Senate Announcements
*** 2024-2025 ****
Senate Office Information 2024-2025: (Staff Shared Governance Group)
Phone: 920-424-2102
Senate meetings will be held virtually for the Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 semesters.
Senate Meeting Dates
Location: Meetings will be held virtually for Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 semesters.
Fall 2024 (virtual)
Sept. 19, 2024
Oct. 3, 2024
Oct. 17, 2024
Oct. 31, 2024
Nov. 14, 2024
Dec. 5, 2024
Spring 2025 (virtual)
Jan. 16, 2025 -As Needed
Feb. 13, 2025
Feb. 27, 2025
March 13, 2025
April 3 , 2025
April 17, 2025
May 1, 2025
May 15, 2025
Senate Contacts
Angela Zemke, President (2024-2025)
Reeve Memorial Union
(920) 424-1270
Chrissy Lambie, President-Elect (2024-2025)
Career & Professional Development
(920) 424-2044
April Dutscheck, Senate Office Administrative Assistant
Senate Office - Dempsey Hall, Room 205
(920) 424-2102
Senate of Academic Staff Committees
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All-University Committees
Senate of Academic Staff Committees
Faculty Senate Committees
Other Committees
Executive Committee
President | Angela Zemke
President-Elect | Chrissy Lambie
Vice President | Anthony Lenski
Member-At-Large (Osh)| Laura Smolinski
Member-At-Large (Osh) | Corina Van Duser
Past-President | Karl Boehler
UWS ASR (non-voting) – Zemke
All-University Committees
Advisory Council for Academic Advising
Charge: To provide guidance and support to the Director of Advising and to provide the university community information and support around issue of academic advising.
Allocations (Student) Committee
Charge: To review funding requests and make recommendations to the Chancellor on the disbursement of the allocable portion of student segregated fees.
American Disabilities Act Advisory Committee
Charge: To evaluate existing programs, investigate unmet needs, and make recommendations to the Coordinator of Services to Students with Disabilities and the administration of the University in accordance with Board of Regents’ policy 96-6 (non-discrimination on basis of disability). The committee will have specific responsibility for hearing disability related student grievances.
Climate Action Committee
Charge: The Climate Action Committee advocates for climate neutrality, sustainability, and energy efficiency across all aspects of the University. In consultation with the Chancellor and in collaboration with other campus groups, the Committee will create and/or update a Climate Action Plan yearly. The group will research, recommend, facilitate, and implement actions to reduce the impact of the University on climate.
Compensation Committee
Charge: To review state or system compensation guidelines and other information, and develop policies and procedures to administer faculty and academic staff compensation. Serves as the salary review committee.
Distinguished Teaching Award, (Edward Penson Committee)
Charge: To oversee the nomination and selection process for the Distinguished Teaching Award.
Employee Assistance Program Advisory Board
Charge: To advise the Director of the Employee Assistance Program regarding the offering of services intended to assist faculty, academic staff, and University staff whose job performance is being adversely affected by cultural, physical, social or psychological problems.
Ethics Code Committee
Charge: To provide consultation and advice for University staff members on the application of Chapter UWS 8, Administration Code (“University Staff Code of Ethics”). Each member of this committee shall review Chapter UWS 8 prior to taking any action. (This is a mandated committee.) Created under section UWS 8.035.
Faculty Development Board
Charge: To make recommendations to the Provost and Vice Chancellor on proposed faculty development projects and administers the Faculty Development Program. The Board monitors program budgets, administrative procedures, drafts changes in program policy, and organizes the program evaluation efforts.
Gender Equity Council
Charge: To act in consultation with the Chancellor to; 1) oversee the development of programs that support goals, objectives and initiatives of the Ten-Year Plan addressing women’s issues; 2) identify persons responsible for implementing this plan; 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of programs designed to accomplish this plan.
Graduate Council
Charge: To formulate policies concerning the graduate programs of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, and it serves as an advisory body to the Dean of the Graduate School and Research concerning the implementation of these policies. (The specific responsibility of the Graduate Council are outlined in Article II, Section 4 of the Graduate Studies Bylaws.)
Health and Safety Committee
Charge: To review health and safety concerns, work to resolve issues or problems informally where possible, and provide recommendations to the administration. (Note: The Committee shall not address any issues which are or may be matters of negotiation with the Wisconsin State Employees Union.)
