnership with their administrator and instructional coach to make use of Hall and Simeral's Reflective Cycle and the Continuum of Self-Reflection tools. Each teacher is at a different stage on the Continuum and by observing their practice, we'll learn about the specific strategies for growth that each stage calls for. We'll also observe the key role administrators and coaches play in building teachers' capacity for success. We'll see them identifying and nurturing their teachers' strengths to help them reach new levels of professional success and satisfaction. The Reflective Educator: A Collaborative Approach shows that teachers are a school's most essential strength. As their capacity for success increases, so does their ability to positively affect the students they guide.","stream","[]","[]","['Reflective teaching', 'Teachers']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022359/1008022359-disc001-file001-frame00045-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292032" "asp3292028-marc","","What rigor looks like in the classroom","","48 minutes","[]","What does rigor really looks like in the classroom? As schools are focused more and more on increasing academic rigor, in part because of the emphasis placed on rigor in all of the various state standards, it's a question every teacher is asking. In this video from ASCD, Robyn Jackson dispels the confusion by presenting the clear and concise definition of academic rigor she's developed over time and working with teachers to show them what rigor looks like in practice. Visit a variety of different schools to see real teachers who are using Jackson's field-tested methods to successfully boost academic rigor in their classrooms. You'll witness these teachers helping students to construct meaning for themselves; impose structure on information that allows them to think accurately, consider multiple meanings, and engage in disciplined inquiry and thought; integrate their skills into processes; and apply what they've learned in more than one context and to unpredictable situations. What Rigor Looks like in the Classroom DVD takes the mystery out of rigor and provides practical guidance for implementing rigorous instruction that meets the needs of all students.","stream","[]","[]","['Effective teaching', 'School improvement programs', 'Academic achievement']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022357/1008022357-disc001-file001-frame00345-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292028" "asp3292026-marc","","FIT teaching in action. A framework for intentional and targeted teaching","","66 minutes","[]","Experience Fit Teaching, a coherent approach designed for schools and districts to ensure that high-quality teaching and learning occurs in every classroom, every day. The role of the educator is an intellectually demanding one requiring the support of clear, research-based strategies to ensure success. That's where FIT Teaching in Action comes in. Drawing on the work of authors and educators, Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, this video outlines their FIT Teaching framework, a tool for teachers that provides them with the strategies and expertise they need to elevate instruction. Fisher and Frey have developed a system of tactics that, when consistently and thoughtfully implemented, results in success for all. Using FIT Teaching framework, teachers can show continuous growth in a high-stakes evaluation process; more important, students are provided the opportunity to flourish. In Fit Teaching you'll see teachers at all levels using the four elements of the framework (School and Classroom Culture, Establishing a Purpose, Gradual Release of Responsibility, Formative and Summative Assessments) to support their students in learning. You'll also hear Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey's expert advice and practical guidance on implementing the FIT Teaching framework at your school. Embracing FIT Teaching provides teachers with the tools for success they need in the classroom and offers a foundation for achievement that all students deserve.","stream","[]","[]","['Classroom environment', 'Effective teaching', 'Teaching', 'Educational leadership']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022355/1008022355-disc001-file001-frame00210-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292026" "asp3292024-marc","","Differentiated classroom. Responding to the needs of secondary learners. 2","","54 minutes","['Differentiated classroom']","Based on the updated second edition of Carol Ann Tomlinson's The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners, this DVD shows you practical, real-world examples from experienced secondary school teachers of how to divide your time, resources, and efforts to effectively instruct students of various backgrounds, readiness and skill levels, and interests.","stream","[]","[]","['Individualized instruction', 'Education, Secondary', 'High school teaching']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022354/1008022354-disc001-file001-frame00210-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292024" "asp3292022-marc","","Differentiated classroom. Responding to the needs of elementary learners. 1","","49 minutes","['Differentiated classroom']","Based on the updated second edition of Carol Ann Tomlinson's The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners, this DVD shows you practical, real-world examples from experienced K-5 school teachers of how to divide your time, resources, and efforts to effectively instruct students of various backgrounds, readiness and skill levels, and interests.","stream","[]","[]","['Elementary school teaching', 'Individualized instruction', 'Education, Elementary']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022353/1008022353-disc001-file001-frame00005-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292022" "asp3292020-marc","","Common core insider. High school math","","40 minutes","['Common core insider']","Go inside an award-winning high school's math and science classrooms to witness the evolving process of implementing the Common Core State Standards for mathematics. Sleepy Hollow High in New York is a snapshot of a racially and economically diverse public high school. Led by a dynamic principal, Sleepy Hollow's math and science teachers have embraced the implementation of the Common Core standards and are taking collaboration between departments to a new level. Featuring interviews with the principal and teachers as well as scenes from real classrooms, this video explores how lesson plans are developed across departments, the school's strategy for 'teaching to the individual', and how teachers work with students ranging from English as a second language classes to AP Calculus. Testimonies from students and parents show how effective this transformation has been. At Sleepy Hollow High, both collaborative teaching and a principal willing to let her faculty teach 'outside the box' have led to a challenging and rewarding environment where students are thriving.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Mathematics', 'Education', 'Reasoning']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022352/1008022352-disc001-file001-frame00460-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292020" "asp3292018-marc","","Engaging students with poverty in mind. Secondary school. 2","","55 minutes","['Engaging students with poverty in mind']","Here's the easiest, most powerful way to demonstrate exactly how to implement the breakthrough ideas and strategies from the best-selling ASCD book Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind by renowned author and learning expert Eric Jensen. This compelling video brings Eric Jensen's strategies to life by going in-depth to tell the story of a high school that is facing the challenge of poverty day in and day out.","stream","[]","['United States']","['High school teaching', 'Academic achievement', 'Motivation in education', 'Poor children']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022351/1008022351-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292018" "asp3292016-marc","","Vocab in action. Critical strategies for your classroom","","41 minutes","[]","This video takes you and your colleagues to schools that use smart, fun, and engaging strategies to build students' vocabulary and boost their knowledge of the key words they need to know for the Common Core State Standards. Drawing from the ASCD best-selling book Teaching the Critical Vocabulary of the Common Core: 55 Words That Make or Break Student Understanding, video scenes show teachers using fun strategies like jingles, movements, and graphic organizers to teach key words. Hear author Marilee Sprenger explain how to put brain research-based, time-saving strategies for mastering vocabulary into action. And introduce teachers to easy-to-implement, 10-minute or shorter mini-lessons that help students build a robust vocabulary and develop greater confidence in reading, writing, and testing.","stream","[]","[]","['Technology', 'Vocabulary', 'English language']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022350/1008022350-disc001-file001-frame00685-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292016" "asp3292014-marc","","Core six. Strategies for the classroom","","57 minutes","[]","Based on the best-selling book The Core Six: Essential Strategies for Achieving Excellence by Harvey Silver, R. Thomas Dewing, and Matthew J. Perini, this video helps teachers meet the challenge of the Common Core State Standards with the six research-based strategies proven to transform instruction.See the strategies come to life within six classrooms across different subjects and grade levels. You'll witness teachers capturing students' interests, using discussion and questioning techniques to extend their thinking, and asking them to synthesize and transfer their learning.The Core Six: Strategies for the Classroom DVD provides practical, common sense methods for tackling the Common Core standards and bringing out the very best in your students.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Education', 'Common Core State Standards (Education)']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022349/1008022349-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292014" "asp3292012-marc","","Common core insider. Elementary and middle school math","","46 minutes","['Common core insider']","Use this video program to show teachers and school leaders how to apply classroom strategies to meet the Common Core Math Standards in elementary and middle schools. In-depth profiles of teachers and math coaches, along with practical classroom examples, demonstrate specific strategies for meeting the challenges of the Common Core State Standards, including verbal fluency in tackling math problems, real-life application, and ability to reason, critique others, and model problem solving.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Mathematics', 'Education', 'Reasoning']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022348/1008022348-disc001-file001-frame00020-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292012" "asp3292010-marc","","Essential questions","","43 minutes","[]","The fastest, easiest way to help teachers unlock the big ideas in your curriculum and unleash your students' thinking skills is to show this new video about incorporating essential questions into instruction. Based on the best-selling ASCD book, Essential Questions: Opening Doors to Student Understanding, authors Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins explain how essential questions used in daily instruction engage more students in thoughtful learning that promotes deeper understandings in all grade levels and subjects. Classrooms scenes in the video showcase best practices for using essential questions to develop independent learners and foster 21st century skills.","stream","[]","[]","['Inquiry-based learning', 'Middle school education', 'Education, Secondary', 'Inquiry (Theory of knowledge)', 'Questioning', 'Education, Elementary']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022347/1008022347-disc001-file001-frame00075-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292010" "asp3292008-marc","","Total participation techniques","","41 minutes","[]","Since ASCD published the best-selling book Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner, school leaders have been eager to show more teachers how to use these easy-to-use and incredibly effective alternatives to 'stand and deliver' teaching strategies in their classrooms. This DVD provides an answer. Interviews with authors Pérsida and William Himmele explain how to make every student an active learner. And classroom scenes from elementary and high schools show teachers how to use Total Participation Techniques (TPTs) to get and hold students' attention, activate higher-order thinking, and provide formative assessments of academic progress. Hear teachers and administrators explaining the steps to implementing TPTs so they engage every kind of learner, from ESL students to gifted but disinterested students. See field-tested techniques like pair-share and pause-star-rank in action, take a tour through an actual TPT toolkit to discover effective supplies to use with TPTs, and witness a peer coaching session that observes and breaks down ways to maximize learning.","stream","[]","[]","['Creative teaching', 'Active learning']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022346/1008022346-disc001-file001-frame00040-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292008" "asp3292006-marc","","Engaging students with poverty in mind. Elementary school. 