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   Our Strategy

Perform upgrades and retrofits of building systems to improve energy efficiency

Construct new buildings and renovate existing buildings with energy efficiency in mind (see Green Buildings)

Produce renewable energy on campus

Purchase renewable energy through renewable energy credits (RECs)

From our Climate Action and Resilience Plan:

Energy and Emissions 

In pursuit of a sustainable and resilient campus future, UWO committed to becoming climate neutral by 2030 for scope 1 and 2 emissions, and by 2035 for scope 3 emissions. In summer of 2022, UWO was the recipient of pro bono consulting work to fast-track a climate action planning process and develop a set of goals which are outlined in more detail here.

Our Climate Action & Resilience Plan offers a multifaceted approach focused on energy efficiency and emissions reduction. Our overarching goals include conducting a comprehensive energy study to inform the development of a utility/energy master plan, establishing a dedicated position for energy efficiency oversight, and enhancing building performance in anticipation of the energy transition.  

Addressing Scope 1 Emissions

From our Climate Action and Resilience Plan:

Addressing Scope 1 emissions, we are committed to replacing aging fossil-fuel combustion infrastructure with modern, electric alternatives and upgrading our campus circulatory heating system to efficient low-temperature hot water or air-sourced or ground-sourced heating and cooling technologies, minimizing energy loss.  


Goals and Objectives:

Replace aging fossil-fuel combustion infrastructure with modern, electric, efficient technologies as equipment reaches end-of-life or as opportunities arise. (2.1 B&D CAP) by 2030

  • Develop a phased plan to replace aging fossil-fuel combustion infrastructure with modern, electric, and efficient technologies as equipment reaches end-of-life. 
  • Prioritize the use of renewable energy sources in new installations.

Upgrade aging campus circulatory heating system to efficient low-temperature hot water to reduce energy loss from source to site. (1.2 B&D CAP) 

  • This action directly addresses energy loss, which is a crucial factor in enhancing efficiency.
  • Low-temperature hot water systems are a proven and effective method to reduce energy waste in heating.

Expand use of on-site renewables, ground-source heating and cooling (3.1, 2.1 B&D CAP)

  • Increase the deployment of on-site renewable energy sources such as solar panels.
  • Explore and implement ground-source heating and cooling systems across campus.

Replace internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles with electric vehicle (EV) or plug-in EV alternatives as vehicles reach end-of-life. Incorporating sustainable practices in vehicle transportation within a campus Climate Action and Resilience plan is pivotal for fostering a more resilient campus community. (2.3 B&D CAP)

  • Campus Fleet of Vans for Carpooling – Evaluate the campus fleet for carpooling, minimizing the need for external rentals and reducing the overall carbon footprint.
Addressing Scope 2 Emissions

From our Climate Action and Resilience Plan:

In tackling Scope 2 emissions, we aspire to lead initiatives within the Universities of Wisconsin for large-scale renewable electricity projects, emphasizing Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPA) and increased on-site renewable solutions.  


Goals and Objectives:

Lead UW System efforts to develop large-scale renewable electricity projects (VPPA). (3.2 B&D CAP)

  • Collaborate with external partners and lead efforts to develop large-scale renewable electricity projects through Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPA)
  • Prioritize investments in renewable energy projects that align with the university’s goals

Improve energy efficiency measures in buildings on campus (1.1 B&D CAP)

  • Reduce the energy footprint of buildings by using and refining motion sensors in areas with automatic lights
Addressing Scope 3 Emissions

From our Climate Action and Resilience Plan:

Additionally, to address Scope 3 emissions, we are implementing a comprehensive program that allows for offsets associated with business operations, athletics and study abroad travel. This strategic framework is designed to guide specific actions and foster a sustainable, climate-resilient campus community. 


Goals and Objectives:

Offset Program for Business, Athletics, and Study Abroad Travel

  • Establish a comprehensive carbon offset program that allows business, athletics, and study abroad travelers to compensate for their emissions.
  • Explore partnerships with verified offset providers and invest in projects that align with sustainable development goals.
  • Develop offset program for campus commuters to buy into when purchasing a parking permit.

Promote Sustainable Travel Practices

  • Develop and promote guidelines for sustainable travel, encouraging the use of low-emission transportation modes and alternatives.
  • Integrate carbon footprint awareness into travel-related decision-making processes.
  • Leverage and expand flex-work schedules for employees working on campus where possible.
UW Oshkosh CO2e Emissions Fiscal Year 2022 Facilities Energy Use Summary Report:

*To view enlarged image, hover over the image and Right-Click to Open Image in New Tab. Or click the link below.*


UW Oshkosh Fiscal Year 2022 State Facilities Energy Report (FY05 Base)

*To view enlarged image, hover over the image and Right-Click to Open Image in New Tab. Or click the link below.*


For more information on Energy and Water Use and Emissions reports, visit the Public Service Commission site:

   Long Term Goals

Upgrade aging campus circulatory heating system to efficient low-temperature hot water to reduce energy loss from source to site. (1.2 B&D CAP)  

  • This action directly addresses energy loss, which is a crucial factor in enhancing efficiency 
  • Low-temperature hot water systems are a proven and effective method to reduce energy waste in heating 

Expand use of on-site renewables, ground-source heating and cooling (3.1, 2.1 B&D CAP) 

  • Increase the deployment of on-site renewable energy sources such as solar panels 
  • Explore and implement ground-source heating and cooling systems across campus 

   Short Term Goals

Replace aging fossil-fuel combustion infrastructure with modern, electric, efficient technologies as equipment reaches end-of-life or as opportunities arise. (2.1 B&D CAP) by 2030

  • Develop a phased plan to replace aging fossil-fuel combustion infrastructure with modern, electric, and efficient technologies as equipment reaches end-of-life
  • Prioritize the use of renewable energy sources in new installations

Replace internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles with electric vehicle (EV) or plug-in EV alternatives as vehicles reach end-of-life. Incorporating sustainable practices in vehicle transportation within a campus Climate Action and Resilience plan is pivotal for fostering a more eco-conscious and resilient campus community. (2.3 B&D CAP) 

What we’ve done:

  • Enrolled in Strategic Energy Management Program with Focus on Energy  
  • Every kWh and BTU we save we get $$$ 
  • Scheduling and Setpoints 
  • Building HVAC startup shifted to staggered startup to prevent high demand energy charges
  • Building HVAC power down occurs at 5 PM during summer months 
  • Setpoints set in buildings with DDC controls to no lower than 72 degrees during warmer months and no higher than 68 degrees in winter months.

Alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals








Sustainability Institute for Regional Transformations


UW Oshkosh
800 Algoma Blvd.
Oshkosh, WI 54901

Contact Info:

(920) 424-0440
SIRT Office: 4483 Sage Hall