Subcommittee: Laboratory Studio Shop Safety Team (LSSST). With safety of faculty, staff, and students in mind, the UW Oshkosh LSSST was formed in 2012. The team is made up of faculty, academic staff and university staff members from various academic and administrative disciplines. LSSST meets two to three times per calendar year to discuss policies and procedures pertaining to safe work, research, and study in labs, studios and shops.
Honorary University Degree Committee
Charge: To review, consider and recommend candidates for honorary degrees.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Charge: To oversee compliance with all conditions and requirements established and imposed under federal or state law, regulations and rules. This committee shall promote the purpose of exercising self-monitoring, providing adequate veterinary care (including a program of occupational health and sound animal husbandry practices), and ensuring appropriate maintenance of facilities for housing animals. (This is a mandated committee; the membership is defined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.)
Institutional Review Board
Charge: To safeguard the rights and welfare of human subjects in compliance with current policies issued by the Office of Protection from Research Risks, National Institute of Health. (This is a mandated committee National Institute of Health.)
Intercollegiate Athletic Committee
Charge: To establish policies and make policy recommendations to the administration and governance groups concerning intercollegiate athletics. The Intercollegiate Athletic Committee will also act as an advisor to the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer Education & Advocacy Council (LGBTQ)
Charge: To provide visionary leadership, education, and advocacy necessary to cultivate an equitable, inclusive, and supportive climate for the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh community members of all sexual identities. More specifically, the Council will meet four community needs: (1) Educate the University community members about challenges and issues faced by LBGTQ faculty, staff, and students; (2) Affirm the lives, experiences, and presence of LBGTQ faculty, staff, and students at the University; (3)Advocate to ensure an environment of safety, equity, and respect for individuals of all sexual and gender identities; and (4) Evaluate the UW Oshkosh members’ efforts toward these ends including an assessment of the effectiveness, impact, and outcomes of the LBGTQ Education and Advocacy Council.
Libraries and Learning Resources Advisory Council
Charge: To make recommendations to the Faculty Senate on issues related to learning resources and to provide advice to the Director of Forrest R. Polk Library regarding library collections, services, policies and new directions. The council will facilitate reciprocal communication between the library, faculty, students, and staff.
Parking Appeals Committee
Charge: To assess and make decisions regarding the legitimacy and acceptability of all appeals presented in a timely manner by violators.
Parking Policy Advisory Committee
Charge: To review parking policies and make appropriate recommendations to the Director of Parking and/or the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.
Radiation Safety Committee
Charge: To act as a regulatory body with the objective to ensure optimal health standards and to prevent overexposure of personnel to radioactive material by ensuring appropriate supervision of the uses of all radioactive material. The committee is concerned with the qualifications of the users and the uses of radioactive material on a University-wide basis. (This is a mandated committee by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This committee is advisory to the Chancellor.)
Reeve Advisory Council
Charge: To seek to represent the interests of University students, faculty, staff, and alumni in advising the Director of Reeve Memorial Union on policy matters relating to the operation, use, and improvement of Reeve Memorial Union.
Rosebush Professor Review Committee
Charge: To oversee the nomination and selection process for the John McNaughton Rosebush Professorship.
Segregated Fee Committee
Charge: To provide advice to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs on the disbursement of segregated fees.
Student Conduct Panel
Charge: To serve on panel which provides members for various student disciplinary hearings. The work of the committee, including training and selection to serve on various panels, is coordinated by the Office of the Dean of Students.
Student Scholarly and Creative Activities Board
Charge: 1) To champion and support a wide range of student research and creative activities and facilitate student collaboration with faculty and instructional academic staff in scholarly and creative activities. 2) To exercise program oversight and manage the student/faculty collaborative research grant programs. A detailed description of the board’s duties may be found in the description of the Oshkosh Student Scholarly and Creative Activities Program.
Strategic Planning Committee
Under formation – Basic Information: The committee will work on planning, implementing, and reporting on the Strategic Plan for Campus
Senate of Academic Staff Committees
Committee on Committees
Charge: To present nominations of qualified academic staff to the Senate for the purpose of making needed internal and University committee appointments.
Outstanding Service Award
Charge: To solicit nominations, review credentials and forward recommendations to the Chancellor.
Professional Development Committee
Charge: To solicit and propose professional development activities for academic staff via the Faculty Development Board and other appropriate bodies.