1","","61 minutes","['Engaging students with poverty in mind']","Here's the easiest, most powerful way to demonstrate exactly how to implement the breakthrough ideas and strategies from the best-selling ASCD book Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind by renowned author and learning expert Eric Jensen. This compelling video brings Eric Jensen's strategies to life by going in-depth to tell the stories of two elementary schools, Georgetown East Elementary in Annapolis, Maryland, and Blackburn Elementary in Palmetto, Florida, that face the challenge of poverty day in and day out.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Elementary school teaching', 'Academic achievement', 'Motivation in education', 'Poor children']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022344/1008022344-disc001-file001-frame00345-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292006" "asp3292004-marc","","Innovators. Integrating Literacy into Curriculum. 1","","61 minutes","['Innovators']","Meet the challenge of the new definition of literacy based on the Common Core State Standards by integrating literacy learning into all content areas. This DVD takes you and your colleagues to two sites where educators integrate complex thinking and communication skills throughout subject area instruction and raise the bar for student achievement. In compelling examples from an elementary school district—with 35 percent English learner students and two-thirds of its schools Title 1 - and a high school whose literacy model has been adopted by schools across the country - see how educators can collaborate to make advancing literacy learning a top priority.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Literacy', 'Education']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022343/1008022343-disc001-file001-frame00640-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292004" "asp3292002-marc","","Conducting an effective IEP meeting connecting to the Common Core","","47 minutes","[]","This program focuses on the nuts and bolts of structuring and executing an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting that is tied to the Common Core State Standards. Watch as a school team -composed of a school principal, special education teacher, language arts teacher, and math teacher -meets with the parent of a special needs student, Trevor, and engages in an annual review that uses the Common Core State Standards to help inform his goals. The video features seven segments and includes bonus tips for getting the most out of the meeting.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Children with disabilities', 'Education', 'Special education', 'Lesson planning']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022342/1008022342-disc001-file001-frame00045-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292002" "asp3292000-marc","","Innovators. Project based learning and the 21st century. 2","","59 minutes","['Innovators']","Race to the Top and the Common Core State Standards have put real-world learning and 21st century skills front and center. See how educators are using technology and project-based learning to bring relevance and rigor into their classrooms.","stream","[]","['Ohio']","['Individualized instruction', 'Project method in teaching', 'Educational innovations']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022341/1008022341-disc001-file001-frame00195-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3292000" "asp3291998-marc","","Innovators. STEM Your School. 3","","49 minutes","['Innovators']","Giving your students a well-rounded education that includes science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) has the additional benefit of helping to prepare students for the jobs of the future. Learn how to STEM your school by seeing examples of special schools that focus on educating students of all ages in STEM. This DVD takes you and your colleagues to Boren Elementary School in Seattle, Washington, where students get an early foundation in STEM by learning basic engineering and science. The Girls' Middle School in Palo Alto, California, that is leveling the playing field for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls by teaching programming, earth sciences, and advanced computer games.Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Alexandria, Virginia, where students get a head start in advanced sciences and engineering with independent research projects in robotics, prototyping, and energy systems. Seeing how STEM can be incorporated into instruction at all grade levels will spark discussion in your learning community and spur innovative thinking about how to improve students' learning experiences and include 21st century learning skills.","stream","[]","[]","['Technology', 'Science', 'Mathematics', 'Engineering']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022340/1008022340-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291998" "asp3291996-marc","","Leading with vision","","40 minutes","[]","Designed to help school leaders to successfully implement the Common Core standards, this new ASCD DVD shows examples of effective ways to empower teachers to make necessary shifts in curriculum planning and instructional practice. In scenes from all kinds of schools, explore ways to address the essential challenges of adopting the new standards, including How to roll out information without overwhelming staff.How to balance ongoing needs with the need to adopt new standards.How to anticipate and overcome roadblocks to your implementation.Seeing what real educators do in the field to turn the promise of the Common Core standards into reality will spark a solutions-driven discussion and inspire you and your colleagues to take on the challenges of systemic change.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Learning', 'Teachers', 'Educational evaluation', 'Education', 'Curriculum-based assessment', 'Curriculum planning']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022339/1008022339-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291996" "asp3291994-marc","","ASCD master class leadership series. Instructional leadership. 5","","47 minutes","['ASCD master class leadership series']","Claudio Sanchez talks with Mike Schmoker, author of Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning, about the impact of varied education reform movements on instruction -particularly around reading and writing, teacher control, and student achievement. Schmoker is a former school administrator and teacher who now travels the country speaking on education issues and consulting with schools.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Education', 'Teachers']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022338/1008022338-disc001-file001-frame00075-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291994" "asp3291992-marc","","ASCD master class leadership series. Student achievement. 4","","48 minutes","['ASCD master class leadership series']","Claudio Sanchez talks with Yvette Jackson and Veronica McDermott about the principal's role in student achievement. Jackson is the chief executive officer of the National Urban Alliance for Effective Education; McDermott, a former school superintendent, is the regional director of the National Urban Alliance for Effective Education. They are coauthors of the book Aim High, Achieve More: How to Transform Urban Schools Through Fearless Leadership.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Education', 'Teachers']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022337/1008022337-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291992" "asp3291990-marc","","ASCD master class leadership series. Professionalism. 3","","48 minutes","['ASCD master class leadership series']","Claudio Sanchez talks with education and communications consultant Jennifer Abrams about professionalism and what that means in a school environment. Abrams is the author of several books, including Having Hard Conversations.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Education', 'Teachers']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022336/1008022336-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291990" "asp3291988-marc","","ASCD master class leadership series. School culture. 2","","53 minutes","['ASCD master class leadership series']","Claudio Sanchez talks with award-winning author, education consultant, and motivational speaker Baruti Kafele about how to create a positive school culture, with a special emphasis on the challenges faced by young black males. Principal Kafele has won numerous awards and recognition for his work as an educator. He is also the author of five education books, including his national best-seller, Motivating Black Males to Achieve in School and in Life.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Education', 'Teachers']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022335/1008022335-disc001-file001-frame00030-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291988" "asp3291986-marc","","ASCD master class leadership series. Teacher evaluation. 1","","45 minutes","['ASCD master class leadership series']","Claudio Sanchez talks to educator and researcher James H. Stronge about finding, keeping, and improving great teachers. Stronge is the Heritage Professor in the Educational Policy, Planning, and Leadership Area at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Education', 'Teachers']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022334/1008022334-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291986" "asp3291984-marc","","Classroom instruction that works. High school. 3","","56 minutes","['Classroom instruction that works']","The Classroom Instruction That Works framework for research-based instruction has helped countless schools and districts on their roads to academic success. Now you can see firsthand exactly how one district is using the nine instructional strategies that have shown to raise student achievement. This DVD series brings to life the Instructional Planning Guide from the second edition. Join co-author Ceri Dean and a group of elementary, middle, or high school educators as they put the framework's strategies to work. Sit in on a planning session between Dean and the teachers and support personnel. Then watch how the lessons unfold with students - through success and challenge. And listen in as the team reflects on what they learned from using the strategies. Here's your opportunity to show teachers in your school or district how to immediately take classroom practice to a higher level of effectiveness.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Learning', 'Classroom management', 'Effective teaching', 'Academic achievement']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022333/1008022333-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291984" "asp3291982-marc","","Classroom instruction that works. Middle school. 2","","51 minutes","['Classroom instruction that works']","The Classroom Instruction That Works framework for research-based instruction has helped countless schools and districts on their roads to academic success. Now you can see firsthand exactly how one district is using the nine instructional strategies that have shown to raise student achievement. This DVD series brings to life the Instructional Planning Guide from the second edition. Join co-author Ceri Dean and a group of elementary, middle, or high school educators as they put the framework's strategies to work. Sit in on a planning session between Dean and the teachers and support personnel. Then watch how the lessons unfold with students' through success and challenge. And listen in as the team reflects on what they learned from using the strategies. Here's your opportunity to show teachers in your school or district how to immediately take classroom practice to a higher level of effectiveness.