Social Justice 101: Introduction to Social Justice
Social Justice 101/102: Introduction to Social Justice (Quest)
Social Justice/Political Science and Women’s & Gender Studies 303: Women, Politics and Policy: A Global Perspective
Social Justice/Political Science 304: Race & Ethnicity in US Politics
Social Justice/Economics and Women’s & Gender Studies 307: Discrimination, Gender, and the Economy **prereqs not waived**
Social Justice/Political Science 313: Politics of Genocide
Social Justice/Communication 314: Inside Out Prison Exchange *instructor consent only*
Social Justice/Criminal Justice 334: Comparative Criminal Justice Policies
Social Justice/Radio-TV-Film/Women’s & Gender Studies 347: Race, Class, and Gender in American Media
Social Justice 366: Service Learning Field Study *Department consent required* For SJ Minors
Social Justice/Political Science 377: Foundations of American Political Thought
Social Justice/Political Science 378: American Political Thought
Social Justice 395:
–Special Topics: Queer Lives Through Memoir (If course becomes a permanent offering, the instructor will email the director.)
–Special Topics: Religion & Sexuality–to be offered Fall 2018 (If course becomes a permanent offering, the instructor will email the director.)
Social Justice 399:
–Special Topics: Off-Campus Study *Instructor consent required*
- Action, Gender, and Social Justice in Tanzania (cross-listed with Communication 405 and Women’s and Gender Studies 399)
- Activism, Resistance, and Visual Rhetoric in Germany (cross-listed with Communication 405 and Women’s and Gender Studies 399)
Social Justice 403 Feminist Thought and Practice
Social Justice 446: Independent Study *Department consent required* For SJ Minors
Social Justice/Communication 450: Rhetoric of the US Women’s Movement 1776-1920
Social Justice/Communication 451: Rhetoric of the US Women’s Movement 1920-current
African American Studies 100: Introduction to African American Studies
African American Studies 395: Special Topics: Black Masculinities, Sexualities in Education and Society (cross-listed with WAGS 397).(If course becomes a permanent offering, the instructor will email the director.)
Anthropology 123: Cultural Diversity in the US
Anthropology 232: Cultural Anthropology
Anthropology 300 Special Topics–Global Landscapes of Aging (email Courtney Bauder)
Anthropology 304 Writing for Social Sciences (email Courtney Bauder)
Anthropology 314 Native American Women
Anthropology/Women’s & Gender Studies 344: Kinship, Gender, Sexuality
Anthropology 350: Ethnographic Methods
Anthropology 384: Urban Anthropology
Communication 318: Intercultural Communication
Communication 427: Rhetorical Criticism
Communication 445: African American Civil Rights Rhetoric
Criminal Justice/Social Justice 332: Violence in America: An Exam. of the Institutional Foundations
Criminal Justice 333: Illegal Bias in the Criminal Justice System
Criminal Justice/Social Justice 334: Comparative Criminal Justice Policies
Criminal Justice 353/553: Convict Criminology
Education 353: Hmong Language, Culture, & Learning
Education 377/577: Latino(a) Language, Culture, & Learning
English 218: Intro to Multiethnic Lit
English 221: Asian American Lit
English 324: Gender in Literature
English 361: Asian American Literature: Sex, Lies,and Asian American Literature
English/Women’s & Gender Studies 371: African Am Women Writers: Optional Content
English 388: Grant Writing Foundations (work to ensure assignments align with emphasis)
English/Women’s & Gender Studies 391: Queer, Trans, Non-Binary Literature (previous course title was Gay & Lesbian Literature: Optional Content)
Environmental Studies/Women’s & Gender Studies 365: Gender and Nature
Environmental Studies 390: Seminar on Environmental Justice
Geography 202: Human Geography
Geography/Women’s & Gender Studies 333: Gender, Place, Culture
Geography 353: Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa
Geography 399: Zambia Study Tour (email Courtney Bauder to finalize SJ content)
History 311:
–Special Topics: The American Left, From Abolitionism to Occupy Wall Street.(If course becomes a permanent offering, the instructor will email the director.)
History/Women’s & Gender Studies 328: History of Sexuality
History 344: Europe Since 1945
History 359: Africa 1800 – Present
History 360: South Africa 1652 – Present
History 368: The Gilded Age & Progressive Era
History 385: African American History
History/Women’s & Gender Studies 386: Women in the US
History 396: America in the Sixties
Honors 175: *when offered with social justice content*
Human Serv. 375: Current Issues: Culture and Community Exchange in Costa Rica
Human Serv. 378: Refugees, Migration & Human Serv.
International Studies 351: Special Topics: 1) Negotiating Refuge, 2) The Russian Ukrainian Conflict
Music 236:American Music & Equal Rights Campaigns
Philosophy 205: Ethical Issues in a Diverse Society
Political Science 346: Queer Politics & Policy
Political Science 370:
–Special Topics: Queer Politics(If course becomes a permanent offering, the instructor will email the director.)
Political Science 378: Modern Am. Political Thought
Psychology/Women’s & Gender Studies 260: Psychology of Gender (instructor consent only)
Psychology 271: Cross-Cultural Psychology
Psychology/Women’s & Gender Studies 338: Adult Development and Aging
RTF 341: Doc. Production (email Courtney Bauder to finalize SJ content)
Social Work/Women’s & Gender Studies 305: Social Work Ethics in a Diverse Society
Social Work 371: Child and Family Welfare
Social Work 375: Treatment and Mistreatment of Offenders
Sociology 317: Sociology of Health & Illness
Sociology 359: Minority Groups
Sociology 368: Sociology of Gender
Women’s & Gender Studies 201: Introduction to Women’s & Gender Studies
Women’s & Gender Studies 315: Women and Madness
Women’s & Gender Studies 350: Women, Race, and Class
Women’s & Gender Studies 395:
–Special Topics: Intro to Trans & Gender Queer Studies Special Topics: Queer Lives Through Memoir(If course becomes a permanent offering, the instructor will email the director.) Special Topics: Bisexual, Pansexual Lives (If the course becomes a permanent offering, the instructor will email the director.)
Women’s & Gender Studies 397:
–Special Topics: Black Masculinities, Sexualities in Education and Society (cross-listed with AAS 395)(If course becomes a permanent offering, the instructor will email the director.)
–Special Topics: Two Spirit Lives (If course becomes a permanent offering, the instructor will email the director.)
Women’s & Gender Studies 392: Queer Theory/Queer Lives
Women’s & Gender Studies 393: Queer Lives Through Memoir