Find Funding
Below you will find a listing of curated searches created by OSP staff. Curated Searches are set up in Pivot and automatically update when new opportunities that match the search criteria are posted in Pivot. Searches are organized by Federal sponsor or Academic Area/Discipline. You may select any link to view current funding opportunities that match your selected area.
Check back often as our team adds new curated searches to the list. If you’d like to request a specific curated search, please send your request to
Looking for internal, institution-driven funding? Please click HERE to be directed to the Faculty Development Program’s website.
Looking for external sources of funding from private or public agencies outside of UW Oshkosh? The Office of Sponsored Programs subscribes to the following major external funding source databases: Grants Resource Center (GRC) GrantSearch, Pivot and GrantWatch. See below for more information on these databases, as well as information on where to find sponsor-driven and foundation funding.
For video tutorials on how to find funding through Pivot and other sources, please see the Grant Finding Tutorials YouTube page put together by Polk Library.
Curated Funding Searches by Sponsor
Pivot Login Note: You will be asked to login to Pivot when you click on any of the curated search links below. If you have claimed your Pivot account you can login at the Sign In screen using your Pivot username and password. If you have not claimed your Pivot account, you can access the Curated Searches by selecting your Institution (UW Oshkosh) and logging in using your Net ID and password. For guidance on more Pivot functions, please view our Pivot User Guide Final.pdf
You may use your Net ID and password to log in to Pivot.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Curated Funding Searches by Discipline/Interest
Pivot Login Note: You will be asked to login to Pivot when you click on any of the curated search links below. If you have claimed your Pivot account you can login at the Sign In screen using your Pivot username and password. If you have not claimed your Pivot account, you can access the Curated Searches by selecting your Institution (UW Oshkosh) and logging in using your Net ID and password. For guidance on more Pivot functions, please view our Pivot User Guide Final.pdf
Grant Search
GrantSearch is a database hosted by the Grants Resource Center (GRC), a division of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), and contains more than 2,000 federal and private funding programs that focus on higher education. GrantSearch allows you to search by Academic Category, Academic Subject, Activity, and Funding Sponsor to help locate the opportunities that would fit your research or programmatic needs. GrantSearch also has a tool called “Faculty Alerts” which allows individuals to set up a customized search for based on their areas of interest or research field. The GRC will then send out a monthly bulletin tailored to a PI’s requested “alerts.” Individuals can find this function under the “GrantSearch” tab under “Faculty Alerts.”
You may use your Net ID and password to log in to GRC.
The GRC website also has a “Funded Proposal Library” where PIs can search for examples of successfully funded proposals submitted to a variety of federal and non-federal agencies. These are helpful as PIs begin to develop their own proposals for competitive submissions.
GRC Funding Search
The GRC also provides staff who can seek out various funding opportunities upon request. Please contact OSP staff if you would like to request GRC staff assistance in identifying appropriate funding opportunities for you. Please allow at least two months’ time for this search.
Contact OSP staff if you would like to be signed up for the GRC Funding bulletin which is delivered to your inbox weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays and includes a variety of open or upcoming funding opportunities.
Pivot is a global resource for hard-to-find information critical to scientific research and other projects across all disciplines. Users can search for funding sources with their database of more than 25,000 funding records worth more than $33 billion; search among 500,000 profiles of researchers from 1,600 institutions to identify experts and collaborators; and promote your research with a Pivot profile. User profiles are free if created from a computer on the UW Oshkosh network.
For guidance on more Pivot functions, please view our Pivot User Guide Final.pdf
You may use your Net ID and password to log in to Pivot. is a powerful and commonly-used search engine for individuals seeking federal funding. This search engine includes open and upcoming funding opportunities for the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Education, Department of Health and Human Services (DHS), National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), NASA, and many more.
To search grants, go to and click on the “Search Grants” tab. also provides a helpful Grants Learning Center on their website. It includes the following Grant Topics:
- Grants 101-Basics about the grant lifecycle and management
- Grant Policies-Laws and regulations for federal awards
- Grant Eligibility-Who is eligible to apply for a grant?
- Grant Terminology-Grant-related terminology and acronyms
- Grant Agencies-Federal grant-making agencies
- Grant Programs-Financial assistance and benefits
Sponsor-Driven Funding Resources
Sponsor-Driven Funding Resources
There are also a number of individual agencies that publicize their own grants. Please visit the Sponsor-Driven Funding Resources link above for a list of resources in PDF format.
Community Foundation Locator
State and regional directories of community and private foundations can also be found by using the Community Foundation Locator to find a grant-making foundation in your region. You may also use your preferred web search engine to find your state’s grant or foundation directory.
Our Team Members
Office Contact
Phone: (920) 424-3215
Office Location: Dempsey 214
Mailing Address: 800 Algoma Blvd. Oshkosh, WI 54901-8627
Our Team Members
Office Contact
Phone: (920) 424-3215
Office Location: Dempsey 214
Mailing Address: 800 Algoma Blvd. Oshkosh, WI 54901-8627