Room Reservation Checklist
Special Event Planning
If your event has any of the following characteristics, you will be asked to follow the timeline below. If you have questions about whether or not your event meets one of the characteristics, please contact Reeve Reservations.
If your event has any of the following characteristics, you will be asked to follow the timeline below. If you have questions about whether or not your event meets one of the characteristics, please contact Reeve Reservations.
Events with:
- More than 250 people
- Non-seated audiences (dances, concerts, rallies, marches, etc.)
- Amplified performance sound
- Potentially controversial topics or higher risk activities
- Presence of approved alcohol
- End time past normal building closing hours
Note that while outdoor events do not always fall in this category, they do require special approval from Reeve Reservations and may be required to go through this protocol as well, depending on the nature of the event.
Event Planning Timeline
6 weeks or more before your event:
- Reserve the space for your event.
- Work with space scheduler to schedule a pre-event meeting for your event. The event planner, your advisor and University Police must all be present for your meeting.
- Request Pepsi funds and/or Pepsi products if desired.
- Obtain approval from the University Police/Risk Management/Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs for any large inflatables or high-risk activities (before contracts are signed).
4 weeks before your event:
Attend a pre-event meeting. At this meeting, you should have information about:
- Set-up time, start time, end time, and cleanup time for your event
- Anticipated attendance #s (students and guests)
- Names of any contracted performers/DJs
- Name and contact info of advisor who will be attending and supporting student organization efforts at the event
- How many student organization monitors/volunteers that will be present and how they will be identified
- If food will be provided and from what vendor
- How student/guest check-in for your event is planned
After pre-event meeting, but before your event:
Verify all planning components have been confirmed and the event is approved to proceed as planned. This includes:
- Make any necessary changes to event planning from pre-event meeting and/or confirm any information requested.
- Work with the space scheduler to secure outside event approval if necessary.
- Obtain confirmation of acceptance from UP for any contracted performers/DJs or speakers.
- Confirm reservations for any necessary items for event check-in.
- Confirm room setup and tech needs with space scheduler.