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Learning', 'Classroom management', 'Effective teaching', 'Academic achievement']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022331/1008022331-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291982" "asp3291980-marc","","Classroom instruction that works. Elementary. 1","","49 minutes","['Classroom instruction that works']","The Classroom Instruction That Works framework for research-based instruction has helped countless schools and districts on their roads to academic success. Now you can see firsthand exactly how one district is using the nine instructional strategies that have shown to raise student achievement. This DVD series brings to life the Instructional Planning Guide from the second edition. Join coauthor Ceri Dean and a group of elementary, middle, or high school educators as they put the framework's strategies to work. Sit in on a planning session between Dean and the teachers and support personnel. Then watch how the lessons unfold with students - through success and challenge. And listen in as the team reflects on what they learned from using the strategies. Here's your opportunity to show teachers in your school or district how to immediately take classroom practice to a higher level of effectiveness.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Learning', 'Classroom management', 'Effective teaching', 'Academic achievement']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022330/1008022330-disc001-file001-frame00005-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291980" "asp3291978-marc","","Unpacking the common core standards using the UbD framework","","51 minutes","[]","If your school or district is like most others, you're addressing the challenge of implementing new curriculum and assessments based on the Common Core State Standards. Use this new DVD to help you scale up your efforts systemwide. That's where this new DVD comes to your rescue. Drawing from the popular Understanding by Design® (UbD™) framework, the DVD explains an approach to implementing the Common Core standard that ensures a results-oriented curriculum with fidelity to the standards. UbD authors Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe introduce key concepts from UbD that apply to implementing the Common Core standards. Experts on curriculum design explain how to unpack standards for developing a powerful improvement plan focused on desired outcomes. Hear educators from the field describe using the UbD framework to align curriculum with assessments. Explore how to use UbD's backward-design approach to create units and lessons that reflect the Common Core standards' rigorous goals. Both English language arts and literacy standards and content and practice standards for mathematics are addressed throughout the program. Whether your school is already well versed in UbD framework or not, showing this DVD at your next Common Core or professional learning community (PLC) meeting is an ideal way to get staff members at all levels to focus on a practical plan for meeting the challenge of the Common Core standards.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Educational evaluation', 'Education', 'School improvement programs', 'Curriculum-based assessment', 'Curriculum planning']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022329/1008022329-disc001-file001-frame00135-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291978" "asp3291972-marc","","Educating English language learners. Evidence based assessment. 3","","36 minutes","['Educating English language learners']","Program Three: Evidence-Based Assessment takes you to classrooms where teachers demonstrate examples of evidence based assessments that allow students to show what they know, such as rich and complex tasks, which are problem-based, integrated, open-ended, and authentic. Hands-on activities that require demonstration of learning and understanding. Formative and summative tasks that require spoken, written, and visual communication. Task-based rubrics that use qualitative language rather than letter grades or scores to clarify student performance.","stream","[]","['United States']","['English language', 'Education, Bilingual']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022326/1008022326-disc001-file001-frame00160-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291972" "asp3291970-marc","","Educating English language learners. Building academic literacies. 2","","39 minutes","['Educating English language learners']","Program Two: Building Academic Literacies shows the many ways that subject area and ESL teachers help language learners work toward language acquisition and academic achievement simultaneously, including Pre-teaching English language learners in small groups to keep them from falling behind. Getting language learners engaged in conversations using the academic language of the classroom. Grouping students from a lower English proficiency level with students on a higher proficiency level. Teaching the academic vocabulary from content standards by using scaffolds such as flashcards, repetition, movement, gestures, and songs. Setting up networks between the school, students, and parents.","stream","[]","['United States']","['English language', 'Education, Bilingual']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022325/1008022325-disc001-file001-frame00220-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291970" "asp3291968-marc","","Educating English language learners. Establishing a new vision. 1","","35 minutes","['Educating English language learners']","Use Program One: Establishing a New Vision to explain why the inclusion or 'push-in' model with co-teaching is becoming the preferred approach in classrooms. See how schools use this model to Provide ELL students the opportunity to build their vocabulary through academic content. Set high quality curriculum expectations while focusing on the capacities students bring to the classroom. Encourage students to embrace their differences and create an atmosphere of shared experience and culture. Integrate your program for ELLs with your RTI effort.","stream","[]","['United States']","['English language', 'Education, Bilingual']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022324/1008022324-disc001-file001-frame00080-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291968" "asp3291966-marc","","Implementing RTI in secondary schools. Implementing interventions and building resources. 3","","41 minutes","['Implementing RTI in secondary schools']","In Program Two, go in-depth into the problem-solving process that helps Ra-Shaan with her reading troubles. Experience the team approach as teachers, specialists, Ra-Shaan, and her mother meet and come up with innovative strategies to use both in the classroom and at home to help her achieve success. Then see how educators can use online resources and an expert pool of teachers to monitor progress and ensure that strategies help all their students overcome learning gaps.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Learning disabilities', 'Learning disabled teenagers', 'Response to intervention (Learning disabled children)', 'Remedial teaching']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022323/1008022323-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291966" "asp3291964-marc","","Implementing RTI in secondary schools. 1-2","","44 minutes","['Implementing RTI in secondary schools']","In Program One of the two-disc set, meet Ra-Shaan, an entering high school freshman, and watch as she and her classmates experience (RTI) from the student's perspective. Classroom scenes show how teachers, administrators, and specialists use the results of universal screening and diagnostic tests in a problem-solving activity known as Five Reasons Deep analysis. See how a collaborative team designs specific interventions targeting to the root causes of low achievement. And delve into a three-tiered instructional intervention that features research-based strategies for Tier 1 classrooms that meet the needs of most students. Tier 2 classrooms for students needing interventions of moderate intensity. Tier 3 classes for small groups of students in need of longer and more frequent interventions.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Learning disabilities', 'Learning disabled teenagers', 'Response to intervention (Learning disabled children)', 'Remedial teaching']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022322/1008022322-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291964" "asp3291962-marc","","Assessment for 21st century learning. 3","","29 minutes","['Assessment for 21st century learning']","Program 3: Transforming the 21st Century Learning Organization Program 3 explores what educators can do to minimize narrow test prep approaches to assessment. Learn how standardized testing can complement the preparation of students for 21st century learning, rather than work against it. Explore ways that grading and reporting change in a 21st century skills-focused curriculum. Understand the role that professional learning communities play in promoting 21st century assessment and student achievement.","stream","[]","[]","['Group work in education', 'Metacognition in children', 'Educational evaluation', 'Education', 'Creative thinking in children', 'Problem solving in children']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022321/1008022321-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291962" "asp3291960-marc","","Assessment for 21st century learning. 21st century assessment principles and practices. 2","","45 minutes","['Assessment for 21st century learning']","Program 2: 21st Century Assessment Principles and Practices Use Program 2 to describe what your school has to do, operationally, to determine what is valuable enough to assess, how to assess authentically, and how to make sure 21st century assessments reinforce key principles of learning. Lots of video examples of assessment products, performances, and projects help you understand how to create assessments that provide a photo album of student achievement and progress, rather than the traditional test-driven snapshot.","stream","[]","[]","['Group work in education', 'Metacognition in children', 'Educational evaluation', 'Education', 'Creative thinking in children', 'Problem solving in children']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022320/1008022320-disc001-file001-frame00195-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291960" "asp3291958-marc","","Assessment for 21st century learning. The case for 21st century learning and assessment. 1","","32 minutes","['Assessment for 21st century learning']","Program 1: The Case for 21st Century Learning and Assessment starts your exploration off with a fascinating review of the changes and trends in post-secondary education and the world that educators need to address. Understand the gaps and disconnects between current education practices and effective assessment for 21st century learning. Learn why and how schools move beyond assessment of discrete information and skills taught in isolation to authentic, transfer-based learning for all students in which they use information, skills, and procedures in real-world ways.","stream","[]","[]","['Group work in education', 'Metacognition in children', 'Educational evaluation', 'Education', 'Creative thinking in children', 'Problem solving in children']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022319/1008022319-disc001-file001-frame00100-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291958" "asp3291956-marc","","Problem-based learning for the 21st century classroom. Secondary school. 2","","50 minutes","['Problem-based learning for the 21st century classroom']","In Program Two, go to middle and high schools where teachers use problem-based learning to develop real-world, authentic tasks that motivate students and encourage them to take more ownership of learning. See examples of how teachers use problem-based learning to collaborate across the curriculum and integrate technology into their instruction.","stream","[]","[]","['Educational technology', 'Problem-based learning', 'Active learning']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022318/1008022318-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291956" "asp3291954-marc","","Problem-based learning for the 21st century classroom. Elementary school. 