Faculty Senate Committees (that have at least one seat for Academic Staff)
Academic Policies Committee
Charge: The Academic Policies Committee, subject to Senate approval, will carry out the faculty’s responsibility for the academic policies and programs of the university. For more specific information, see the Faculty Senate Academic Policies Committee document approved by the Faculty Senate on March 1, 1994
Assessment Committee (Faculty Senate Committee on Assessment of Student Learning)
Charge: Coordinate assessment efforts including (but not limited to) assessment in verbal and quantitative areas; assessment of general education program; assessment of undergraduate major programs, assessment of graduate programs. Monitor assessment activity including publication of program goals in appropriate documents; integration of assessment into program review; connecting assessment to program improvement. Plan including the development of university assessment plan; the development of professional development opportunities related to assessment; and determining budget requirements and advocating budgetary support for assessment activities.
Improvement of Instruction
Charge: The Faculty Senate Improvement of Instruction Committee will recommend university policies on instruction to the Faculty Senate. In cooperation with unit faculty and appropriate university officers, the committee makes recommendations for implementation of improvement and evaluation of teaching. It will maintain communication with appropriate committees and with appropriate university officers and agencies for the purpose of regularly reviewing and making recommendations to the Faculty Senate about matters related to teaching; such matters will include but not be limited to course scheduling, the calendar, use of university facilities, space for instruction, textbook orders, availability of library, computer, and other technological resources for instruction.
University Studies Program (USP) Committee [formerly APGES]
Charge: The University Studies Committee is responsible for the management, review, assessment, and approval of courses for the University Studies Program. In carrying out this general charge, the committee will periodically review university studies requirements and curriculum and will formulate and recommend any policy changes it deems appropriate. The committee will develop criteria for approving courses that satisfy University Studies requirements. The University Studies Committee will participate in any University-wide process to assess, plan or change the University Studies Program. Any proposals concerning the University Studies Program originating outside of the University Studies Committee will be received and considered by the committee. The committee may hold hearings on the University Studies Program or on any proposals concerning it and may submit proposals to a faculty referendum. All actions of the committee will be determined by a majority vote of the committee. All actions affecting the University Studies Program will be determined by recorded vote of the committee. The committee will forward its recommendations directly to the Faculty Senate. As it deems appropriate, the committee may send its recommendations to other governance groups, such as the Chair of the Academic Policies Committee (APC), the University Registrar, the President of Faculty Senate, the Chair of the University Assessment committee and the Provost.
Other Committees
Budget Process
Charge: To provide an inclusive process through which shared governance representatives help maintain and improve the Operating Budget Allocations Model (OBAM). The BPC makes advisory recommendations to the Chancellor concerning the operating features of OBAM, and in that capacity will: (1) Serve as steward of the OBAM manual; (2) Initiate peer/aspirant benchmark studies; (3) Participate in the Annual Budget Request Process to help contextualize budget requests by; (4) interpreting peer/aspirant benchmark studies; (5) Review budget language from UW System; (6) Review mandates with budgetary implications for the university to college/unit level; (7) Review MOUs within OBAM’s purview; (8) Review CRP changes within OBAM’s purview; (9) Contribute to ongoing OBAM training processes;(10) Work with the Academic Policies Committee (APC) on Academic Quality Indicators (AQIs); (11) Field and assess proposed model/manual changes; (12) Facilitate the drafting and modification of OBAM SLAs; (13) Submit a stylized annual report; (14) Commission a comprehensive review of OBAM once every six years.
UMC Advisory Group
Charge: This advisory group is charged with representing the campus voice in the strategy and direction of our campus marketing and communications initiatives. The advisory group will help position this university in both the short term and long term with integrated marketing communication strategies to enhance the image and visibility of UW Oshkosh and to drive institutional priorities that relate to recruitment, retention, outreach and service. The success of our future marketing and communications efforts will be contingent on the participation of the campus community. Their voice must be actively involved in planning and execution of our strategies, and this advisory group will ensure that. This advisory group will also serve as a platform for accountability in which the performance of the central efforts will be measured. As the new, integrated model of communications is adopted, the Advisory Group provides support and guidance to the University Marketing and Communications department responsible for the continued delivery of outcomes and associated business benefits. As such, the Advisory Group is responsible for overseeing implementation of the campus marketing vision including: establishing strategic goals, supporting the UMC staff regarding definition and measurement of success, championing the practice of integrated marketing communications across campus, securing resources, and resolving issues that impede progress.