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The most important thing you can do is get to a safe place. If you believe you or anyone else is in immediate danger, call 911 as soon as possible.

Use the search function below to look for the reporting resource you need. Click here if you are unable to identify the appropriate form for your report.

Title IX Sexual MisconductAll UWO employees are considered Responsible Authorities (Responsible Employees and/or Campus Security Authorities) and must report disclosures of sexual misconduct to the University through this form. Title IX Confidential Resources may use the victim anonymous Clery Reporting Form or use this form with no personally identifiable information about the victim/survivor. Students, guests, and parent/guardians may also use this form to report sexual misconduct with or without personally identifiable information. Sexual misconduct includes, sexual assault, fondling, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, and sexual harassment. (Title IX Office)

Please reach out to Title IX Coordinator Amy Andersen with any questions or concerns:
Discrimination or HarassmentThis form can be used to report issues concerning Affirmative Action or Equal Employment Opportunity, discrimination, discriminatory harassment and retaliation, sexual violence or harrassment, consensual relationships, workplace violence, or child abuse/neglect. More information: (EOEAA)
Accessibility ConcernThis form can be used to submit comments, concerns or complaints regarding the University's commitment to maintaining an accessible and welcoming environment for individuals with disabilities. (EOEAA)
Workplace ConductUW Oshkosh promotes a working, learning, and social environment where all members of the campus community work together in a mutually respectful, psychologically healthy environment. Employees can report bullying, violence, threats, misuse of system property, ethics & Professional standards of conduct violations, and more. (Human Resources)
Executive Order 54—Child Abuse or NeglectAll UW System employees are required to report child abuse or neglect observed or learned of in the course of their employment immediately to local law enforcement or a county social services agency. (EOEAA)
Consensual Relationship ReportingUW Oshkosh has policies to ensure that the employment and academic environment is free from real or perceived conflicts of interest when UW employees, students, and affiliated individuals, in positions of unequal power, are involved in consensual romantic or sexual relationships. Any employee involved in a consensual relationship must report it to their supervisor and fill out this form. (Human Resources)
Complaints/GrievancesPolicies used for formally reporting a complaint or grievance.
Bias Motivated IncidentA bias incident is any act, including conduct, speech, or expression, in which a biased motive (race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, pregnancy, marital or parental status, veteran or military status or any other category protected by law or University Policy) is a clear contributing factor. (Dean of Students or Center for Student Success and Belonging (CSSB)

If the incident is a crime, please fill out the UWOPD Non-Emergency Incident form.
Student Care TeamThe overarching philosophy of the Student Care Team is that all students can benefit from coordinated care. If you are concerned about a student call the Dean of Students Office at (920) 424-3100 for assistance. (Dean of Students)
Non-Emergency IncidentIf you witness a non-emergency incident of criminal activity and would like to report it, please fill out this form. If immediate police assistance is needed, dial 911 (9911 from an on-campus landline) or call UWOPD at ext. 1212 before filling out this form. (UWOPD)
Work Injury and IllnessIf an injury or illness occurs at work, the employee must complete this report and submit to their supervisor promptly after the injury or illness has occurred. Learn more about worker's compensation at UW Oshkosh. (Risk and Safety)
Supervisor's Accident Analysis and PreventionIf an injury or illness occurs at work, the employee's supervisor must complete this report and submit to their supervisor. The employee's supervisor must ensure that the employee’s first injury/illness report and this form are submitted to the EHS Coordinator as soon as possible. Learn more about worker's compensation at UW Oshkosh. (Risk and Safety)
Vehicle IncidentIn case of an accident involving a state-owned vehicle, the driver of the vehicle must submit this completed and signed form within 24 hours of the accident. (Department of Administration)
Report a Safety Concern or Close CallThis form can be used to report a potential source of injury or property damage, i.e., an "accident waiting to happen;" or an incident that nearly resulted in injury or property damage, but didn't. If you believe there is immediate danger of severe injury or damage, dial 911 or call UWOPD at ext. 1212 before filling out this form. (Risk and Safety)
Integrity HotlineThe University of Wisconsin System has selected EthicsPoint to provide you with a simple and anonymous way to report activities that may involve misconduct, abuse, fraud, illegal activity, violations of university policy, or if you fear retaliation for speaking out. You may file a report online or by dialing (855) 827-4950. (UW System)
Conflicts of Interest/Outside Activities ReportingThe UW System requires that faculty, academic staff and limited appointees submit a report describing any remunerative outside activities they engage with in their field of professional interest. (UW System)
Clery Crime ReportingAll UWO employees, students, guests, and parent/guardians may use this form to report a crime anonymously as a victim/survivor or as a witness. This form is not for emergency crime reporting and will not result in University or police action or investigation (exception- if deemed a continuing threat to safety). The purpose of the Clery Crime Reporting Form is to collect unreported crime statistics, as required by federal law, to inform the UWO community and the general public and for inclusion in the Annual Security Report. Not all crime survivors choose to report to the University or law enforcement but may still want their crime counted and acknowledged. (Title IX Office)

Please reach out to Co-Clery Coordinator Amy Andersen with any questions or concerns:


Retaliation is defined as any attempted or completed adverse action taken without a legitimate reason against an individual because he or she has filed a complaint/report under the policy, opposed a policy or practice the individual believed was harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence or stalking; or participated in the investigation or resolution of a complaint. Retaliation is a violation of University Policy, whether or not the allegation is substantiated.


Confidential resources are noted. Overall, information shared via any of these reports that are not designated as confidential are treated as private. Private means the information shared will not be disclosed to anyone who does not have a need to know.

Other Reporting Options

For concerns unrelated to the other reports available on this page, or if you are having trouble finding the reporting resource you need, please use the following contact information:

For students or parents/guardians of students

Dean of Students Office
Phone: (920) 424-3100
Dempsey Hall 125

For faculty or instructional academic staff

Office of the Provost
Phone: (920) 424-0890
Dempsey Hall 335

For all staff

Human Resources or Equal Opportunity, Equity and Affirmative Action
Phone: (920) 424-1166
Dempsey Hall 328 and 337

Student Care Team

The Student Care Team (SCT) is a collaborative group that is responsible for coordinating care for students at UW Oshkosh. If you are concerned about a student, call the Dean of Students Office at (920) 424-3100 for assistance.

If there are additional forms or procedures that you would like to suggest for inclusion on this page, please send an email to 

Contact Us

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
800 Algoma Blvd.
Oshkosh, WI 54901
  (920) 424-1234


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