1","","50 minutes","['Problem-based learning for the 21st century classroom']","Program One in the two-disc set takes you to two elementary schools where teachers use problem-based learning throughout the curriculum. Teachers explain how they work backwards from state and district standards to create problem-based units that have measurable assessment targets.","stream","[]","[]","['Educational technology', 'Problem-based learning', 'Active learning']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022316/1008022316-disc001-file001-frame00025-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291954" "asp3291952-marc","","Never work harder than your students. The journey to great teaching","","66 minutes","[]","Bring Robyn R. Jackson, the author of ASCD's wildly popular book Never Work Harder Than Your Students, to your school with this DVD. In her uniquely engaging and thought-provoking way, Robyn explains how any teacher can develop the qualities and mindset of a great teacher. Video scenes from real classrooms take you through each of the seven principles described in her book. Show how teachers in all grade levels can apply these practices in their classrooms and bring them all together to ensure that students take more responsibility for their learning. As Robyn describes how her core teaching approach makes instructional decisions more automatic and effortless, she offers numerous tips that can help teachers in every subject, including The key to knowing where your students are. Making learning goals concrete. Supporting students before they falter. The importance of feedback. Why to spend more time planning than teaching.","stream","[]","[]","['Teacher effectiveness', 'Effective teaching']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022315/1008022315-disc001-file001-frame00060-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291952" "asp3291950-marc","","The differentiated school","","74 minutes","[]","Reinforce the concepts and strategies introduced in ASCD's best-selling book The Differentiated School with this professional development DVD. Video scenes from three large urban schools show how educators can transform a school into an environment where differentiation is an institutionalized practice. Hear leaders from each of these schools reinforce How to develop a shared mission and vision with faculty and staff; specific steps that administrators take as they lead for change; strategies for implementing a Differentiated Instruction initiative; as well as monitoring and evaluating to ensure success. See how principals, staff developers, and other school leaders navigate the difficult process of implementing differentiated instruction, from setting the stage and identifying goals, to organizing supportive professional development for teachers, to monitoring and evaluating the change effort. Throughout the program, educators share many tips that have helped their school improvement efforts succeed, including The principal's role as the architect of change. Getting the buy in of all faculty and staff. Best ways to support teachers through professional development that is differentiated and focused on high-quality curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Included on the DVD are professional development resources to ensure that leaders can quickly and easily develop an action plan to support their change initiative when implementing differentiated instruction.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Individualized instruction', 'School improvement programs']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022314/1008022314-disc001-file001-frame00165-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291950" "asp3291948-marc","","Giving effective feedback to your students. Seven key factors to ensure effective feedback. 2","","29 minutes","['Giving effective feedback to your students']","Help teachers give the type of feedback that leads to increased student achievement with the information and examples from this 30-minute DVD. Use the program's classroom scenes in your next workshop or inservice to demonstrate to teachers, in every grade level and subject area, the seven key factors that ensure effective feedback: Focus - on the work itself, process, student self-regulation, student progress, or a combination. Comparison - criterion-based, norm-referenced, or compared to a student's past performance. Function - to emphasize description rather than judgment. Valence (emotional resonance) - using positive comments and balancing negative comments with recommendations for improvement. Clarity - giving the right amount and content and addressing the student's developmental level. Specificity - specific enough so that students know what to do. Tone - communicating respect and placing the student at the center of the learning process. An embedded professional development program with accompanying PowerPoint presentation and handouts is included.","stream","[]","[]","['Teacher-student relationships', 'Communication in education', 'Feedback (Psychology)']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022313/1008022313-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291948" "asp3291946-marc","","Giving effective feedback to your students. The impact on student achievement. 1","","27 minutes","['Giving effective feedback to your students']","Use this 30-minute DVD in your next workshop or teacher meeting to explain how effective feedback leads to increased student achievement. Drawing from the ASCD best-selling book How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students by Susan M. Brookhart, this DVD explains The relationship of effective feedback and formative assessment. The impact of effective feedback upon student achievement. How effective feedback helps students improve their performance. Characteristics of effective feedback. Four key priorities for effective feedback: timing, amount, mode, and audience. An embedded professional development program with accompanying PowerPoint presentation and handouts is included.","stream","[]","[]","['Teacher-student relationships', 'Communication in education', 'Feedback (Psychology)']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022312/1008022312-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291946" "asp3291944-marc","","Formative assessment in content areas. High school. 3","","32 minutes","['Formative assessment in content areas']","Schools and districts that have already been introduced to the basics of why and how formative assessments improve learning and teaching need this new DVD to show teachers the many ways they can use formative assessments in high school humanities, mathematics, and design. Plus, an embedded professional development program, with accompanying PowerPoint presentation and handouts, ensures teachers get engaged in discovering and applying formative assessments that make the most sense to their situations.","stream","[]","[]","['Educational evaluation', 'Educational tests and measurements', 'Education, Secondary', 'Academic achievement']","['Instructional films', 'Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022311/1008022311-disc001-file001-frame00070-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291944" "asp3291942-marc","","Formative assessment in content areas. Middle school. 2","","31 minutes","['Formative assessment in content areas']","Schools and districts that have already been introduced to the basics of why and how formative assessments improve learning and teaching need this new DVD to show teachers the many ways they can use formative assessments in middle school science, mathematics, Spanish, and history. Plus, an embedded professional development program, with accompanying PowerPoint presentation and handouts, ensures teachers get engaged in discovering and applying formative assessments that make the most sense to their situations.","stream","[]","[]","['Educational evaluation', 'Educational tests and measurements', 'Middle school education', 'Academic achievement']","['Instructional films', 'Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022310/1008022310-disc001-file001-frame00070-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291942" "asp3291938-marc","","21st century skills","","25 minutes","[]","Open new doors of learning opportunity to your students by using the strategies and ideas showcased in this presentation. Drawing from what innovative Fortune 500 companies do to promote creativity and innovation in the workplace, this video field trip takes you to dynamic classrooms to show real-world strategies for your classroom curriculum and instruction. See how teachers promote creativity by encouraging students to express themselves in multiple media and by engaging them in tasks that require open-ended problem solving and creative thinking. Teachers explain how they make collaboration a classroom norm and allow students to engage in authentic, real-world tasks and experiences. To make it easy for you to use this program in a presentation or workshop, the video is accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation, self-reflection questionnaire, and suggestions for professional development activities.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Metacognition in children', 'Problem solving in children', 'Group work in education', 'Creative thinking in children']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022307/1008022307-disc001-file001-frame00185-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291938" "asp3291934-marc","","Enhancing professional practice. Middle school. 2","","71 minutes","['Enhancing professional practice']","Video scenes from middle school classrooms illustrate what successful teachers do in all four domains of effective practice. Whether your focus is on teacher preparation or advanced professional development, here's a great tool to ensure that you're following a research-based teaching framework and an observation process that is used by thousands of schools.","stream","[]","[]","['Mathematics', 'Classroom environment', 'Educational planning', 'Social sciences', 'Middle school teaching', 'Teaching']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022305/1008022305-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291934" "asp3291932-marc","","Enhancing professional practice. Elementary. 1","","67 minutes","['Enhancing professional practice']","Video scenes from elementary school classrooms illustrate what successful teachers do in all four domains of effective practice. Whether your focus is on teacher preparation or advanced professional development, here's a great tool to ensure that you're following a research-based teaching framework and an observation process that is used by thousands of schools.","stream","[]","[]","['Kindergarten', 'Classroom environment', 'Educational planning', 'Teaching', 'Elementary school teaching', 'Language arts (Elementary)']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022304/1008022304-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291932" "asp3291930-marc","","Giving effective feedback to your students. 3","","34 minutes","['Giving effective feedback to your students']","Giving students good feedback on all their schoolwork is one of the toughest challenges every teacher faces. But here at last is a DVD that helps teachers always know the right kind of feedback to give, and how to give it, for all kinds of assignments, in every grade level and subject area. Drawing from the ASCD best-selling book How to Give Effective Feedback to Your Students by Susan M. Brookhart, this DVD series is the ideal tool to use in workshops and PLC meetings to convey to teachers the fundamental principles of good feedback, includingThe power of effective feedback to improve student achievement.Key factors to ensure effective feedback.Ways to adjust feedback for different kinds of learners, including English language learners.How to tell when your feedback is working.Throughout the series, teachers demonstrate lots of written and oral feedback strategies that put students at the center of the learning and help them improve their own performance. Show real teachers using feedback in the formative assessment process to improve the focus of classroom lessons and instructional strategies. Demonstrate how to ensure feedback has the right timing and tone with the optimum amount of content and clarity. An embedded professional development program on each DVD, with accompanying PowerPoint presentation and handouts, ensures teachers get engaged in discovering and applying good feedback with all their students.","stream","[]","[]","['Teacher-student relationships', 'Communication in education', 'Feedback (Psychology)']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022303/1008022303-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291930" "asp3291928-marc","","Differentiated Instruction in Action. High School. 