Current Students

Here students will find information about advising, class schedules and registration, application forms, tuition fees and financial assistance options, course e-resources, opportunities for internships, scholarships, and fellowships, job resources, Stephen Hintz MPA Award, textbooks, e-reserves, Polk Library tutorials and writing help, information about technology tools, minimum requirements and help.

Newly Admitted Students
Welcome to the MPA Program at UW Oshkosh!
Dear newly admitted student,
Congratulations and welcome to the MPA program! You have joined a distinguished group of students, alumni, and faculty at UW Oshkosh! In order to make your transition as smooth as possible, please check the following information:
  • You can find information about semester schedules on the department’s home page. These are updated ahead of each semester. The schedules will indicate the format of delivery and faculty teaching the courses.
  • The long-term schedule for the MPA program can also be found on the department’s home page. It facilitates students in developing long-term plans for completing the MPA program.
  • You can register for classes, using Titan Web. Please look for ‘Master of Public Administration’ (MPA) program. The ‘Public Administration (PUB ADM)’ in Titan Web relates to the undergraduate public administration minor.
  • Register for classes in a timely manner, to reserve seats, or contact us for assistance with registration. Each class has a 20-seat capacity and fills quickly. If the class is filled it will close (become invisible) in Titan Web. Please see our closed class policy.
  • Please familiarize yourself with the Add/Drop Calendar at the Registrar’s office.
  • Early registration does not require an immediate payment.  Students are charged for the classes by the first due date of the semester. These due dates can be found on the Student Financial Services website. Generally, the first due date for fall and spring terms is at the end of the second week of classes. During summer, payments are due the first day of the summer term.
  • Use your university email only. Please check it regularly for class information from your professors as well as for updates from the department chair.
  • Please access the CANVAS online instructional platform for helpful class information posted by instructors before the semester starts.
  • You can check the texts for classes at the University Books and More by selecting the semester and MPA (and not Public Administration), and then the course number.
  •  It would be good to have a Titan Card issued either before classes or on the day of your first class.
  • Here is also information about university employment opportunities and career services (Handshake).
We look forward to meeting you and our current MPA students on the first day of classes!


Public Administration

Sage Hall 3464 and 4461
Oshkosh, WI 54901



Social Media



Contact Us

Phone: (920) 424-2030
Program Director:
Dr. Sam Larson
Hours: 7:30am - 3:30pm