Together, we are ending this year on a strong note, and I am so grateful for the many ways you have helped us get here.
As 2017 comes to a close, I am delighted to see members of our three campus communities stepping forward to serve in restructuring process that, in time, will transform us into a new university. Student leaders are volunteering time and sharing excellent questions and insights, as evident in last week’s UW-Fond du Lac and UW-Fox Valley student forums. Faculty and staff members are coming forward to offer their time and expertise as members of developing restructuring work groups. I hear almost daily of new connections being made, of colleagues coming together and of new opportunities being discovered.
The regional Restructuring will intensify after the New Year. We want to use our time between January 1 and the UW System-setJuly 1 completion target to the fullest. With that, expect invitations to join work groups and attend monthly town halls to be more frequent. We are creating a new volunteer form on theRestructuring website to make volunteering even easier. When that is available, I encourage you to get involved if you have not already. I am thrilled by the wave of interest already and appreciate the energy each campus community is bringing to this process.
For now, let me wish you and your loved ones a happy, peaceful holiday season. Take time to rest and recharge for 2018. I look forward to working with you all to keep our Lake Winnebago Region restructuring process moving forward.
– Chancellor Andy Leavitt
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