3","","53 minutes","['Differentiated Instruction in Action']","Program 3: High School- Join Carol Ann Tomlinson and classroom teachers as they bring differentiated instruction to life in this practical, easily implemented professional development program for the high school level. Carol Ann Tomlinson guides viewers as they observe classroom examples of the non-negotiables of differentiated instruction. Use the integrated professional development plan, including accompanying PowerPoint presentation and handouts, to empower educators as they lead for student success.","stream","[]","[]","['Individualized instruction', 'Education, Secondary']","['Instructional films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022302/1008022302-disc001-file001-frame00305-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291928" "asp3291926-marc","","Differentiated instruction in action. Middle school. 2","","55 minutes","['Differentiated instruction in action']","Program 2: Middle School - Join Carol Ann Tomlinson and classroom teachers as they bring differentiated instruction to life in this practical, easily implemented professional development program for the middle school level. Carol Ann Tomlinson guides viewers as they observe classroom examples of the non-negotiables of differentiated instruction. Use the integrated professional development plan, including accompanying PowerPoint presentation and handouts, to empower educators as they lead for student success.","stream","[]","[]","['Mixed ability grouping in education', 'Middle school education', 'Classroom management', 'Ability grouping in education', 'Individualized instruction']","['Instructional films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022301/1008022301-disc001-file001-frame00455-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291926" "asp3291922-marc","","Art and science of teaching. Effective classroom management. Program 2","","38 minutes","['Art and science of teaching']","Use Program 2 from this DVD series to introduce teachers to classroom management strategies that are proven to be effective in raising student achievement. Robert J. Marzano explains the rationale for each of these strategies, and classroom scenes show how teachers artfully combine these strategies with effective instruction and curriculum design to produce better student learning. An embedded professional development plan with a PowerPoint presentation and teacher handouts is included.","stream","[]","[]","['Classroom management', 'Effective teaching']","['Instructional films', 'Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022298/1008022298-disc001-file001-frame00020-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291922" "asp3291918-marc","","Power of formative assessment to advance learning. Strategies for checking for understanding. 3","","23 minutes","['Power of formative assessment to advance learning']","For any school or district considering or already using formative assessment, here is the ultimate tool to support teachers and help them visualize how they can succeed. Use the DVDs and User Guide in workshops, teams, and study groups to quickly and effectively explain what formative assessment is, why it's important for teachers to use this approach in the classroom, and how to use formative assessments to gather evidence about student learning and use this evidence to adjust teaching. Experts and practitioners on the DVDs explain the main functions of formative assessment and the basic process teachers use to implement formative assessment in the classroom. Throughout all three DVDs, scenes from elementary and secondary classrooms show formative assessment strategies that teachers use to diagnose and address student learning problems. All three DVDs with the activities from the User Guide help you move your school closer to integrating the teaching-learning-assessment process to improve student achievement in all grades and subjects.","stream","[]","[]","['Educational evaluation', 'Educational tests and measurements']","['Instructional films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022296/1008022296-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291918" "asp3291916-marc","","Power of formative assessment to advance learning. A six step process for student growth. 2","","25 minutes","['Power of formative assessment to advance learning']","Program 2: A Six-Step Process for Student Growth For any school or district considering or already using formative assessment, here is the ultimate tool to support teachers and help them visualize how they can succeed. Use the DVDs and User Guide in workshops, teams, and study groups to quickly and effectively explain what formative assessment is, why it's important for teachers to use this approach in the classroom, and how to use formative assessments to gather evidence about student learning and use this evidence to adjust teaching. Experts and practitioners on the DVDs explain the main functions of formative assessment and the basic process teachers use to implement formative assessment in the classroom. Throughout all three DVDs, scenes from elementary and secondary classrooms show formative assessment strategies that teachers use to diagnose and address student learning problems. All three DVDs with the activities from the User Guide help you move your school closer to integrating the teaching-learning-assessment process to improve student achievement in all grades and subjects.","stream","[]","[]","['Educational evaluation', 'Educational tests and measurements']","['Instructional films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022295/1008022295-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291916" "asp3291914-marc","","Power of formative assessment to advance learning. Student motivation and achievement. 1","","24 minutes","['Power of formative assessment to advance learning']","For any school or district considering or already using formative assessment, here is the ultimate tool to support teachers and help them visualize how they can succeed. Use the DVDs and User Guide in workshops, teams, and study groups to quickly and effectively explain what formative assessment is, why it's important for teachers to use this approach in the classroom, and how to use formative assessments to gather evidence about student learning and use this evidence to adjust teaching. Experts and practitioners on the DVDs explain the main functions of formative assessment and the basic process teachers use to implement formative assessment in the classroom. Throughout all three DVDs, scenes from elementary and secondary classrooms show formative assessment strategies that teachers use to diagnose and address student learning problems. All three DVDs with the activities from the User Guide help you move your school closer to integrating the teaching-learning-assessment process to improve student achievement in all grades and subjects.","stream","[]","[]","['Educational evaluation', 'Educational tests and measurements']","['Instructional films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022294/1008022294-disc001-file001-frame00880-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291914" "asp3291912-marc","","Leadership strategies for principals","","83 minutes","[]","While there are lots of books and courses on school leadership strategies, it's a whole other thing to actually see what effective principals do and hear them, in their own words, explain what works in their schools. Here's a new DVD that brings that extra dimension to your workshop, education course, principal academy, or self-help learning. Experienced elementary and secondary school leaders join experts Richard DuFour and Karen Dyer in relating strategies for setting the direction of the school, shaping the culture, leading instruction, and managing operations and resources. Succinct scenes in an easily accessed format demonstrate effective leadership strategies for Creating a safe environment for teachers and students. Establishing a vision and building commitment to achieving school goals. Promoting a collaborative, results-oriented culture dedicated to continuous improvement. Providing strong instructional leadership as a path to student achievement. Each segment of this 70-minute program contains multiple suggestions for handling the principal's many responsibilities and challenges: How to use school budgets, schedules, and other structures to support school improvement goals. Using walkthroughs, breakfast meetings, and teacher-led workshops to support teacher professional development. Ways to develop your staff's sense of ownership of school improvement goals. How to involve students and parents in shaping the school's culture.","stream","[]","[]","['Leadership', 'School principals']","['Instructional films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022293/1008022293-disc001-file001-frame00005-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291912" "asp3291910-marc","","How to get started with English language learners","","16 minutes","[]","Based on the book Getting Started With English Language Learners by Judie Haynes, this 15-minute DVD explains the key concepts of English language learning and how to be successful with these students at all the stages of their language acquisition. In scenes from an elementary school, see how teachers Make newcomers feel welcome. Organize the classroom for teaching English language students. Teach appropriately for the various stages of second language acquisition. Differentiate instructional strategies and learning materials to different learning styles and stages of language proficiency.","stream","[]","['United States']","['English language', 'Children of immigrants']","['Instructional films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022292/1008022292-disc001-file001-frame00070-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291910" "asp3291908-marc","","How to use students' diverse cultural backgrounds to enhance academic achievement #32","","15 minutes","[]","Part of your students' background knowledge is the diverse cultural experiences that they bring to your classroom every day. Now you can connect to those experiences and understand their influences on achievement using the techniques and ideas in this 15-minute DVD. Explore ways to use personal stories, writing projects, and classroom activities to get to know your students and their prior knowledge of subject material. Learn how to pick instructional strategies and teaching resources that are most appropriate for your students' backgrounds. And get ideas for how to put a program in place that encourages cultural responsiveness and positive attitudes about diversity in your classroom, school, and community.","stream","[]","[]","['Multicultural education']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022291/1008022291-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291908" "asp3291906-marc","","How to conduct home visits","","17 minutes","[]","Discover how educators face the ever-growing challenge of a diverse school population by visiting the students and their families at home. This 15-minute DVD shows how the staff of a large suburban middle school take the right steps to ensure a visitation program increases attendance, parent participation, and academic achievement: Establishing the purpose for school visits and deciding who will visit and how often. Contacting families and making parents feel comfortable. Focusing on positive intentions and following up after visitations. See an actual home visit and hear reactions from parents, students, teachers, and administrators.","stream","[]","[]","['Home-based family services']","['Instructional films', 'Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022290/1008022290-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291906" "asp3291904-marc","","A visit to a school moving toward differentiation","","25 minutes","[]","Use this video field trip in workshops and other professional development meetings to show school leaders what it's like to get a schoolwide commitment to differentiation and guide a school's entire staff in significantly changing daily practice. Scenes from an elementary school show how to build a professional learning community committed to a philosophy of excellence and equity. And interviews with teachers explain how school leaders can find out what teachers need, help them to think differently about the curriculum, and engage them in professional development that helps them advance student achievement.","stream","[]","[]","['Individualized instruction', 'School management and organization', 'Classroom management']","['Instructional films', 'Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022289/1008022289-disc001-file001-frame00235-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291904" "asp3291902-marc","","Learning to think. . thinking