Campus Care and Belonging
A bias incident is any act, including conduct, speech, or expression, in which a biased motive (race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, pregnancy, marital or parental status, veteran or military status or any other category protected by law or University policy) is a clear contributing factor.
A hate crime is a bias-motivated incident that has risen to the level of a crime. To report a hate crime, please go to the University Police website to report the crime.
Each crime and bias incident is unique and will be followed up on a case by case basis.
Why should I report a bias incident?
By reporting a bias incident, the Bias Education and Support Team can respond accordingly and provide support, intervention, or education to address the behavior. To this end, reporting bias incidents informs school supports and interventions.
For more information, contact the Dean of Students Office or Center for Student Success and Belonging (CSSB).
What happens after a report is submitted?
Byron Adams
(920) 424-3080
Buzz Bares
(920) 424-3100
Alyssa Bolante
(920) 424-3081
Lori Develice Collins
Esmeralda Delgado
(920) 424-3081
Kiersten Karlsen
(920) 424-3100
John Palmer
(920) 424-3100
Houa Xiong
(920) 424-3100
2. The Bias Education and Support Team:
- Receives the submission and determines when and how to respond.
- Reaches out to anyone who may be impacted by the incident(s) to gather information and to offer support and resources.
- Connects with the individual(s) responsible and responds by taking the highest level of action available by policy, law, and in accordance with institutional values and expectations.
- Meets regularly to review cases and trends that inform institutional change, continuing to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all students.
- Communicates data with transparency to the university community through our website and through semi-annual campus climate meetings, inviting all students, staff and faculty to participate in the conversation.
- Attends annual training to continue our education in understanding current trends affecting communities on state, national, and global levels.