Radical Hope and Vision: Disability Justice in Our Future and Our Freedom
Wednesday, March 10, 5:00-7:30 p.m.
The event is free and virtual. Click here to register.
Join us for a lecture and interactive workshop on Disability Justice with Lydia X Z Brown. Brown is a disability justice advocate, organizer, educator, attorney, strategist, and writer whose work has largely focused on violence against multiply-marginalized disabled people. They have worked to advance transformative change through organizing in the streets, writing legislation, conducting anti-ableism workshops, testifying at regulatory and policy hearings, and disrupting institutional complacency everywhere from the academy to state agencies and the nonprofit-industrial complex. To find out more about their work check out: https://autistichoya.net/
This event is hosted in collaboration with the UW Madison McBurney Disability Center, Gender and Sexuality Campus Center, and Office of Inclusion Education.