How to access and use Early Alerts through Navigate

Early Alert is powered by a tool called a Progress Report campaign in the Navigate student success management software system. Using Navigate, Early Alert entry is more convenient.
Instructors now enter all data, for all students in all their courses, on a single convenient and secure web form that does not require Navigate login. Simply click the button in the email you were sent on the first day of the early alert period. There’s a button at the bottom of the alert entry page you can use to submit what you’ve done so far and come back to do the rest later.
The student, their assigned advisor(s) and athletics coaches are notified immediately by email when you mark a student as at risk to fail your course. The student is asked to follow up with you, the course instructor, to learn how to improve their grade.
Accessing the Early Alert entry screen
If you can’t find the email containing your link, do not attempt to use another instructor’s link. The link is unique to each instructor and must not be shared. See Option 2 below.
Option 1 – From the email you received on the first day of the Early Alert period with the Subject “Early Alert Starts Today – open until [End_Date]”, there is a link titled ‘Click to Begin Entering Student Feedback’. Click that link to access the entry screen, no login required.
Option 2 – Go to, click on Titan Services menu, then Navigate, login with your NetID and go to your Professor Home screen. During the Early Alert open period a yellow banner shows at the top of your Professor Home screen with a link to the Early Alert entry screen.

Option 3 – Use this option if you’ve already completed your Early Alert form and need to add alerts for additional students that are now at-risk.
- Login to Navigate at or from the Titan Services dropdown at and login with your NetID when prompted.
- In Navigate, go to your Professor Home screen.
- On your Professor Home find the course for which you’d like to issue an alert in Class Listing box and click the Progress Reports link for that class.
- On the Progress Reports screen for the selected class find the student and check the box next to their name
- Click the Actions button.
- Click Create a New Progress Report in the dropdown (a popup window will appear).
- Fill out the Progress Report popup window.
- Click Submit Report
- Submitting a report with an At-Risk To Fail Your Class selection of Yes will cause Alert email to be sent to the student and an alert to be recorded on the student’s Navigate profile
Using the “Student Feedback” page to enter your alerts
DO NOT LEAVE the alert entry page without clicking one of the two submit buttons at the bottom of the page or you will lose all your work.
Mark the Yes button for all students who are at-risk to fail your course and select at least one Alert Reason from the dropdown. You can select multiple reasons. Students are provided the Alert Reason and Absences in the email they receive. The Current Grade and Comments are available for students to view in Navigate.

When you click either Submit button the students who you’ve marked as at-risk to fail your course will immediately receive an email notification alerting them of your assessment.
Alert emails ask the student to follow up with you to learn how they can improve to pass the class.
The alert email the student receives comes from your email address on the Navigate system ( If the student replies to the alert email, you will get that reply in your inbox and can reply to the student from Outlook.
The student’s academic advisor(s) and athletics team coach(es) are also notified by email.
Optional: Mark those students who are not at-risk to fail as ‘At risk to fail’ = No and provide optional Current Grade and Comments for those students. Please note students marked not at-risk to fail will not receive any follow up email communications but can see the Progress Report including your comments in Navigate.
Submitting the form (two options/buttons):
- Submit only marked students (but I’m not done)
Click this button if you need to Submit what you’ve entered so far, and come back later to do the rest, then click the top button labelled “Submit only marked students (but I’m not done)” See the explanation below this button for more information. - Submit unmarked students as not at-risk (I’m all done)
Only if you are completely done AND want to submit EVERY STUDENT on the form, click the bottom button. See the explanation below this button for full detail.