Foundational Elements
As we move into the next chapter for UW Oshkosh, we must also hold true to our foundational elements or the essence of UW Oshkosh, while we implement the goals of this plan. Inclusive Excellence, sustainability, liberal education and shared governance are inherent in the fabric of this institution and are therefore infused into the priorities of this strategic plan.
Inclusive Excellence
At its core Inclusive Excellence insists that universities guarantee that every graduate achieves their fullest potential and is prepared for global leadership, through an engaging curricular and co-curricular experience that embraces, affirms and transforms every student with respect for their varied backgrounds. Every member of our community will embrace diversity and inclusion in all the work they do.
Liberal Education
Liberal Education empowers and prepares students to deal with complexity, diversity and change. It provides students with knowledge of the wider world as well as in-depth study in a specific area of interest. A liberal education helps students develop a sense of social responsibility, as well as strong and transferable intellectual and practical skills such as communication, analytical and problem-solving skills, and a demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills in real world settings.
Shared Governance
The governance groups at UW Oshkosh are proud of the strong tradition of shared governance and we believe that we should collectively advance a future-oriented, active, engaged and inspired process of shared decision making; and we believe that the strength of shared governance is that it recognizes and respects the unique contributions of each individual as well as the recognized governance groups participating in the process; and we believe that collegiality, respect and inclusion are core values in the process.
With a deep sense of responsibility and the increasingly common vision of resilient, prosperous communities, UW Oshkosh is committed to progressively reducing its ecological footprint and fashioning a durable and better world through its academic mission. Sustainability means integrating three dimensions: social justice, economic security and ecological integrity into all we do.