to learn. The pathway to achievement","","108 minutes","[]","Getting to the root cause of poor achievement eventually means addressing how your students acquire information, critically evaluate it, and handle it in abstract problems -in short, how they think. If you've ever wondered whether it was possible to explicitly teach students to think more effectively and whether schools could actually do so, here is a professional development video program that shows you and your colleagues how to use research-based strategies to teach students the thinking skills they need to succeed on school assignments, standardized tests, and beyond.Using the DVD and User Guide -with activities designed for large-group workshops, small study groups, and individual study -you can introduce your school to step-by-step ways to teach three major types of thinking skills: information processing skills, critical thinking skills, and complex thinking strategies. Lessons from classrooms in elementary, middle, and high schools show what teachers do in the major phases of teaching a thinking skill or strategy.","stream","[]","[]","['Learning', 'Critical thinking', 'Thought and thinking']","['Instructional films', 'Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022287/1008022287-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291902" "asp3291900-marc","","Meaningful mathematics","","101 minutes","[]","Regardless of how well your students performed on the latest math assessment, how can you make sure that your program is teaching students the essential math concepts that they'll need for the next assessment and beyond? Here's a resource that explores that question and introduces you to what schools and teachers are doing to engage students in math lessons that promote deeper understandings of math curriculum. Use the DVD and User Guide with study groups, workshops, school improvement teams, and professional learning communities to explore current perspectives on content of and instructional strategies for mathematics in grades K-12. Introduce your school to classroom techniques that actively engage students in deeper conceptual thinking about the subject. And demonstrate classroom activities and teaching strategies that Address student prior knowledge and misconceptions about mathematics. Challenge students to justify and explain their understanding of mathematics. Provide opportunities for students to use multiple ways to demonstrate what they've learned in resolving mathematical problems. Connect mathematics to real-life situations and problems. Provide chances for students to apply math content they've learned. Produced by the leaders in professional development, ASCD, in cooperation with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), Meaningful Mathematics focuses on 3 of the 10 standards from the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics: Numbers and Operations, Algebra, and Data Analysis and Probability. Whether you're searching for a remedy for struggling students or thinking about a complete program overhaul, this video-based staff development program will point your learning community toward a bold new direction based on the most current research.","stream","[]","[]","['Mathematics', 'Mathematical recreations']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022286/1008022286-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291900" "asp3291896-marc","","How to improve content understanding using reading strategies","","15 minutes","[]","It's much easier to help and encourage all teachers to become teachers of reading when you have this 15-minute DVD for individual teacher checkout or teacher meetings. Scenes from high school classrooms show how teachers in biology classes use several reading strategies to bolster their students' reading skills while conveying essential biology and science content. The strategies demonstrated on the video include foldables, quickwrite, vocabulary bingo, booklets, pre-writing (oval word balloon), pipe-cleaner Venn diagrams, oral reading, circle reading, and interactive notebooks. Interviews with teachers address issues that are critical to classroom decisions, such as why to teach reading and writing in a biology class, what students need to understand to be able to comprehend and apply science texts, and how to teach important vocabulary that is essential to the subject.","stream","[]","[]","['Biology', 'Content area reading']","['Instructional films', 'Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022284/1008022284-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291896" "asp3291894-marc","","How to involve all parents in your diverse community","","15 minutes","[]","Rapidly changing demographics can make parents feel uncomfortable about getting involved in your school community, and that can lead to learning obstacles for students. But you can overcome this challenge by using this 15-minute DVD in workshops and staff meetings or for check out from your professional development library. Scenes from a culturally diverse elementary school show how educators get to know parents and families in their community and provide a welcoming environment to all. Discover lots of great ideas, such as Why to start small and target just one or two grades. How to create relaxed settings that blend ethnic groups. Why it's important to go beyond parades, food fairs, and other celebrations to make diversity part of ongoing school culture. How to involve all staff - not just specialists and teachers - in planning and volunteering in your effort.","stream","[]","[]","['Multicultural education', 'Parent-teacher relationships', 'Education, Elementary']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022283/1008022283-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291894" "asp3291892-marc","","Leadership for differentiating instruction","","89 minutes","[]","Whether you're just starting to implement differentiated instruction (DI) or are well along in your effort, here's an essential video-based professional development tool to help principals, teacher leaders, and district administrators learn how to promote the use of DI in every classroom. Show the DVD to leadership teams and school improvement groups - or keep it on hand for individual checkout - to convey key concepts that are essential to success with differentiated instruction. Guided by the experience of renowned authority Carol Ann Tomlinson and her work with all types of schools, this program shows an up-close and personal view of the three stages of leading a school to high-quality differentiation. Video scenes illustrate what school leaders do to get started with a differentiated approach, how they work with teachers to support the implementation of Differentiated Instruction in the classroom, and how they monitor progress. Classroom scenes and interviews with teachers and administrators address the issues that school leaders everywhere have with implementing Differentiated Instruction. Accompanying this DVD is a User's Guide with professional development activities differentiated for workshops, study groups, and individual learning, as well as additional ideas and materials for expanding on the ideas in the program.","stream","[]","[]","['Mixed ability grouping in education', 'Individualized instruction', 'School environment', 'Educational leadership', 'Classroom management']","['Instructional films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022282/1008022282-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291892" "asp3291890-marc","","Moving forward with understanding by design","","63 minutes","[]","Now that thousands of educators use ASCD's Understanding by Design® (UbD) framework to create results-oriented curricula, here's your opportunity to see examples of best practice in implementing this breakthrough approach. Use the DVD in workshops, team meetings, and professional development events to take audiences to the frontlines of schools that are implementing UbD system-wide. Throughout the program, UbD experts Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe and practitioners describe the critical elements of getting started and succeeding with UbD. Interviews with educators who have implemented UbD district- and statewide illuminate keys to success, including How to introduce UbD through professional development workshops where teachers work together on applying UbD templates and planning tools to an existing lesson. How to lead school teams in using backward design and essential questions in framing curriculum and assessment. What to expect to see in classrooms where teachers are beginning to implement UbD and in classrooms where teachers have used UbD strategies for many years. How to support teachers as they practice the seven design principles of effective learning experiences, known as W.H.E.R.E.T.O. Classroom scenes and practitioner interviews flesh out concepts that are vital to your UbD effort, such as Steps for starting teachers on the backward design process so they understand how to apply it to units. Key decisions teachers make at each stage of the W.H.E.R.E.T.O. model of learning design. Show teachers and administrators what UbD-driven instructional practice looks like in the classroom, and introduce your staff members to the stages and structures involved in a systemic adoption of UbD.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Curriculum planning', 'Comprehension', 'Learning', 'Curriculum-based assessment']","['Instructional films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022281/1008022281-disc001-file001-frame00105-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291890" "asp3291888-marc","","Getting results with curriculum mapping","","48 minutes","[]","Building on ASCD's resources on curriculum mapping, this DVD helps you and your school or district successfully implement comprehensive curriculum mapping. Use the DVD with the workshop outlines in the Facilitator's Guide to show how quality maps are developed and used to improve the quality of education for every student. Video scenes take you to mapping efforts that are underway in an entire district and a single school. Hear curriculum mapping expert Heidi Hayes Jacobs explain the best reasons for systemwide mapping and the importance of clarity and flexibility in curriculum planning. And see how dedicated teams of educators -from district leaders to classroom teachers -create and use maps to standardize curriculum, align teaching to learning objectives, familiarize new staff members with curriculum, and ultimately raise achievement. Detailed workshop outlines -with activities, handouts, overheads, and readings -make it easy for you to run an effective meeting that supports curriculum mapping.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Teacher participation in curriculum planning', 'Curriculum planning']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022280/1008022280-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291888" "asp3291886-marc","","Best practices in action. Using analogies to enhance background knowledge","","28 minutes","['Best practices in action']","Building on ASCD's series of professional development programs on classroom practices that research has shown to be effective in increasing student achievement, this DVD demonstrates how to use analogies to build students' background knowledge of academic subjects. Show this program in your next teacher meeting or workshop to explain why teaching students to identify similarities and differences by creating analogies enhances their understanding of and ability to use knowledge. Classroom scenes demonstrate how a teacher with a diverse class of third graders introduces the concept of analogy to the class and engages the students in thinking of their social studies content in terms of similarities and differences by using analogies. Show how the teacher leads the class to an understanding of analogies and helps them apply their understanding to their current unit of study. And explain how getting students to create analogies helps them connect lessons to each other or to material in other subjects.","stream","[]","[]","['English language', 'Abstraction', 'Thought and thinking', 'Analogy']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022279/1008022279-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291886" "asp3291884-marc","","Building background knowledge through wide reading. A five-step process","","26 minutes","[]","Teachers have always known that reading is one of the best ways for students to develop their background knowledge. But a truly effective reading program is more than just giving students more opportunities to read. Instead, teachers need the five-step, research-based process demonstrated on this DVD. Use this