UW Oshkosh has embarked on the critical journey of implementing a new, forward-looking strategic plan that will focus on our core priorities of student success, academic excellence, campus effectiveness and our impact on the community, state and world. Strategic...
Campus Colleagues, The work on the UW Oshkosh Strategic Plan continues on schedule as the final open forum was completed last week. The team hosted a total of eight open forums to gather reactions and additional perspectives on the goals for each campus priority. The...
Campus Colleagues, This past week the Strategic Planning Action Teams continued to form and coordination has begun for these teams to begin meeting. Their charge is to detail 3-5 goals for each priority outlined in the draft strategic plan. You can see the current...
Campus Colleagues, The Strategic Planning Steering Team wants to keep you informed as the planning continues to move forward. This past week, the work began to identify new teams for the next phase of the process. The make-up of each Action Team is still in process,...
The UW Oshkosh campus community is continuing in its work to develop a new strategic plan for our campus. As the planning moves forward, we will keep you informed with weekly email updates and opportunities for involvement. We have already hosted campus and community...
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