Grant Award
The award phase occurs once the sponsor provides notice of funding to UW Oshkosh. Following award notification, OSP will work with the PI to establish the new award within UWO’s financial and administrative systems. This process may take a few days to a few weeks to complete. Awards that involve a subaward may take longer to set up while OSP issues a subaward agreement to the partnering entity. For situations where UWO is named as a subrecipient entity on another institution’s award, the UWO PI must still notify OSP of the funded subaward so appropriate actions can be taken to ensure the subaward is issued properly.
A: Award Notice
Grant awards are issued to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh rather than to individual PIs and therefore, only the Authorized Representative for UWO will sign any official award documentation or agreements. Sponsors will send award decisions to OSP, the PI, or both. If the PI receives the award decision they should forward to right away so that the Pre-Award team can update their tracking system accordingly. If the proposal is funded, Pre-Award staff will work with the PI to negotiate the award agreement, review the terms and conditions, and establish the award at the University. The PI should not begin work on a proposal, or incur proposal costs, until the sponsor’s official written notice of award (or grant agreement) has been received, reviewed and signed. The acceptance of a grant award represents a formal obligation for the University, and therefore, the PI is expected to work with OSP to ensure the award terms are appropriate and that all parties understand the obligation(s) under the award
B: Subawards
Awards that include issuance of a subaward to a collaborating institution (i.e. subrecipient) will require that OSP issue a subaward agreement. OSP will create an agreement that includes a copy of the award terms, subrecipient scope of work, subrecipient budget, and other supporting documents. This agreement is then routed to the subrecipient institution’s Office of Sponsored Programs for review and formal signature. Once the agreement is fully executed then the relationship between the partnering institutions can officially commence. UW Oshkosh will request regular invoices from the subrecipient to ensure spending of subaward funds is in line with the approved scope of work.
C: Startup Meeting
OSP schedules an award startup meeting for newly funded awards. This is a time for the Pre-Award team, Grants Accountant, and the PI/project team to meet and review the award terms and performance expectations.
D: Project Account Setup
The Grants Accountant will assign the new award to a project account in WISER. This is the project account that the PI will use to charge for all project-related expenses. It is highly recommended that the PI have access to WISER to allow for tracking the budget, spending, and remaining balance of their award.
E: Progress & Financial Reporting
Reporting requirements will vary widely by sponsor. As a standard, the PI is responsible for completing and submitting progress reports while the Grants Accountant is responsible for submitting financial reports and invoices for reimbursement.
Other Award Setup Considerations
Contact Financial Services regarding Obtaining WISER Access
Contact HR regarding PTFs in BP Logix
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Our Team Members
Office Contact
Phone: (920) 424-3215
Office Location: Dempsey 214
Mailing Address: 800 Algoma Blvd. Oshkosh, WI 54901-8627