professional development resource in your next workshop or teacher meeting to introduce teachers to wide reading and show how this process works in any kind of classroom, or schoolwide. Education expert Robert J. Marzano explains the rationale for wide reading, and teachers demonstrate a five-step method that ensures your program has the most impact. Classroom scenes throughout the program show how teachers build excitement around reading by using a variety of strategies, including literary circles, quick reads, interest forms, and stickies.","stream","[]","[]","['Reading interests', 'Reading (Elementary)', 'Language arts', 'Reading teachers', 'Guided reading', 'Books and reading']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022278/1008022278-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291884" "asp3291882-marc","","Raising the literacy achievement of English language learners","","77 minutes","[]","Use this new program to help mainstream teachers and other educators in your school raise the literacy achievement of English language learners (ELL) in all grade levels. Showing the video, along with the workshop outlines and handouts from the Facilitator's Guide, at your next teacher professional development meeting gives audiences a deeper understanding of the linguistic needs of English language learners and introduces them to classroom-proven strategies for teaching ELL students reading and writing skills. Take audiences to elementary, middle, and high schools to explain how educators - from New York City to San Antonio - meet the challenges of changing demographics in their schools. Introduce your colleagues to the different student language proficiency levels teachers may face. Showcase teaching strategies that help ELL students develop reading skills they need for subject-area learning.Demonstrate how teachers in every subject improve ELL students' writing skills. The accompanying Facilitator's Guide has agendas for seven different workshops, plus all the handouts and overheads you need, and a selection of articles you can duplicate and distribute to workshop participants.","stream","[]","[]","['English language']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022277/1008022277-disc001-file001-frame00135-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291882" "asp3291880-marc","","High schools at work. Creating student-centered learning","","96 minutes","[]","Educational Consultant: Joe DiMartino If you've ever wondered what you could do to improve the performance of your high school students, close achievement gaps, and lower dropout rates, then here's an opportunity for you and your colleagues to see how innovative high schools are succeeding by being more responsive to the varied needs of their students. Use this video series -on VHS or DVD- in team meetings or workshops to take colleagues to rural and urban high schools that have redesigned the cultures of their schools and implemented strategies to personalize learning and help their students reach higher levels of achievement.Program 1 takes you inside classrooms to explore how teachers structure learning experiences to meet a wider range of student needs and help students take an active role in their learning. See examples of high school teachers who have expanded their instructional approaches to include strategies such as project-based learning, journaling and reflective writing, and exhibitions and portfolios. In Program 2 teachers and administrators reveal how they personalize the culture of their high schools. See how high schools use advisory groups, teacher teaming in small learning communities, and integrated support systems to be more attentive to students. And explore ways to help students develop a sense of community and take ownership over the direction of their learning. Program 3 examines how high schools can engage students in community-based learning and bring community members into their schools to help students connect learning to real-life experiences. Explore several types of community-connected learning experiences for adolescents, such as internships, service-learning projects, and connections with institutions of higher education. Videotaping occurred in two rural high schools in south Texas and three urban high schools in Boston.","stream","[]","['United States']","['High schools', 'Student-centered learning', 'Teenagers', 'Active learning']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022276/1008022276-disc001-file001-frame00030-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291880" "asp3291878-marc","","A visit to a data-driven school district","","31 minutes","[]","While most schools track data of some kind, a school that is truly data-driven goes way beyond typical efforts and uses data to achieve real progress in student achievement and school performance. Here's a video that takes you to a data-driven school district to show how data gathering and analysis is a required step to achieve desired results. This up-close tour introduces key elements of data-driven school improvement: How to use data in your school improvement process. What kinds of data give you a comprehensive and in-depth view of student performance and community expectations. Why collecting data from three levels - student, staff, and community - is essential. Where and when to analyze data to identify problems and give your school clear direction for improving student achievement. Video scenes show how teachers, administrators, and students take an active role in collecting and analyzing data. Teachers demonstrate how they use data to spot achievement gaps, identify instructional improvements, and analyze the effects of improvement efforts. And school leaders explain how they create staff buy-in to the process and share data throughout the district. Show this video to school improvement and teacher teams to highlight the positive impact of data-driven school improvement, and introduce audiences to methods that ensure data gathering and analysis provide direction and lead to decisions that are more likely to produce higher student achievement.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Education', 'School management teams', 'Educational tests and measurements', 'Students']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022275/1008022275-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291878" "asp3291876-marc","","How to use interactive notebooks","","16 minutes","[]","Lots of experienced and talented teachers know that interactive notebooks are great tools for instruction and learning in the classroom. Now, here's a 15-minute DVD that shares this secret and shows how to use interactive notebooks effectively in any grade and subject. Follow a 7th grade teacher in his class as he uses interactive notebooks to Develop students' organizational skills Help students focus on the essential understandings of each unit Prompt students to take notes and process what they are learning Make homework more personal and engaging Teach new vocabulary and study and test-taking skills.","stream","[]","[]","['Education', 'Note-taking', 'Study skills']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022274/1008022274-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291876" "asp3291874-marc","","Teaching the adolescent brain","","102 minutes","[]","Here's a resource that will introduce your school to fascinating scientific discoveries about the adolescent brain and how these findings relate to effective classroom practice for secondary school teachers. Use the videos or DVD and the Facilitator's Guide in teacher workshops, school improvement teams, and study groups to explore the changes that occur in the brains of healthy teens and how these changes affect their thinking, learning, and behavior. Explain why changes in the adolescent brain reveal the reasons why teens behave the way they do -their difficulties with planning, time management, and deadlines. Show examples of teaching strategies that match with teenagers' developing minds and help support their maturing thinking skills. And focus on how educators can influence teens to avoid negative behaviors - including health- and risk-related issues - that often derail learning. Plus, a short program for students and parents offers you a way to reach out to other audiences in your school who want to explore the challenges of the adolescent years. Program 1: Almost Adults provides a clear and simple explanation of how brain structures and functions change in the adolescent years.Program 2: The Engaged Teen takes audiences to actual secondary school classrooms to showcase teaching practices that are especially effective at helping teens learn and retain new content. Program 3: The Reflective Teen highlights the importance of teaching teenagers thinking skills that help them monitor and direct their own behavior.Program 4: Know Your Brain ... Know Yourself frames the issues from this series in a student's perspective, to help you spark classroom discussions and enlighten parent audiences on what's going on in teenagers' heads.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Learning', 'Brain', 'Teenagers', 'Adolescent psychology', 'Adolescence', 'Teaching']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022273/1008022273-disc001-file001-frame00070-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291874" "asp3291872-marc","","Best practices in action","","37 minutes","['Best practices in action']","When students have little or no background knowledge about a topic, it's tough for them to understand what you're trying to teach. But a great way to overcome this lack of background knowledge is to use visualization strategies.In this video, award-winning teacher Jennifer Morrison demonstrates how to use several strategies in a language arts unit on Native Americans. See how incorporating graphical representation as a prereading strategy helps students to increase their background knowledge and comprehension of new subject matter. And see how symbolic representations of text used as a during-reading activity can help individual students access relevant background knowledge about a topic.","stream","[]","[]","['Thought and thinking', 'Visual learning', 'Visualization', 'Language arts (Elementary)']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022272/1008022272-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291872" "asp3291870-marc","","Getting results from cooperative learning","","89 minutes","[]","Drawing from more than 35 years of research studies, ASCD's Classroom Instruction That Works has identified cooperative learning as one of the nine instructional strategies most apt to increase student achievement. Now here's an ideal resource to introduce your school to cooperative learning and correct any misconceptions using it in an accountable, standards-driven school. Use the programs and accompanying workshop outlines to convey to staff members how cooperative learning helps schools fulfill content requirements and address achievement gaps in student learning. Interviews with teachers and administrators explain the benefits of cooperative learning. And classroom scenes show that cooperative learning emphasizes high levels of academic achievement and reinforces the ability of students to retain academic content. Use Program 1, A Foundation, to show some of the essential elements of cooperative learning that teachers must incorporate in their lessons to gain the full benefits of this approach. Program 2, Implementing Conditions, helps explain how teachers design cooperative learning activities that satisfy content standards and learning goals. Then use Program 3, Assessing Conditions, to explore how teachers manage and monitor student learning during a cooperative learning activity. Two workshop formats with activities and discussion topics ensure your presentation deepens your audience's understanding of optimal cooperative learning.","stream","[]","[]","['Curriculum planning', 'Group work in education']","['Instructional films', 'Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022271/1008022271-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291870" "asp3291868-marc","","A six-step process for teaching vocabulary","","49 minutes","[]","Educational Consultant: Robert J. Marzano Here's the best tool to show that effective vocabulary instruction is way more than just giving students a list of words. Use the DVD with teacher groups and workshops to explain why it's easier for students to understand academic content when they've been taught the academic terms in your content standards. Then use classroom scenes to introduce teachers to the most effective way for teaching academic vocabulary.Demonstrations from elementary and secondary classrooms show examples of a research-based, six-step vocabulary teaching process. Your workshop audience sees actual classroom teachers walk through the vocabulary teaching process and use the ASCD student and teacher materials to build students' academic vocabulary. These classroom examples and lots of teacher tips ensure that teachers grasp the instructional process right away and find it easier to implement. When all the teachers in your school focus on the same academic vocabulary and teach it in the same way, your school has a powerful comprehensive approach.