Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Us
Kolf Sports Center 169
(920) 424-7142
Schedule appointments in ATS
10:00 a.m- 5:30 p.m, M - F
What do I do in an emergency?
Call 911 or campus security at (920) 424-1212 for any life threatening or serious injury.
How do I report my injury?
You should notify your team’s certified athletic trainer of any injury occurring during practice or event time. In order to better serve our athletes, it is necessary to report all injuries independent of their severity. Schedule an appointment in ATS to see your Licensed Athletic Trainer. If you do not know who your Licensed Athletic Trainer is, you may stop by the Kolf sports medicine room to be evaluated during open hours which are Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.
What happens after my evaluation?
After a certified athletic trainer has evaluated your injury, they will make a determination of the need for referral to a physician. If a referral is warranted, our team orthopedic physician will provide you with orthopedic care. This will occur on campus once per week. Referrals to other physician’s will be made on an as-needed basis. If a referral is not necessary, you will be provided with a treatment and rehabilitation protocol by a certified athletic trainer. All athletes have a right to see another physician outside of the UW Oshkosh network as long as an athlete sees a certified athletic trainer and team physician first. This process is done to maintain better communication, thus providing better quality of healthcare to the athlete.
Can I get evaluated after training room hours?
If the injury is of an emergent nature, you should seek medical attention at an emergency room or urgent care facility. If you are having difficulty walking or functioning normally you should visit your family physician or walk-in clinic for care. Many muscle or bone injuries will benefit from the following: rest, ice, compression, elevation, protection, and support. If possible, avoid using the affected area as this may cause further aggravation.