Future Students
Contact Us
(920) 424-1419
Swart Hall 118
Is Social Work for you?
As one of the helping professions, Social Work exists to serve populations that are vulnerable, in need of basic services and resources, or attempting to make a change in their lives. Positions in human service settings address a wide range of issues, such as child welfare, chemical dependency, physical and mental health, aging, and corrections. Social workers are concerned with the community or setting where people spend their daily lives.

In addition to serving individuals, a career in social work can include working for social change to benefit the larger community. If you have empathy for people in need and are ready to work for the welfare of your community, social work is a field in which you’ll thrive.
Career Possibilities
2016-2026 Outlook
- 16% growth projected in overall Social work employment
- 14% growth in child, family & school social work positions
- 20% growth in health care & medical social work positions
- 19% growth in mental health & substance abuse positions
Studying Social Work
Social work is an applied or practicing profession. Therefore majoring in a profession such as social work is different from majoring in academic disciplines such as history, sociology or physics. The standards by which students are evaluated pertain not only to critical thinking and ability to master conceptual content, but also to the manner in which they incorporate professional values, ethical principles, and professional performance requirements expected of a social worker. Students will be expected to demonstrate competency for serving and engaging with others in a manner which upholds the professional requirements of social work. Further, they should also possess the capacity to examine their own values, beliefs, and professional conduct which can potentially bias or interfere with their ability to perform professional services. Finally, students should be able to model a community service ethic.
At UWO, the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program has a four-part curriculum:
1. General education (University Studies Program, or USP)
2. Gateway courses, the pre-admission curriculum
3. 300-level courses, the pre-field curriculum
4. 400-level courses, which includes the Field Practicum.
Social Work Department
(920) 424-1419
Swart Hall, Room 118