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Professional Development

During the summer months, UW Oshkosh is an ideal location for teacher professional development.  Our campus is uniquely situated along the Fox River and Lake Winnebago, with access to the world-class Environmental Research and Innovation Center and dry biodigester.  The University has also made a concerted effort to evaluate and improve its infrastructure, making our facilities some of the most ecologically sustainable in higher education.


We invite teachers from the region and state to join us on campus as we use our grounds, facilities, and watershed as a living learning laboratory that can serve as models for use in classrooms anywhere!

Other potential professional development opportunities:

  • Groundwater Workshop for Educators:  The Wisconsin DNR offers annual training for teachers.  STEM Outreach is seeking to have this training offered on the UW Oshkosh campus for teachers residing and teaching in the Fox River watershed.
  • Professional Learning workshops


Pictured left to right (standing): Mike Jones, Jill Werbeckes, Barb Reed, John Mueller (back), Stephanie Hibbs (back), Missy Anderson, Wanda Kern, Heather Potratz, Kim Scharpf (back), Kim Jensen, Deb Hilsher, Renee Wollersheim, Kevin Niemi, Don (Oshkosh Corp Engineer). Far back on truck: Samara Hamze, Sarah Adumat, Heather Schilling, Jennifer Ruechel, Lisa Butler