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Student Jobs

Students play a huge role in Reeve Union by helping out with union events and programs sponsored by Reeve Union and other departments and organizations on campus. Reeve Union offers a variety of positions for any UW Oshkosh student.

How to apply at Reeve Union

Reeve Union counts on student employees to perform many diverse and interesting jobs, including Office Assistants, Operations Team, Building Managers, Titan Central Assistants, Titan Underground Assistant, Web Developers, University Dining Office Assistants, Marketing/Design and more!

All open student employee positions are posted on Handshake. Questions about accessing Handshake? Contact Career & Professional Development at

Supervisors will contact you directly as they are processing through their hiring process. Applications are kept on file for three months from your application date. After three months, please re-apply to new job openings.

Please Note: To qualify for and continue employment with Reeve Union, you must be enrolled at least half time (6 credits), earn and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 (some positions require a higher GPA), demonstrate good customer service, human relations and communication skills.

Student Jobs with Aladdin

Aladdin Food & Services Management is a contracted company providing dining and catering services to UW Oshkosh and also has employment opportunities available. Aladdin conducts a recruitment and hiring process separate from Reeve Union.

To apply visit the Aladdin hiring website

  1. Click “Open Positions”
  2. In the search bar, select “Oshkosh” under city and all available jobs will be listed.

Please Note: If you are planning on working for Aladdin, they use e-verify and must have a picture ID plus your social security card, or just a passport (ID and passport must be current, not expired).