1 | Central to the mission, vision and goals of the institution | With which strategic priorities do this program's goals align | Self-Reported | |
1 | | Describe how this program achieves goals aligned with the University's mission and core values | Self-Reported | Rubric |
1 | | In what ways would the University suffer without the service offered by this program? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
2 | Quality | Describe program's indicators of success and benchmarks? (e.g., number of students served (well), student satisfaction, stakeholder satisfaction, employee satisfaction, employment rates, etc)? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
2 | | How does this program meet its indicators of success and benchmarks? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
2 | | How is data collected on the success of this program? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
2 | | How does the quality of your program compare to similar programs at comparable institutions? Support with data if available. | Self-Reported | Rubric |
2 | | What methods does this program employ to train and encourage professional development for its staff? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
3 | Demand | Is this program mandated by federal, state or UW System policy? Explain and cite. | Self-Reported | Rubric |
3 | | How many students, staff members, or faculty are served by this program? What means does this program use to measure demand? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
3 | | In what ways does this program serve the internal (students, staff and faculty) audience? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
3 | | What role does this program play in student retention and success? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
3 | | What role does this program play in student recruitment? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
3 | | What role does this program play in external revenue generation? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
3 | | Define any external stakeholder groups served by or involved with this program. | Self-Reported | Rubric |
3 | | In what ways does this program serve these external stakeholder groups? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
3 | | What is the relationship of this program to the success of other programs? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
4 | Cost Effectiveness | What are the total GPR budget allocations for this program over the last three years (by year)? | Budget Office | Trending +, Trending -, Trending neutral |
4 | | What are the total GPR expenditures for this program over the last three years (by year)? | Budget Office | Trending +, Trending -, Trending neutral |
4 | | What are the total PR revenues for this program over the last three years (by year)? | Budget Office | Trending +, Trending -, Trending neutral |
4 | | What are the total PR expenditures for this program over the last three years (by year)? | Budget Office | Trending +, Trending -, Trending neutral |
4 | | Discuss the trend of program costs, and revenues as applicable. | Self-Reported | Rubric |
4 | | What measures have you taken to control costs through collaboration with other programs, departments or external partners? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
4 | | Does the program receive outside funding from the region, state or UW System? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
4 | | How do your resources compare to similar programs at comparable institutions? Support with data if available. | Self-Reported | Rubric |
4 | | In the last two years, what measures have been taken to reduce costs and streamline processes? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
5 | Opportunity Analysis | Describe potential or developed opportunities to improve this program's services. | Self-Reported | Rubric |
5 | | Describe opportunities for this program to improve its cost-savings. | Self-Reported | Rubric |
5 | | Describe opportunities for this program to collaborate with other UW Oshkosh programs. | Self-Reported | Rubric |
5 | | Describe opportunities for this program to collaborate with external groups. | Self-Reported | Rubric |
5 | | What programs offer departmental missions, activities and services similar to this program? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
5 | | Describe potential opportunities to increase effectiveness, and/or efficiency of this program (development, technology, funding for specific programming or training, etc.) | Self-Reported | Rubric |
5 | | What actions in the surrounding environment would affect this program internally on campus and externally in the region, state and country? | Self-Reported | Rubric |
6 | Critical information not addressed by other criteria | There may be special considerations to contribute to a program’s life and have not been covered in the points above. This section provides an opportunity for programs to discuss such considerations. | Self-Reported | Rubric |