SIRT Researchers
FOx River WAtershed Research + Dialogue on Sustainability
Research Team:
Elizabeth (Za) Barron, Kevin Crawford, Mamadou Coulibaly, Jim Feldman, Gabriel Loiacono, M. Elsbeth (Misty) McPhee, and Robert Stelzer
Project Description:
The FORWAR+DS project is a collaborative research effort involving seven UW Oshkosh professors. The professors are creating an interdisciplinary study on sustainability and place based on the Fox River Watershed located in eastern Wisconsin. Each professor will incorporate an individual research project to contribute to their different disciplines.
To incorporate sustainability into a place you must consider the interconnected network society has with environment. You can achieve sustainability within the Upper Fox River Watershed by envisioning a diverse economy, exhibiting environmental justice and exhibiting social equity and fairness.
Barron, E.S. In press. “Emplacing Sustainability in a Post-Capitalist World.” In: Cambridge Handbook of Environmental Sociology, Legun, K., J. Keller, M. Carolan, and M. Bell, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Van Auken, P., E.S. Barron, C. Xiong, C. Persson. 2016. “’Like a Second Home’: Conceptualizing Experiences Within the Fox River Watershed Through a Framework of Emplacement.” Water 8: 352. doi:10.3390/w8080352.