Drive innovation in Northeast Wisconsin and beyond by growing our identity as a research-enhanced, three-campus university.
2.1.1: Increase support in the pursuit of scholarship, basic and applied research, and creative activities and support faculty contributions to undergraduate and graduate research across all three campuses.
2.1.2: Serve the needs of the region and state, employing resources and facilities across the three campuses to strengthen UWO’s presence as a catalyst and consultive resource for the advancement of education, scholarship, governance, sustainability and economic growth.
Build a culture and habit of strategic, effective, transparent and inclusive institution-wide decision-making.
2.2.1: Create a culture of data-driven assessment to inform decisions throughout the institution.
2.2.2: Enhance transparency, participation and communication about institutional policies and initiatives between and among areas of the institution.
2.2.3: Understand and adopt best practices in strategic decision making.
Strengthen the culture and scholarship of innovative teaching and learning.
2.3.1: Lead innovation in curricular, co-curricular and pedagogical reform to meet current and future needs of learners.
2.3.2: Reinforce our commitment to liberal education, increasing the presence of sustainability, global citizenship, civic engagement, intercultural knowledge and ethical reasoning in and across the curriculum, preparing our students for 21st century citizenship and employment.
2.3.3: Amplify our recognition, celebration and rewarding of exceptional, innovative and inclusive teaching.
View the Other Plans of Growth
Enhancing Opportunity, Innovation, Sustainability and Distinction by 2030