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Vocabulary', 'Language and languages']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022269/1008022269-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291868" "asp3291866-marc","","A visit to one school's bullying prevention program","","38 minutes","[]","Use this DVD with school staff and parents to spark a schoolwide discussion on bullying and how your school can do more to protect kids and lower risk factors. Scenes from a successful middle school bullying prevention program show how educators use classroom discussions, coordinating committees, and student surveys to stay on top of real and potential bullying situations. Interviews with school staff members and students give you lots of insight into how to develop schoolwide awareness, provide training for staff and students on how to recognize and respond to bullying, and involve the community to make sure efforts don't just stop at the schoolhouse door.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Middle school education', 'School environment', 'Bullying in schools', 'Interpersonal relations in adolescence']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022268/1008022268-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291866" "asp3291864-marc","","Breaking through barriers to achievement","","99 minutes","[]","If your effort to improve student achievement is challenged by adverse factors outside the classroom, then here's a resource that will help you nurture students' natural resiliency and help your learning community respond effectively with a positive program. Use the video scenes and workshop outlines in this DVD to Show how schools are breaking through barriers to achievement by understanding the role of resiliency. Create the conditions that foster resiliency in teachers and students throughout your school or district. Inspire staff members to boost student achievement by incorporating strategies that foster resiliency in their own classroom and school setting. Use Program 1, Understanding the Role of Resiliency, to explain the strong link between achievement and resiliency. Program 2, Building Resiliency in the Classroom, reveals the teaching strategies and classroom practices that boost achievement by fostering resiliency in students. And Program 3, Sustaining Resiliency in Students, explores the characteristics of resiliency in depth through the profiles of several resilient students. Two workshop formats with handouts and readings give you many options for presenting a compelling program to audiences throughout your school community.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Resilience (Personality trait) in children', 'Academic achievement']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022267/1008022267-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291864" "asp3291862-marc","","How to video series for educators","","19 minutes","['How to video series for educators']","The technique of using a spiraling sequence of questions is an effective way to involve more students in learning and promote deeper understanding of the subject matter. First asking students to carefully observe an image (such as a picture or graph), the teacher then asks questions at the knowledge and comprehension levels. Repeating the process with a new image, questions are spiraled to higher levels of thinking, with the teacher guiding students in making comparisons, analyzing information, and evaluating and synthesizing understandings. Here's a video that shows how teachers in any grade level and subject area can pose questions to provide a starting point that is comfortable for all students.Assess students' skills and interests in the topic. Engage students in thinking more deeply about, analyzing, and evaluating a concept. Help students practice thinking skills that enhance student understanding of the curriculum.","stream","[]","[]","['Educational accountability', 'Discussion', 'Questioning']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022266/1008022266-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291862" "asp3291860-marc","","How to video series for educators. How to informally assess student learning","","16 minutes","['How to video series for educators']","A critical element for teachers to know in every class who among their students is ready to move on and who needs additional help. Here's a video program that explores informal assessment techniques teachers can use for any grade level and subject area to determine students' needs and adjust instruction to meet those needs. Teachers demonstrate a variety of techniques that they use, includingQuick, on-the-go techniques, such as hand signals and white boards.Observation and eavesdropping as students work.Exit cards that guide teachers in planning learning experiences for the next day.Journals that provide an avenue for students to reflect on their learning.Weekly letters with student reactions on what they learned, where they are comfortable, and where they are struggling.","stream","[]","[]","['Learning', 'Educational tests and measurements']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022265/1008022265-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291860" "asp3291858-marc","","Building academic background knowledge","","97 minutes","[]","Educational Consultant: Robert Marzano Winner of the 2005 Telly Award- Bronze! Here's a DVD that helps teachers and other audiences understand what to do about students who are ill-prepared for classroom learning. Based on the best-selling ASCD book Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement: Research on What Works in Schools, this series of three programs on DVD introduces your school to research-based strategies for overcoming the deficiencies that hamper the achievement of so many students. Research expert Robert J. Marzano explains the importance of building background knowledge for all learners, especially for low-achieving students who tend not to have been exposed to the kinds of experiences necessary for academic success. Classroom scenes from a variety of subject areas and grade levels illustrate how to build students' background knowledge and help them overcome obstacles to learning. Interviews with cognitive neuroscientists and reading experts show how these strategies relate to how the brain naturally learns. Workshop outlines and learning activities in the accompanying facilitator's guide get everyone in your school focused on implementing practices that research shows result in greater student achievement. Use this series with teacher teams and other school groups to introduce key principles of research-based practice, such as Why direct teaching of certain vocabulary terms leads to higher academic achievement. Why sustained silent reading helps improve student understanding of content. Why indirect learning experiences — such as field trips and mentoring — give students better contexts for learning new content. Show your school how teams of teachers create classroom experiences that promote student learning. And provide your school with insights on how to close achievement gaps with effective vocabulary instruction, a sustained silent reading program, and teaching strategies such as nonlinguistic representation, projects, cooperative learning, and note taking. Users of ASCD's What Works in Schools framework for school improvement can use this video to take action on the key school-, teacher-, and student-level factors that influence academic achievement.","stream","[]","['United States']","['Vocabulary', 'Silent reading', 'School supervision', 'Academic achievement']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022264/1008022264-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291858" "asp3291856-marc","","A visit to a freshman advisory program","","26 minutes","[]","Freshman year of high school has always been a tough year for students - with less structure, greater responsibility, and challenging academics. Students who do well in 9th grade are more likely to graduate high school than those who don't. In today's larger, test-driven high schools, freshmen tend to feel isolated and overwhelmed, so teachers and administrators have to do more to ensure a welcoming and nurturing learning community for their youngest students. Show this program at your next improvement team or school climate committee meeting. This DVD features a freshman transition program that builds community within the high school and helps freshmen achieve academically. Use the program and the workshop outlines and activities from the viewer's guide to Explain why a freshman advisory program is critical to overall school improvement. Help your school develop strategies for teaching freshmen how to succeed academically and socially within the high school and later on in life. Demonstrate how to use grade 10-12 students as mentors in your freshman-year transition program. Scenes throughout the video and interviews with teachers and students explain how to ensure your program is focused on Teaching freshmen how to manage their time, set priorities, use good study skills, and monitor their own progress. Developing leadership and teamwork skills of the student mentors. Helping teachers manage the program, train student mentors, identify freshman students who are falling behind, and assess the effectiveness of the program.","stream","[]","[]","['Ninth grade (Education)', 'Faculty advisors', 'High school students', 'Counseling in secondary education']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022263/1008022263-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-fit-1024x578.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291856" "asp3291852-marc","","A visit to a classroom of English language learners","","42 minutes","[]","Educational Consultant: Virginia Rojas Spend a day at a world-renowned bilingual school -the first dual language public school in the United States -to get an up-close-and-personal tour of the programs and practices that are proven successful for students who are learning English. Following a 2nd grade class through their language arts, science, math, and social studies lessons, this video showcases the best practices that teachers use to address the needs of English language learners:Immersion in a content-based language approach where students learn academic content, vocabulary, and language patterns simultaneously Second language teaching strategies, such as visuals, total physical response, verbal interaction, learning buddies, read aloud, and the use of repetition Use this video for professional development meetings, study groups, and teams to demonstrate the action steps from ASCD's video series Maximizing Learning for English Language Learners.","stream","['Coral Way Elementary School (Miami, Fla.)']","['Florida']","['Education, Bilingual']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022261/1008022261-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291852" "asp3291848-marc","","A visit to a motivated classroom","","31 minutes","[]","This ASCD DVD takes you on an in-depth field trip to a classroom that demonstrates the research-based motivational strategies reflected in What Works in Schools. Perfect for professional development meetings, study groups, teams, and individual teacher check-out, this video program provides an opportunity to observe a teacher who effectively implements action steps that improve student motivation, including Providing students with feedback on their knowledge gain. Involving students in tasks and activities that are inherently engaging. Creating in-class opportunities for students to practice important skills and procedures. Building students' confidence in learning the content. This up-close-and-personal view of one classroom turns research-based concepts from What Works in Schools into a reality that is practical and rewarding for every classroom.","stream","['Garber, Marilyn']","[]","['Mathematics', 'High school teaching']","['Educational films']","https://d3crmev290s45i.cloudfront.net/frames/1008022xxx/1008022258/1008022258-disc001-file001-frame00180-size-exact-570x350.jpg","https://www.remote.uwosh.edu/login?url=http://www.aspresolver.com/aspresolver.asp?MARC;3291848"